PLANET - Alliance Annual Report - February 14, 2007

Occupational Safety and Health Administration
and the
Professional Landcare Network (PLANET)
February 14, 2007

  1. Alliance Background

    Date Signed

    February 23, 2004

    Date Renewed

    April 4, 2006


    The OSHA and PLANET Alliance focuses on providing large and small landscape industry businesses, their employees, including but not limited to youth workers, "hard to reach" and non-English speaking workers, with information and guidance that will help them reduce strains caused by manual material handling; amputations; motor vehicle crashes; and slips, trips, and falls injuries.

    Implementation Team Members


    Beau Ellis
    Directorate of Enforcement Programs (DEP)
    Rick Harris
    Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA)
    Lee Anne Jillings
    Jim Mitchell
    Office of Small Business Assistances (OSBA)
    Bob Nester
    Directorate of Science, Technology and Medicine (DSTM)
    Lisa Ramber


    Karen Barnett
    Director of Membership, Marketing and Communications
    Laurie Bishop
    The Bruce Company of Wisconsin, Inc.
    Bill Horn
    American Civil Constructors, Inc.
    Ilene Manster
    Membership Retention Coordinator
    Mari Medrano
    Safety Officer, CoCal Landscaping
    Barb Mulhern
    Safety Specialist
    David Snodgrass
    President, Dennis' Seven Dees Landscaping
    Tanya Tolpegin
    Chief Executive Officer

    Evaluation Period

    February 23, 2006 – February 22, 2007

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    March 20, 2006
    Implementation Team Meeting
    August 23, 2006
    Implementation Team Meeting
    February 15, 2007
    Implementation Team Meeting
  3. Results

    1. Events and Products

      • Work with OSHA to provide expertise to develop and deliver safety training materials designed to meet the needs of the diverse workforce, using appropriate language, media, and delivery methods.

        During this reporting period, the OSHA and PLANET Alliance Implementation Team did not start work on programs or projects to address this goal.

      Outreach and Communication Goals

      • Work with OSHA to provide expertise in developing information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, and to provide expertise in developing ways of communicating such information (e.g. through print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools and OSHA's and PLANET's Web sites) to employees in the industry.


      Landscape and Horticultural Services Safety and Health Topics Page

      PLANET members continued to provide expertise and input on OSHA's Landscape and Horticultural Services Safety and Health Topics page, which is a product of the OSHA and PLANET Alliance and was posted on the Agency's Web site in May 2005. The following PLANET representatives and members continue to serve on the Topics page's editorial board:

      • Barb Mulhern - PLANET Safety Specialist
      • Dave Snodgrass - Dennis' Seven Dees Landscaping
      • John Rovedo - American Civil Contractors, Inc.

      OSHA and PLANET Alliance Web Page

      OSHA continued to update the OSHA and PLANET Alliance Web page on the Agency's Web site. The Web page includes links to the OSHA and PLANET Alliance agreement; the renewal agreement, OSHA news releases, photographs of the signing and renewal ceremonies, activities and events, products and resources, and milestones and successes. In addition, information and links were added to the page during the reporting period as the OSHA and PLANET implementation team developed products and resources including, PLANET's Safety Tips Sheets. For more information on the number of visits to the OSHA and PLANET Web page, please see the Alliance Program Reach table.

      PLANET and OSHA Alliance Web Page

      PLANET continued to update its PLANET and OSHA Web page with safety and health information, news releases and links to the PLANET and OSHA Alliance Web page on the agency's Web site. The page also has a links to OSHA's Landscaping and Horticultural Services Safety and Health Topics page and other agency resources and activities.

      PLANET Safety Tips Sheet Series

      The Spanish language versions of the PLANET Safety Tips Sheets, which were developed through the OSHA and PLANET Alliance, were reviewed by OSHA in May 2006. Based on the feedback from OSHA, PLANET updated the Tips Sheets and posted the revised documents on the association's Web site on June 23, 2006. OSHA links to the documents from the OSHA and PLANET Web page on the Agency's Web site.

