# Standard Interpretations
1 - 1910.303(g)(2)(i) - Guarding requirements for 50 volts or more DC.
2 - 1910.303(g)(2) - Guarding energized equipment at voltages below 60 volts DC.
3 - 1910.303(g), 1910.303(g)(2) - Guarding energized equipment at voltages below 60 volts DC.
4 - 1910.303(g)(2) - Guarding energized electrical parts within cable trays (H.D. Roberts Jr/DEP/GIE/Harvey/26006)
5 - 1910.303(g), 1910.303(g)(2) - Guarding energized electrical parts within cable trays (H.D. Roberts Jr/DEP/GIE/Harvey/26006)
6 - 1910.303(g)(2) - Update to September 26, 2002 interpretation letter regrading the guarding of live parts electrical requirements.
7 - 1910.303(g)(1) - Update to September 26, 2002 interpretation letter regrading the guarding of live parts electrical requirements.
8 - 1910.303(g)(2)(ii) - Requirements for working clearances and spaces around electrical equipment, e.g., ladder cable trays.
9 - 1910.303(g), 1910.303(g)(2)(ii) - Requirements for working clearances and spaces around electrical equipment, e.g., ladder cable trays.
10 - 1910.303(g)(1) - Electrical equipment grounding requirements on concrete floors.
11 - 1910.303(g)(2) - Use of ANSI C2-1997 as guidance for protecting employees working near insulated shielded conductors
12 - 1910.303(g)(1)(i) - Access and working space requirements for electric equipment (600V or less).
13 - 1910.303(g)(2) - Motor wiring connects.
14 - 1910.303(g)(1) - Safety electrical work practices; motor disconnects;work clearances.