ACC - Alliance Annual Report - September 1, 2007

OSHA and The American Chemistry Council (ACC)
September 1, 2007

  1. Alliance Background

    Date Signed

    November 14, 2005


    Through the Alliance, OSHA and the ACC work together to provide OSHA, the ACC's members and Responsible Care® Partners, and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect employees' health and safety, particularly through matters of mutual interest in promoting high levels of safety and health performance and improved dialogue through the OSHA Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) and ACC's Responsible Care Initiative.

    Implementation Team Members

    Both the ACC and OSHA have experienced transition of key participants. As a result, the current implementation team is limited to a representative from OSHA and the following representatives from ACC:

    Jack Cherry
    Rohm and Haas Company (ACC member company)
    Cathy Oliver
    Director, OSHA's Office of Partnerships and Recognition, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
    Tomaysa Sterling
    Director, Responsible Care


    During the evaluation period the following individuals contributed to the implementation and management of the Alliance:

    Bill Belton
    Occidental Chemical and OSHA Special Government Employee (SGE)
    Ed Chow
    Former MBA Fellow, OSHA
    Amy Duvall
    Former Director, Responsible Care, ACC
    Bill Grimes
    Assistant Regional Administrator, Region IV, OSHA
    Marthe Kent
    Regional Administrator, Region I, OSHA
    Davis Layne
    President, Voluntary Protection Programs Participants Association (VPPPA)
    Kevin Rockwell
    VPP Coordinator, Houston South Area Office, Region VI, OSHA
    Dan Roczniak
    Robert Sanders
    Former MBA Fellow, Region I and DCSP, OSHA
    Laura Seeman
    Team Leader, Office of State Programs, DCSP, OSHA
    Barry Stutts
    Bayer Specialty Chemicals (former)
    Tomaysa Sterling
    Director, Responsible Care, ACC
    Laura Tew
    Arch Chemical
    Brad Verrico
    Verrico Associates
    Mike Yarnell
    Compliance Assistance Specialist, Region II, OSHA

    Evaluation Period

    This evaluation covers the period from November 2005 through November 2007.

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    December 7, 2005
    Alliance Implementation Team Kick-off Meeting
    July 24, 2007
    Alliance Implementation Team Meeting

    In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance Implementation Team members from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance's progress and results.

  3. Results


    OSHA and ACC are working together to identify new milestones that can achieved through an Alliance. In addition, future plans include identifying other safety and health issues that the organizations would like to address through an Alliance agreement to benefit the chemical industry.

    Report prepared by: Laura L. Seeman, ACC Alliance Coordinator December 1, 2007

    1. Events and Products

      Training and Education Goals


      During this evaluation period, no products or activities were developed to meet this Alliance goal.


      During this evaluation period, no products or activities were developed to meet this Alliance goal.

      • Work with OSHA to provide expertise to develop training and education programs for participants in Responsible Care® and VPP, regarding the similarities and differences in the two programs and to provide expertise in communicating such information to individuals interested in applying for either program.
      • Work with OSHA to provide expertise in the development of training and education programs for VPP evaluators (including VPP Regional staff) and Responsible Care auditors, regarding the similarities and differences in the two programs and communicate such information to appropriate individuals.

      Outreach and Communication Goals

      • Work with OSHA to provide expertise in developing information which will continue to promote the goals of this Alliance.


      OSHA and ACC Alliance Web page on OSHA's Web site

      OSHA maintains an OSHA and ACC Alliance Web page on the Agency's Web site. The Web page includes links to the OSHA and ACC Alliance agreement, news releases and Alliance-related speeches. For information on the number of visits to the OSHA and ACC Alliance Web page, please see the Alliance Program Reach table.

      ACC and OSHA Alliance Web page on ACC's Web site

      ACC maintains information on the OSHA and ACC Alliance on the Responsible Care® toolkit site, and the ACC Responsible Care® site. The information included on these sites includes press releases, OSHA/ACC Alliance articles, updates on the progress of the program, and presentations conducted by ACC.

      Print and Electronic Media

      Articles about the OSHA and ACC Alliance have appeared in a number of news releases and print and online publications, including: OSHA's news releases, The Leader (VPPPA's magazine), and American Chemistry Magazine. For more information on the articles, please see the Alliance Program Reach table.

