Synthetic Mineral Fibers
Synthetic mineral fibers are fibrous inorganic substances made primarily from rock, clay, slag, or glass. These fibers are classified into three general groups: fiberglass (glass wool and glass filament), mineral wool (rock wool and slag wool), and refractory ceramic fibers (RCF). Many workers in the U.S. exposed to synthetic mineral fibers in manufacturing and end-use applications.
Exposures to synthetic mineral fibers are addressed in specific OSHA standards for general industry and maritime.
Health Effects
Provides resources that aid in recognizing synthetic mineral fiber hazards in the workplace.
Evaluating Exposure
Provides resources aid in evaluating exposures to synthetic mineral fibers in the workplace.
Possible Solutions
Provides resources that contain information to help control and prevent exposures to synthetic mineral fibers in the workplace.
Additional Resources
Provides links and references to additional resources related to exposures to synthetic mineral fibers in the workplace.