The OSHA and LIA Alliance is committed to providing LIA members and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect the health and safety of workers, particularly by: (1) reducing and preventing exposure to beam and non-beam hazards in industrial, construction, medical and research workplaces; and (2) understanding the rights of workers and the responsibilities of employers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act).

Through the Alliance, the organizations will help identify training opportunities and areas of emphasis for Alliance awareness, outreach, and communication activities. The Alliance will also explore and implement a means to evaluate the effectiveness of the Laser Safety training program. In renewing this Alliance, OSHA and LIA recognize that OSHA's State Plan and On-site Consultation Project partners are an integral part of the OSHA national effort, and that they may participate in Alliance activities. The Alliance goals include:

Training and Education

  • Deliver the Laser Safety Best Practices Seminar three times per year to OSHA staff, On-site Consultation staff, and Compliance Officers in selected Regional/Area Offices. OSHA's State Plan Compliance Officers and Onsite Consultation staff in the selected regions will be invited to attend.
  • Develop a web based training program focusing on the Laser Safety Best Practices Seminar that can be accessed by OSHA staff, OSHA State Plan staff and Onsite Consultation staff. The online training webinar will be developed and instituted within the first two years of the agreement.

Outreach and Communication

  • Disseminate quarterly (via print and electronic media, social media, electronic assistance tools, and the LIA's web site) information on topics such as OSHA's initiatives, workers' rights, employer and employee responsibilities, and other information on occupational safety and health to employers and workers in the laser industry.
  • Provide opportunities annually for OSHA to speak, exhibit, or appear at the Lasers in Manufacturing Event and for OSHA's participation at the biennial International Laser Safety Conference.
  • Work with other Alliance participants (e.g., The Joint Commission and Joint Commission Resources) to make training on laser safety available to their members, as appropriate.

Products and Resources

Alliance Program Participant Developed Products
OSHA Safety and Health Topics Pages
OSHA eTools
Additional Resources
Alliance Implementation Team members participated in the development of this resource.