If the employer is located in a state under federal OSHA jurisdiction, send an email to foiarequests@dol.gov, with the following information if you are seeking inspection records.
Inspection number (find it through inspections search)
City and state where incident occurred
Date incident occurred
Employer name that was inspected
Your name (the requester) and your physical address.
Choose only what is needed. In your email, let us know what records you want:
OSHA-1. OSHA Inspection Report/Violation Worksheet (Formerly OSHA-1B Worksheet)
Safety Narrative. Inspection Report (Formerly OSHA – 1A, Inspection Narrative Report)
Violation Worksheet
Settlement Agreement
Management or Managerial witness statements
We encourage you to remove any request for records that are potentially: 1) commercial or financial; 2) confidential or privileged; and 3) received from a business. These records must go through Executive Order 12600 review, which increases the processing time. If you don’t need these records, add the following language to your request:
I am not requesting any records subject to Executive Order 12600.
If the employer is not under federal OSHA, send your request to the state plan.
Contact us if you have a question about your FOIA request.