Advisory Committee on Construction Safety & Health (ACCSH)

Outreach & Training Construction Workgroup Report

Workgroup Co-Chairs: Kevin Cannon, William Hering, Roger Erickson

Co-chair, Kevin Cannon, called the meeting to order at 8:00 am.

Following introductions, the minutes from the November 28, 2012 meeting were reviewed.

OSHA 10 & 30 Hour Course Introduction Review

Handouts of recommended modifications to the "Introduction to OSHA" and a print out of PowerPoint topics were provided.

Jim Maddux spoke on previous motion made by Pete Stafford at the May 9, 2012 meeting. Henry Payne spoke on possible difficulties from the Department on how to limit, what to limit on the issue. Discussion centered on does the curriculum support the objectives of the topic, concern of instructors being able to cover the information in a set timeframe and giving the instructor the flexibility to cover the objectives as they see fit.

Other concerns were immigrant workers may be not being familiar with OSHA and use of the on-line training to support training. Mr. Payne gave a brief background on on-line training. Currently, eleven (11) entities have permission to conduct training. Problems have been encountered regarding fraud and customer service issues and the department is in the process of revising their solicitation process. Clarification on the 90/180-day time frame for completion of on-line training was requested. Mr. Payne stated that time frame is 180 days. The questions of whether research was being done RE: on-line vs. hands-on training. Mr. Payne has seen "no significant difference".

The recommendation was made to change the current requirement to a minimum of one hour and allow additional flexibility to the instructor.

Determination was the committee has a recommendation which needs to be refined before sending on. A recommendation was also made to add "the rights of injured workers" to a revised motion.

Fall Campaign

Mr. Maddux spoke on the success of the campaign. The department is pleased with the program and will continue for a second year.

Harwood Update

Mr. Payne spoke to the two types of grants: Capacity-Building Grants and Traditional Targeted-Topic Grants. Mr. Payne talked on the process for awarding grants and that a little over $11 million has been awarded during this period.

Compliance Assistance Material Gap Analysis

Mr. Maddux reported on additional fact sheets and updates and revisions to current materials. The department will provide these materials to the work group. He estimated there are currently 75-100 products available. Discussion included questions regarding electronic application of materials and the difference between "apps" in relations to "links".

Next Steps/New Business

Commitment was made to refine "Intra to OSHA" recommendation to the committee.

There was considerable discussion on the Trainer Refresher Course (OSHA 500/502). Concerns over cost and quality of the course were voiced. The consensus was, "What is the purpose of the refresher and are we currently meeting that objective?"

Mr. Payne gave a brief background on training with "Introduction to Hazard Awareness" being the original purpose. It was initially thought that trainers would eventually need updates on new standards as they come up. The question was asked if OSHA is interested in reviewing the trainer refresher matter and Mr. Payne responded they were. Further discussion included what are the objectives, quality performance and alternatives to the current refresher courses.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 am.


The Outreach & Training Workgroup moves that ACCSH recommends that OSHA maintains and enhances the "Introduction to OSHA" learning objectives, which should include the rights of workers to report injuries without retaliation. Furthermore, the set two (2) hour time requirement be eliminated and left to the discretion of the instructor conducting the class.