      Safety and Health Information Bulletins (SHIB): The Hazards of Augur Drilling and The Hazards of Chipper Machines

      PLANET reviewed and provided feedback on the Agency's draft SHIBs, The Hazards of Augur Drilling and The Hazards of Chipper Machines.

      Publications and News Releases

      A number of articles on the OSHA and PLANET Alliance and products developed through the Alliance have appeared in print and online publications including: PLANET News; BNA Occupational Safety and Health Reporter; Lawn and Landscape; Landscape Management, SafetySoultions© and OSHA Up to Date.

      In addition, PLANET promoted the OSHA and PLANET Alliance through news releases issued during the reporting period. For example, on March 1, 2006, PLANET published a news release, "PLANET and OSHA Offer Free Safety Tips Sheets Online," which highlighted the launching of PLANET' Tips Sheets posted on the association's Web site. For more information on print and online publications, please see the Alliance Program Reach table.

      PLANET SafetySOLUTIONS© Newsletters

      PLANET publishes SafetySOLUTIONS©, a monthly members-only newsletter. Articles on the OSHA and PLANET Alliance and OSHA safety and health information were included in a number of issues. For example, in the May 2006 edition, the article, "OSHA Head Calls PLANET a Model for Safety Practices", highlights the OSHA and PLANET Alliance Renewal agreement and products developed through the OSHA and PLANET Alliance.

      PLANET Specialty Symposium, August 3-8, 2006, Milwaukee, WI

      PLANET staff distributed OSHA publications from an exhibit booth during the PLANET Specialty Symposium, August 3-8, 2006 in Milwaukee, WI. The symposium is an educational conference designed for employers and managers to focus on landscaping industry safety and health issues and landscaping industry best practices.

      • Speak, exhibit, or appear at PLANET and OSHA conferences such as local meetings, the Landscape Industry Conference & GIE, Student Career Days, PLANET Forum, Specialty Symposiums and other events.


      Green Industry Conference (GIC), Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio, November 2-5, 2006

      OSHA representatives from Region V, Columbus, Ohio Area Office, USDOL-OSHA staffed an exhibit booth in the PLANET Resource Center at the GIC November 2-5, 2005 at the Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, OH. Chris Matthewson, Compliance Assistance Specialist (CAS), Region V, Columbus Area Office, Columbus, Ohio, USDOL-OSHA, distributed safety and health publications and answered questions from approximately 200 landscape and horticultural industry employers and employees.

      • Promote and encourage PLANET members' participation in OSHA's cooperative programs such as compliance assistance, the Voluntary Protection Programs, Consultation and its Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program.

        During this reporting period, the OSHA and PLANET Alliance Implementation Team did not start work on programs or projects to address this goal.

      • Work with other Alliance Program participants on specific issues and projects in the landscape industry that are addressed and developed through the Alliance Program.

      OSHA's Federal Network for Young Worker Safety and Health (FedNet) Limited English Proficiency Workgroup

      OSHA's FedNet Limited English Proficiency Workgroup is developing outreach materials for youth workers in the landscaping industry. PLANET Alliance implementation team members provided landscaping industry expertise and written comments after reviewing two draft FedNet brochures "Can You Dig It! and "A Guide for Young Workers in the Landscaping Industry" during January and February 2007.

      • Share information among OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding PLANET's best practices or effective approaches and publicize results through outreach by PLANET and through OSHA- or PLANET developed materials, training programs, workshops, seminars and lectures (or any applicable forum).

        During this reporting period, the OSHA and PLANET Alliance Implementation Team did not start work on programs or projects to address this goal.

      Promoting the National Dialogue Goals on Safety and Health:

      • In speeches and other public appearances PLANET leaders/mentors will demonstrate their own commitment to workplace safety and health and raise the awareness of effective safety and health management in the industry.