      ACC Responsible Care®/OSHA VPP Alliance Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

      Through the Alliance, ACC developed an FAQ document was posted on ACC's Web site in Spring 2006 and linked to from the OSHA and ACC Alliance Web page. The groups also identified potential opportunities for promoting the document.

      Overview of the ACC Responsible Care®/OSHA Voluntary Protection Programs Alliance

      Through the Alliance, ACC developed a one-page Alliance overview that was posted on ACC's Web site in June 2006 and linked to from the OSHA and ACC Alliance Web page. The groups also identified potential opportunities for promoting the document.

      Gap Analysis Worksheet for Facilities Currently Responsible Care® Management System Certified, but Seeking OSHA's Voluntary Protection Programs Certification

      Through the Alliance, OSHA and ACC developed a tool for worksites that was posted on ACC's Web site in November 2005 and linked to from the OSHA and ACC Alliance Web page.

      Gap Analysis Worksheet for Facilities Currently Participating in OSHA's Voluntary Protection Programs Certification, but Seeking Responsible Care Management System® Certification

      Through the Alliance, OSHA and ACC developed a tool for worksites that was posted on ACC's Web site in November 2005 and linked to from the OSHA and ACC Alliance Web page.

      • Speak, exhibit or appear at OSHA's VPP or ACC's Responsible Care conferences, meetings or sponsored events regarding the similarities and differences between each program to encourage participation.


      Workshops and Conferences

      During the reporting period, OSHA and ACC representatives participated in a number of workshops and conferences about OSHA's VPP and ACC's Responsible Care:

      • On April 19, 2006, Amy DuVall, ACC; Jack Cherry, Rohm and Haas (ACC member company); and Davis Layne, President, VPPPA presented a session on the OSHA and ACC Alliance during the VPPPA Chapter Region IV VPPPA Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

      • On June 8, 2006, Kevin Rockwell, VPP Coordinator, Region VI, Houston South, Texas Area Office, USDOL-OSHA was a speaker during the panel, "The Regulators' Views on Responsible Care Management System®: Will RCMS or RC14001 Get You Anything from OSHA and TCEQ," at the 2006 Texas Chemical Council/Association of Chemical Industries of Texas Environmental Health & Safety Seminar in Galveston, Texas. Amy DuVall, ACC, moderated the panel and assisted Mr. Rockwell with developing his presentation.

      • During the 2006 National VPPPA Conference in Orlando, Florida, Brad Verrico, Verrico Associates; Jack Cherry, Rohm and Haas (ACC member company), and Barry Stutz, Bayer (ACC member company) served as representatives for the ACC and conducted a conference workshop to share information about the Alliance from a company perspective and inform potential participants about the similarities between VPP and Responsible Care.®

      • On May 7-9, 2007, Laura Seeman, Team Leader, DCSP, OSHA-DOL participated in two workshops with VPP and Responsible Care participants and highlighted the programs' value and encouraged participation in the programs during the ACC's Responsible Care® Conference, in Miami, Florida.

      • On August 14, 2007, Tomaysa Sterling, ACC, presented information on the OSHA/ACC Alliance at the Academy of Certified Hazardous Materials Managers' ACHMM 2007 National Conference in Arlington, Virginia.

      • On August 28, 2007, Tomaysa Sterling, ACC, Jack Cherry, Rohm and Haas (ACC member company), Brad Verrico, Verrico Associates, and Laura Seeman, Team Leader, DCSP, OSHA-DOL participated in a joint workshop that highlighted the value of participation in the programs informed the participants about programs' similarities at the 23rd Annual National VPPPA Conference in Washington, DC.

      • Share information among OSHA personnel, ACC members and Responsible Care Partners, and other industry safety and health professionals regarding VPP and ACC's Responsible Care best practices.


      Workshops and Conferences

      During the reporting period, OSHA and ACC representatives participated in a number of workshops and conferences to promote the OSHA and ACC Alliance, OSHA's VPP and ACC's Responsible Care:

      • On July 14, 2005, Amy DuVall, ACC and Jack Cherry, Rohm and Haas (ACC member company) participated in an OSHA Regional VPP Managers' meeting to discuss the Alliance and share recommendations for efficiencies.

      • On May 8, 2006, Ramona Morris, Assistant Area Director, Region IV, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Area Office, USDOL-OSHA staffed the OSHA and ACC Alliance poster display at the 2006 Responsible Care Conference in Miami, Florida.

