# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1910.1030(f)(3)(iii)(B) - Bloodborne Pathogens Post-Exposure Evaluation and Follow-up
2 - 1910.1030(f)(3)(iii)(A) - Bloodborne Pathogens Post-Exposure Evaluation and Follow-up
3 - 1910.1030(f)(3)(iii) - Bloodborne Pathogens Post-Exposure Evaluation and Follow-up
4 - 1910.1030(f)(1)(ii)(D) - Bloodborne Pathogens Post-Exposure Evaluation and Follow-up
5 - 1910.1030(f)(3) - Bloodborne Pathogens Post-Exposure Evaluation and Follow-up for Emergency Response Employees
6 - 1910.1030(f)(2) - Bloodborne Pathogens Training and Hepatitis B Vaccination
7 - 1910.1030(f) - Hepatitis B Virus Antibody Testing
8 - 1910.1030(f)(3)(iii) - HBV testing and vaccines, regulated medical waste, and sole proprietorship
9 - 1910.1030(f)(1) - HBV testing and vaccines, regulated medical waste, and sole proprietorship
10 - 1910.1030(f)(3) - Clarification of "as soon as feasible" when conducting post exposure evaluations
11 - 1910.1030(f)(1)(ii)(D) - Providing the hepatitis B vaccine to companion-sitters who may provide first aid as a collateral duty.
12 - 1910.1030(f)(2) - Providing the hepatitis B vaccine to companion-sitters who may provide first aid as a collateral duty.
13 - 1910.1030(f)(1)(i) - Handling of contaminated laundry in long-term care facilities.
14 - 1910.1030(f)(3) - Confidentiality of employee post-exposure evaluations as it pertains to the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard; use of portable fans in phlebotomy collection rooms.
15 - 1910.1030(f)(3)(iii)(B) - Whether an employee can waive right to have untested blood maintained for 90 days.
16 - 1910.1030(f)(2)(i) - Whether an employer is required to start over an incompleted Hepatitis B vaccination series.
17 - 1910.1030(f)(1)(ii)(D) - Whether an employer is required to start over an incompleted Hepatitis B vaccination series.
18 - 1910.1030(f) - Application of OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030, to employees in wastewater treatment plants.
19 - 1910.1030(f)(2)(ii) - Documentation of employees' hepatitis B vaccination status.
20 - 1910.1030(f)(2)(i) - Documentation of employees' hepatitis B vaccination status.
21 - 1910.1030(f)(3)(ii)(A) - Use of rapid HIV antibody testing on a source individual after an exposure incident.
22 - 1910.1030(f)(3) - Employer's obligation to assure the accuracy of the sharps injury log.
23 - 1910.1030(f)(1)(i) - Periodic serologic testing to monitor antibody concentrations after completion of the hepatitis B vaccine three-dose series is not recommended.
24 - 1910.1030(f) - Applicability of the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard to the municipal solid waste industry.
25 - 1910.1030(f)(1) - Hepatitis B vaccine and titer requirements for firefighters, police, and EMTs.
26 - 1910.1030(f)(2) - Hepatitis B vaccination requirements for employees providing first aid as a collateral duty.
27 - 1910.1030(f)(1)(ii)(D) - Application of 1910.1030 (HBV vaccination series) to police, firefighters, and accident investigators.
28 - 1910.1030(f)(2)(v) - HBV antibody testing is required after vaccination series;HBV booster not required.
29 - 1910.1030(f)(1)(i) - HBV antibody testing is required after vaccination series;HBV booster not required.
30 - 1910.1030(f)(5) - Employers must ensure that post-exposure follow-up procedures are provided.
31 - 1910.1030(f)(3) - Employers must ensure that post-exposure follow-up procedures are provided.
32 - 1910.1030(f)(1)(ii) - Employer's responsibility to provide time and transportation for Hepatitis B vaccinations.
33 - 1910.1030(f) - Application of provisions of the Bloodborne Pathogens standard to Funeral and Nursing Homes.