Millions of workers are exposed to solvents on a daily basis. Health hazards associated with solvent exposure include toxicity to the nervous system, reproductive damage, liver and kidney damage, respiratory impairment, cancer, and dermatitis. Solvents share many chemical, physical, and biological properties that warrant national attention be directed to them as a group. In addition, many solvent groups or individual substances have special properties requiring more specialized control measures
Exposures to solvents are addressed in specific OSHA standards for the general industry, maritime, and construction.
Hazard Recognition
Provides references that aid in recognizing solvent hazards in the workplace.
Evaluating Exposure
Provides information about the evaluation of occupational exposures to solvents.
Possible Solutions
Provides references about possible solutions for solvent hazards in the workplace.
Additional Resources
Provides general sources for information on toxic chemicals, including solvents.