Chemical Reactivity Hazards


  • Ammonia Refrigeration. OSHA eTool. Assists employers and employees in identifying and controlling the hazards associated with the operation and maintenance of ammonia refrigeration systems. Many of the requirements of the Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard, 29 CFR 1910.119, are identified in this eTool as possible controls and are useful as recommended practices, whether or not the ammonia refrigeration system is a covered process.

Chemicals have the ability to react when exposed to other chemicals or certain physical conditions. The reactive properties of chemicals vary widely and they play a vital role in the production of many chemical, material, pharmaceutical, and food products we use daily. When chemical reactions are not properly managed, they can have harmful, or even catastrophic consequences, such as toxic fumes, fires, and explosions. These reactions may result in death and injury to people, damage to physical property, and severe effects on the environment. Process Safety Management is used to prevent and mitigate chemical reactivity hazards.


Chemical reactivity hazards are addressed in specific OSHA standards for general industry and construction.

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Hazard Recognition

Provides references that aid in recognizing chemical reactivity hazards.

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Hazard Evaluation

Provides information that may aid in evaluating reactive interactions and their potential hazards.

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Control and Prevention

Provides information about the control and prevention of chemical reactivity hazards, including laboratory safeguards.

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Additional Resources

Provides links and references to additional resources related to chemical reactivity hazards.

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  • Ammonia Refrigeration. OSHA eTool. Assists employers and employees in identifying and controlling the hazards associated with the operation and maintenance of ammonia refrigeration systems. Many of the requirements of the Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard, 29 CFR 1910.119, are identified in this eTool as possible controls and are useful as recommended practices, whether or not the ammonia refrigeration system is a covered process.