- Part Number:1915
- Part Number Title:Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment
- Subpart:1915 Subpart P
- Subpart Title:Fire Protection in Shipyard Employment
- Standard Number:
- Title:Precautions for hot work.
- GPO Source:
General requirements—
Designated Areas. The employer may designate areas for hot work in sites such as vessels, vessel sections, fabricating shops, and subassembly areas that are free of fire hazards.
Before authorizing hot work in a non-designated area, the employer must visually inspect the area where hot work is to be performed, including adjacent spaces, to ensure the area is free of fire hazards, unless a Marine Chemist's certificate or Shipyard Competent Person's log is used for authorization.
The employer shall authorize employees to perform hot work only in areas that are free of fire hazards, or that have been controlled by physical isolation, fire watches, or other positive means.
Note to paragraph (a)(2): The requirements of paragraph (a)(2) apply to all hot work operations in shipyard employment except those covered by § 1915.14.
Specific requirements—
All disconnected fuel gas and oxygen hose lines are rolled back to the supply manifold or to open air to disconnect the torch; or extended fuel gas and oxygen hose lines are not reconnected at the supply manifold unless the lines are given a positive means of identification when they were first connected and the lines are tested using a drop test or other positive means to ensure the integrity of fuel gas and oxygen burning system.
[69 FR 55702, Sept. 15, 2004]