John Stephen Frost
Assistant Director
University of South Florida OSHA Training Institute Education Center
Term Expires: 01/16/2027
Jay W. Withrow, Esq.
Director of the Division of Legal Support
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry
Term Expires: 08/01/2025
Cynthia Lewis, MSPH, CSP, CIT
Director, Office of Professional Development and Program Evaluation
Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Term Expires: 11/15/2025
Michael D. Larranaga, PhD
Managing Principal and President
REM Risk Consultants
Term Expires: 08/01/2025
Kirk M. Sander
Chief of Staff and VP of Safety and Standards
National Waste and Recycling Association
Term Expires: 01/16/2027
Andrew D. Perkins, CIH, CSP
Senior Industrial Hygienist
Alabama Power Company
Term Expires: 08/01/2025
Bobbi Jo Hurst
Employee Health/Infection Control RN
Orthopedic Associates of Lancaster
Term Expires: 11/15/2025
Suzanne Teran, MPH
Associate Director
Labor Occupational Health Program
UC Berkeley
Term Expires: 08/01/2025
Rebecca Reindel
Director, Safety & Health Director
National AFL-CIO
Term Expires: 01/16/2027
Jessica Garcia
Assistant to the President
Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union
Term Expires: 08/01/2025
Ray Ruiz
Loss Control Manager
American Equity Underwriters
Term Expires: 08/01/2025
Sarah Williams Ischer
Senior Director, Expertise
What Works Institute
Term Expires: 01/16/2027
Andrew Levinson
Designated Federal Official
Phone: 202-693-2048
Lisa Long
Alternate Designated
Federal Official
Phone: 202-693-2235
Jennifer Levin
Committee Counsel
Phone: 202-693-5445
Janae A. Hughley
Committee Support
Phone: 202-693-2294
Department of Health and Human Services
395 E St SW, Suite 9200
Washington, DC 20201
Roger Rosa, PhD
Senior Scientist
Office of the Director
Phone: 202-245-0626