ACCSH Health Hazards, Emerging Issues, and Prevention through Design Workgroup
December 1, 2015
Co-Chairs: Christine Branche and Steve Hawkins
The Work Group discussed two items that make for recommendations:
The potential for Construction Focus 4 Health, modeled in part on Construction Focus 4 Safety; and
The potential for a noise app.
We discussed briefly Safety and Health Management Systems (SHMS).
Concerning (a), our recommendation is that OSHA consider supporting AIHA as it considers a proposal put before its Board to consider Construction Focus 4 Health. The topics under consideration are temperature extremes; respiratory hazards; musculoskeletal illnesses; and noise. Furthermore, we recommend that the effort begin with an emphasis on awareness across the industry.
Justification: These topics are broadly defined, and can be expanded and collapsed as occasion serves; are driven by data, for the most part; can draw a wide network of support; can include hierarchy of control(s), training and personal protective equipment, and prevention through (by) design.
Concerning (b), our recommendation is that OSHA considers packaging elements suggested by Scott Schneider into one app (see attached Noise App Proposal).
Justification: OSHA is in a position to encourage external entities to develop the app using information compiled by OSHA, NIOSH and others.