      OSHA's Teen Summer Job Safety Campaign Kick-off and Alliance Renewal Signing, April 6, 2006, Alexandria, Virginia

      On April 6, 2006, Assistant Secretary Edwin J. Foulke Jr., USDOL-OSHA and PLANET's then-President John Gibson gave speeches at the OSHA and PLANET Alliance renewal signing ceremony held in conjunction with OSHA's Teen Summer Job Safety Campaign Kick-off Event at Edison Academy, Thomas A. Edison High School, Alexandria, Virginia. In addition, PLANET member companies provided landscaping materials that were used by OSHA during a safety demonstration at the event.

      • Convene or participate in forums, round table discussions, or stakeholder meetings to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace or to provide input on safety and health issues, especially those relating to "hard-to reach" and non-English speaking workers.

        During this reporting period, the OSHA and PLANET Alliance Implementation Team did not start work on programs or projects to address this goal.

    2. Executive Summary

      OSHA and PLANET continued to build on the excellent working relationship developed through Alliance. Through the Alliance Program, OSHA and PLANET are addressing issues such as reducing injuries caused by manual material handling, amputations and slip and trip injuries. In addition, the organizations are sharing information on safety and health issues in the landscaping industry.

      The OSHA and PLANET implementation team worked together to develop an Alliance renewal agreement which was signed April 6, 2006 in Alexandria, VA in conjunction with the launch of OSHA's Teen Summer Job Safety Campaign; targeted to youth workers in landscaping industry. PLANET participated in the event which focused on reducing injuries and illnesses for youth workers employed in summer jobs by the landscaping industry. In addition, Assistant Secretary Edwin G. Foulke Jr., USDOL-OSHA and then-President John Gibson, PLANET, gave speeches discussing landscaping industry safety and health issues and the successes of the OSHA and PLANET Alliance.

      OSHA continued to update the OSHA and PLANET Alliance Web page on the Agency's Web site. PLANET also updated its OSHA Alliance Program Web page on its Web site, with links to the OSHA and PLANET Alliance Web page, OSHA's resources and other safety and health information.

      The Spanish language versions of the PLANET Safety Tips Sheets, which were developed through the OSHA and PLANET Alliance, were reviewed by OSHA in May 2006. Based on the feedback from OSHA, PLANET updated the Tips Sheets and posted the revised documents on the association's Web site on June 23, 2006.

      In addition, OSHA and PLANET shared safety and health information with the landscaping and horticultural services industry through participating at conferences and exhibiting. During PLANET's Green Industry Conference, November 2-5, 2006, in Columbus, OH, Chris Matthewson, Compliance Assistance Specialist (CAS), Region V, Columbus Area Office, Columbus, Ohio, USDOL-OSHA, staffed an exhibit booth, distributing safety and health information and answering attendees' questions. At the PLANET Specialty Symposium, August 3-8, 2006 in Milwaukee, WI, PLANET staff distributed OSHA publications to the attendees.

      In addition, PLANET reviewed two of OSHA's draft SHIBs, The Hazards of Augur Drilling and The Hazards of Chipper Machines and provided OSHA with feedback that has been incorporated into the SHIBS.

      PLANET representatives continue to serve on the editorial board for OSHA's Landscaping and Horticultural Services Safety and Health Topics page.

    3. Alliance Program Reach

      Type of Activity Number of Individuals Reached
      March 1, 2006, "PLANET Develops Safety Tips Sheets for Green Industry"
      PLANET News Release
      Data not available
      March 23, 2006, PLANET and OSHA Offer Free Safety Tips Sheets Online"
      Landscape Management
      Data not available
      April 6, 2006, "OSHA and PLANET Renew Alliance"
      OSHA News Release
      68 News Services
      April 6, 2006, OSHA Teen Summer Job Safety Campaign Kick Off Event
      Edison Academy, Thomas A. Edison High School, Alexandria, Virginia.