      • On April 19, 2006, Amy DuVall ACC and Jack Cherry, Rohm and Haas (ACC member company) presented "Building an Alliance Between ACC's Responsible Care® Program and OSHA's Voluntary Protection Programs" at the VPPPA Region IV Chapter Voluntary Protection Programs Participants' Association Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.

      • OSHA participated in the ACC's annual Poster Display at the 2007 Responsible Care Conference in Miami.

      • Publicize areas of consistency between VPP and Responsible Care by utilizing the gap analysis tools noted in Appendix A.

        During the evaluation period, no products or resources were developed to meet this Alliance goal.
        Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health Goals

      • Develop means to publicize the results achieved by companies that are joint participants in Responsible Care and VPP.

      During the evaluation period, Paula White, Director, Director of Cooperative and State Programs, USDOL-OSHA, highlighted the case study that was developed by ACC documenting its member companies' Rohm and Haas and Bayer, experiences with the OSHA and ACC Alliance. In addition, Jack Cherry, Rohm and Haas and Barry Stutz, Bayer presented this information at 22nd Annual National VPPPA Conference in August 2006. The Rohm and Haas case study is available on the Responsible Care toolkit website

    2. Executive Summary

      Through the OSHA and ACC Alliance, a number of tools and resources, including the Gap Analysis Tools have been developed to help inform employers and the public about the organizations' programs; VPP and Responsible Care.® As a result, several positive outcomes have been achieved, including:

      • Increased mutual awareness of program benefits and requirements.
      • Enhanced communications between OSHA and the ACC.
      • Opportunities to conduct outreach to a greater cross section of the chemical industry.

      In addition, OSHA and ACC representatives have participated together at numerous conferences and meetings to share information about the VPP and Responsible Care® activities with manufacturers and safety and health professionals throughout the country. OSHA and ACC also share information about the programs through the organizations' Web sites and publications.

    3. Alliance Program Reach

      Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
      OSHA and ACC Alliance Web page 12,000
      Responsible Care Toolkit Data Not Available
      November 14, 2005, "OSHA Establishes Alliance with the American Chemistry Council," OSHA News Release 69 News Services
      American Chemistry Magazine, January /February 2006 Data Not Available
      The Leader Winter 2007 Data Not Available
      July 14, 2005, OSHA Regional VPP Managers' Conference 15
      April 19, 2006, OSHA Region IV Voluntary Protection Programs Participants' Association Conference, Atlanta, GA

      "Building an Alliance Between ACC's Responsible Care® Program and OSHA's Voluntary Protection Programs"


      Amy DuVall, ACC
      Jack Cherry, Rohm and Haas
      May 8, 2006, Responsible Care Conference, Miami, FL

      Poster Display
      June 8, 2006, 2006 Texas Chemical Council/Association of Chemical Industries of Texas Environmental Health & Safety Seminar, Galveston, TX

      "The Regulators' Views on Responsible Care Management System:® Will RCMS or RC14001 Get You Anything from OSHA and TCEQ"


      Kevin Rockwell, VPP Coordinator, Region VI, Houston South, Texas Area Office, USDOL-OSHA
      Amy DuVall (ACC) – panel moderator
      2006 Voluntary Protection Programs Participants' Association, 22nd Annual National VPPPA Conference, Orlando, FL

      Workshop Speakers:

      Brad Verrico, Verrico Associates
      Jack Cherry, Rohm and Haas
      Barry Stutts, Bayer
      May 7-9, 2007, Responsible Care Conference, Miami, FL

      Panel Speaker:

      Laura Seeman, Team Leader, Office of State Programs, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs, USDOL-OSHA

      Poster Display
      August 14, 2007, ACHMM 2007 National Conference in Arlington, Virginia


      Tomaysa Sterling, ACC
      August 28, 2007, Voluntary Protection Programs Participants' Association, 23rd Annual National VPPPA Conference, Washington, DC

      Workshop Speakers:

      Tomaysa Sterling, ACC
      Jack Cherry, Rohm and Haas
      Brad Verrico, Verrico AssociatesLaura Seeman, USDOL-OSHA
      Gap Analysis Tools 1,000
      TOTAL 14,269
    4. Upcoming Milestones

      OSHA and ACC are working together to identify new milestones that can achieved through an Alliance. In addition, future plans include identifying other safety and health issues that the organizations would like to address through an Alliance agreement to benefit the chemical industry.

      Report prepared by: Laura L. Seeman, ACC Alliance Coordinator December 1, 2007