Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health
November 28, 2012

Diversity, Multilingual, Women in Construction

Co-Chairs: Laurie Shadrick, Jeremy Bethancourt, Kristi Barber

Welcome/Self Introductions/New ACCSH Member Introductions

Kathleen Dobson: Alberici Constructors, NAWIC Presentation:

Presentation on NAWIC (National Association of Women In Construction) and the participation of women in construction. NAWIC's areas of concern are sanitary facilities, PPE/Ergonomics/Tools, Harassment/Hostility/Training. NAWIC desires to form an Alliance with to help address these items. Pete Stafford, ACCSH Chairman, asked how we can combine the goals of NAWIC with OSHA.

Letitia Davis asked if it is possible for OSHA to add a link to their website for people to get answers on sexual harassment. Discussion ensued about how that is related to safety & health and several group members concluded that it could be a catalyst for workplace violence and that perhaps then would permit OSHA to provide a link as a resource to the EEOC or Office of Federal Compliance Plans. No consensus or recommendation was made. The discussion ended and transitioned to the new web site.

Women in Construction Fact Sheet and Website: Danezza Quintero

Women In Construction Draft Fact Sheet was reviewed. There was only one issue that the group found as a whole that caused serious discussion. The reference where it is states that "ACCSH recommends" would be better received by industry if it also referenced OSHA recommends.

Letitia Davis pointed out that the PPE portion of the draft fact sheet seemed very negative. There was discussion about whether the document is too negative and should be should be providing solutions and empowerment to the reader to know there are solutions. There was consensus that there was not enough time to put together comments because the group was only just presented the information. OSHA asked the group to provide comments on the draft fact sheet and draft web site.

It was decided ACCSH members should review the material (including ability to go on the computer and access the web site and all links on the site so we can see how it functions) and submit their recommendations to the co-chairs who will then compile comments for eventual submission to the body of the whole after review by the ACCSH Chairman. OSHA asked that we get the comments back within a 30 day time frame.

It was proposed that a teleconference be scheduled within that time to allow further discussion among the committee before the comments on the draft fact sheet and draft web site are submitted to OSHA.

Sarah Shortall asked if the NIOSH website addressed hazardous chemicals and reproductive health hazards to exposed employees. Matt Gillen from NIOSH responded no. He commented that this needed to have the proper approach so that women weren't excluded from work activities because of the wording.


After all discussion on the material, it was decided ACCSH recommends to OSHA to revise the draft fact sheet to include OSHA along with ACCSH, recommends that employers provide and maintain sanitary toilets for their employees. ACCSH Chair Pete Stafford made the motion and was seconded by Chuck Stribling.

Women in Construction Web Page review:

Danezza Quintero: The web page was in draft and OSHA would continue working with it.

Laurie Shadrick asked that ACCSH members be provided the opportunity to see all links and back information on the website in order to give a complete evaluation.

New Business:

Scott Schnieder talked about the Latino summit and if anything similar was planned in the future. Mr. Maddox said that nothing was planned on a National level but potentially Regional OSHA offices were conducting similar meetings.

Scott Schneider asked if there was a strategic plan to help immigrant workers. He commented that OSHA provided good information to foreign workers for clean-up efforts after Hurricane Sandy.

Handouts included:

Issues Affecting Women In Construction and the proposed NAWIC/OSHA Alliance

Draft OSHA Fact Sheet

Draft OSHA Webpage

Minutes from previous meeting

Original ACCSH Group Women In Construction Fact Sheet

Meeting adjourned at 4:00 pm.

Motion for ACCSH:

ACCSH suggests to OSHA that the wording in the OSHA Fact Sheet on Women in Construction be modified to say: "To avoid health and safety hazards, OSHA and ACCSH recommends that employers provide and maintain sanitary toilets"

Question was asked if we could put a link to resources on sexual harassment on the OSHA website.