# Regulations
1 - - Woodworking machinery requirements.
# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1910.213(h)(1) - Specification for Lower Blade Guards for Radial Arm Saws
2 - 1910.213(h)(1) - Guarding requirements for the "Speed Cut" radial saw.
3 - 1910.213(h)(1) - Guarding requirements for radial saws.
4 - 1910.213(h)(1) - Guarding requirements for radial saws.
# Directives
1 - 1910.213(h)(1) - National - STD 01-12-018 [STD 1-12.18] - 29 CFR 1910.213(c)(l) and (h)(1), Woodworking Machinery Guarding Requirements
2 - 1910.213(h)(1) - National - STD 01-12-017 [STD 1-12.17] - 29 CFR 1910.213(h)(1), Radial Saw Guards