- Record Type:OSHA Instruction
- Current Directive Number:STD 01-03-001
- Old Directive Number:STD 1-3.1
- Title:Citation for 5(a)(1) Violation when 29 CFR 1910.68 is Inapplicable
- Information Date:
OSHA Instruction STD 1-3.1 October 30, 1978
Subject: Citation for 5(a)(1) Violation When 29 CFR 1910.68 Is Inapplicable
1. Purpose
- The purpose of this directive is to insure judicious enforcement and
clarify the confusion concerning using 5(a)(1) where 29 CFR 1910.68 is
inapplicable because the manlift in question was installed prior to August
27, 1971.
2. Documentation Affected
- This directive supersedes Field Information Memorandum #74-76 dated
September 30, 1974.
3. Background
- It has been determined that a citation for 5(a)(1) is appropriate
where the condition is a recognized imminent danger or serious
4. Action
- a. Citations would be issued where the hazardous condition is
easily identifiable. If the manlift is merely an inch narrower than the
width specified in the standard, a citation for 5(a)(1) should not be issued.
On the other hand, if 14 out of 20 steps on which the employees are to stand
are missing, a citation for 5(a)(1) should be issued because the danger to
employees is obvious.
- b. The CSHO shall consult with the appropriate Regional Solicitor
where there is any doubt regarding the issuance of a 5(a)(1) citation for
manlift hazards. This is important because the ANSI standard, which usually
can be used to demonstrate that the hazard is a recognized one, is also
OSHA Instruction STD 1-3.1 October 30, 1978
5. Effective Date
- This directive is effective immediately and will remain in effect
until canceled or superseded.
Richard P. Wilson Deputy Director, Federal Compliance and State Programs
DISTRIBUTION: A-1 E-1 B-2 HEW-1 C-1 NIOSH Regional Directors-1 D-4&5 NACOSH-1 Training Institute-4
(Originator: OCCS)