      Speakers: Edwin G. Foulke Jr., Assistant Secretary, USDOL-OSHA and then-President John Gibson, PLANET
      April 7, 2006, "Foulke's First Task: Kick Off Teen Job Safety Initiative"
      Occupational Hazards
      Data not available
      April 13, 2006, "Foulke Launches Teen Safety Campaign in First Public Appearance as Administrator"
      BNA Occupational Safety and Health Reporter
      Data not available
      April 14, 2006, "Landscape Industry Materials in English and Spanish"
      Safety News and Notes
      Data not available
      April 17, 2006, "Foulke Give 1st Speech at Landscaping Event, Evasive on Transparency"
      Inside OSHA
      Data not available
      May 2006, PLANET Tips Sheets"
      Colorado Association of Lawn Care Professionals
      Data not available
      May 2006, "OSHA Head Calls PLANET a Model for Safety Practices"
      June 2006, "Facing Rapid Growth, Landscaping Industry Putting Focus on Safety"
      OSHA Up to Date
      Data not available
      June 2006, "OSHA Alliances"
      OSHA Up to Date
      Data not available
      July 2006, "Safety Tips at Your Fingertips"
      Green Industry News
      Data not available
      August 2006, "PLANET Member Receives OSHA SHARP Certification"
      August 3-8, 2006, PLANET Specialty Symposium, Milwaukee, WI
      OSHA publications
      October 2006, "PLANET Selects CEO"
      PLANET News
      Data not available
      November 2-4, 2006, Green Industry Conference, Greater Columbus Convention Center Columbus, Ohio
      Alliance Program Exhibit
      OSHA and PLANET Alliance Web page 6,660
      PLANET and OSHA Alliance Web page on PLANET's Web site Data not available
      "Slip and Trip Injuries"
      PLANET Safety Tips Sheet (English and Spanish)
      Data not available
      "Reducing the Risk of Lifting Injuries in the Landscaping and Horticultural Industries"
      PLANET Safety Tips Sheet (English and Spanish)
      Data not available
      "Driving Defensively to Reduce the Risk of a Motor Vehicle Crash"
      PLANET Safety Tips Sheet (English and Spanish)
      Data not available
      "Reducing the Risk of an Amputation"
      PLANET Safety Tips Sheet (English and Spanish)
      Data not available
      Landscape and Horticultural Services Safety and Health Topics page 31,080
      TOTAL 57,188
  4. Upcoming Milestones

    In the upcoming year, OSHA and PLANET will collaborate on a number of projects to support the Alliance agreement. For example, OSHA and PLANET will continue to update OSHA's Landscape and Horticultural Services Safety and Health Topics page. PLANET members, Dave Snodgrass, John Rovedo, and Barb Mulhern, will continue to serve as members of the Topics page's editorial board.

    In addition, OSHA Region V and Michigan OSHA representatives will staff an exhibit booth at the PLANET 31st Annual Student Career Days in Lansing, MI in March 2007. PLANET will also invite OSHA to exhibit and speak during its Green Industry Conference and Green Industry Exposition, November 1-4, 2007 in Louisville, KY.

    Further, the Alliance's implementation team will pursue developing four QuickCards for the landscaping industry. The topics to be addressed are: Design and Build; Interior Landscaping; Lawn Care and Landscape Management.

    PLANET will continue to publish articles in its SafetySOLUTIONS© and PLANET News on safety and health topics such as OSHA's compliance assistance materials, projects, activities and safety and health issues that impact the landscaping and horticultural services industry.

    Finally, OSHA and PLANET will continue to work together through the Fed Net Limited English Proficiency Workgroup. PLANET will continue to provide the Workgroup with information on landscaping industry safety and health issues and expertise.

Report prepared by: Richard L. Harris, Alliance Coordinator, Office of Outreach Services Alliances, February 14, 2007