Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health
Training and Outreach Workgroup
December 3, 2014
Room N-4437C/D

Meeting Notes


The Training and Outreach workgroup met on December 3, 2014 to receive an update on the 2014 Falls Stand Down campaign, Safety Leadership module including an update on the Safety Climate workshop, and Quick Takes promotion.

Training and Outreach Workgroup members present were:

Employer Representatives

Cindy DePrater-Employer Rep
Vice President
Director Environmental Health and Safety
Turner Construction


Jerry E. Rivera-Employer Rep
Safety Director
Power Design Inc.


Kevin Cannon-Employer Rep
Director of Safety and Health Services
Associate General Contractors

Employee Representatives

Roger Erickson-Employee Rep
MOST Administrators
International Brotherhood and Boilermakers,
Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers &

Erich J. (Pete) Stafford
Director of Safety and Health
Building and Construction Trades Department
Executive Director
CPWR-The Center for Construction Research
and Training

Sarah M. Coyne
International Union of Painters and Allied

The Training and Outreach workgroup meeting was called to order by Jerry E. Rivera at 1:00PM. The meeting commenced with self-introductions by Training and Outreach group members and members of the general public.

The first presentation was conducted by Jessica Bunting from The Center for Construction Research and Training {CPWR). The update was on the 2014 Falls Stand-Down. She reported that this was the second year that the Fall Prevention Campaign was conducted. Based on the success of the campaign, OSHA is recommending that the Fall Prevention Campaign be conducted in 2015.

The number of participants that reported participation represented over 770, 193 employees. This number does not account the 660,000 participants for the United States Air Force. In addition, the largest participants reported were commercial construction and other construction category.

Some of the activities reported during the Fall Prevention Stand-Down were training, toolbox, posters, and handouts.

The presentation was titled Analysis of OSHA's 2014 National Falls Stand-Down Certificate and it was available as a handout.


  • Should this event be conducted simultaneously with the 2015 U.S. Industry Safety week or should we continue this as a separate event?

  • Can we conduct this type of campaigns quarterly rather than annually? If we decide to do it quarterly, what topics would be relevant and what title should we use so everybody understands the purpose of the activity?

  • Should registration be accomplished with a mobile application?

The second presentation was on Safety Leadership. This presentation was originally intended to be presented by Mr. Wilson Yancey, Vice President of Environmental, Health and Safety for Quanta Service. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Mr. Wilson could not present and Mr. Jarrett Quayle, M.S., CSP, OHST Director of Safety and Health for Utility Service Group of MasTec North America conducted the presentation on the proposed topic. Mr. Quayle gave a high level review of the OSHA Strategic Partnership Agreement between OSHA AND ETD Construction Contractors, the IBEW, and Trade Associations Partnership #325 specifically the Safety Leadership curriculum. The report revealed that over 320 instructors and 6,500 supervisors have been trained.

The curriculum summary includes:

  • Supervisors Training on Accident Reduction Technique (S.T.A.R.T)

  • On the Front Line

  • Speak Up

  • Listen Up

  • Job Hazard Analysis Techniques

  • Pre-Job Briefing

  • Conducting Effective Safety Meetings

  • Site inspections

  • Skills Assessment

More details are available on the handout titled: Executive Summary Supervisory Leadership Skill Outreach Training Course.

On the same topic of Safety Leadership module, Mr. Pete Stafford gave a brief update on the 8 Leading Indicator of Safety Climate. Mr. Stafford reported on the Supervisory Leadership component goal of a possible 3- Hour module being introduced to the OSHA 30 Hour course. The planned project activities are to assemble the curriculum development team during the first year. The second and third year would be used to revise or update modules. The fourth and fifth years would be focused on the development of a Train the Trainer material.

More information is available on the handout titled: 8 Leading Indicators of Safety Climate.

The Quick Takes promotion was conducted by Jim Maddux, Director ofthe Directorate of Construction. Mr. Maddux reported that there are currently 78,000 subscribers but OSHA would like to reach a milestone of 100,000 subscribers by the end of 2015. Mr. Maddux addressed the Training and Outreach Workgroup for the purpose of gaining support in the initiative.

Members of the general public attended and attendance was recorded via sign on roster.

The Training and Outreach Workgroup meeting was adjourned at 3:00PM