ASA - Alliance Annual Report - October 24, 2017

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
and the American Staffing Association (ASA)
October 24, 2017

  1. Alliance Background

    1. Date Signed

      May 21, 2014

    2. Dates Renewed

      October 21, 2016

    3. Evaluation Period

      May 21, 2016-September 30, 2017

    4. Alliance Overview and Goals

      The OSHA and ASA Alliance provides ASA members and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect the health and safety of temporary workers, particularly by reducing and preventing exposure to safety and health hazards during temporary job assignments.

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    • 3/8/2017
    • 8/16/2017

    In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance's progress and results.

  3. Results of Alliance Activities in Support of Agreement Goals

    Dissemination: Alliance Program participant shared information on agency-developed or OSHA Alliance Program-developed tools and resources, OSHA standards/rulemakings, enforcement, and outreach campaigns.

    Dissemination Type Date Description Emphasis Areas* Number Reached
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage-OSHA Website Temporary Worker 1,190
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage-Participant Website Temporary Workers, Safety & Health Programs, Recordkeeping/Reporting, Hazard Communication/ Chemicals 1,240
    Newsletter 10/12/2016 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA's Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Rules Become Effective Nov. 1 and Cover More Than Just Drug Testing" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today. Whistleblower 33,000
    Newsletter 10/13/2016 ASA published an article entitled "ASA and NSC Publish Temporary Worker Safety Case Study" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Temporary Worker 33,000
    Newsletter 10/13/2016 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Clarifies Limits on Post-accident Drug Testing and Safety Incentive Programs" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Record Keeping 33,000
    Newsletter 10/19/2016 Publishing an article entitled "OSHA Releases Updated Recommended Practices to Encourage Workplace Safety and Health Programs" in their e-Newsletter Staffing Today. Safety and Health 33,000
    Newsletter 10/20/2016 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Pushes Back Enforcement Date for Anti-retaliation Provisions Again" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today. Whistleblower 33,000
    Newsletter 10/21/2016 ASA published an article entitled "Top 10 OSHA Citations of 2016: A Starting Point for Workplace Safety" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today   33,000
    Newsletter 10/24/2016 ASA published an article entitled "Temporary Workers Rigging Steel at Columbus Building Site at Risk of Six-Story Falls as Employers Failed to Provide Fall Protection, Training" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Fall Protection 33,000
    Newsletter 10/24/2016 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA and ASA Renew Alliance to Enhance Safety of Temporary Workers" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today.   33,000
    Newsletter 11/3/2017 ASA published an article entitled: OSHA's Safety 'Nudge' to Employers: No Reportable Injuries Is Not Time for a Pizza Party" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today. Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 11/18/2016 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Issues Final Rule Updating Walking-Working Surfaces Standards and Establishing Personal Fall Protection Systems Requirements" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today. Walking-Working Surfaces 33,000
    Newsletter 11/21/2016 ASA published an article entitled "New OSHA Requirements for Employee Involvement and Employer Record-Keeping Take Effect Over the Next Two Months" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today. Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 11/28/2016 ASA published notice in e-Newsletter Staffing Today re new Legal Line video: Latest OSHA Temporary Worker Bulletins. Temporary Worker 33,000
    Newsletter 12/12/2016 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Issues Recommended Practices to Promote Workplace Safety and Health Programs in Construction" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today. Health and Safety Programs 33,000
    Newsletter 12/19/2016 ASA publishes an article entitled "OSHA Requests Information on Prevention of Workplace Violence in Healthcare and Social Assistance" in e-newsletter Staffing Today. Workplace Violence 33,000
    Newsletter 12/21/2016 ASA publishes an article entitled "OSHA: Worker Health and Safety Should Be an Integral Part of Sustainability Efforts" in e-newsletter Staffing Today. Health & Safety Programs 33,000
    Newsletter 1/10/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Issues Enforcement Guidance on Controversial Nondiscrimination Provisions" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Whistleblower 33,000
    Newsletter 1/17/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Issues Recommended Practices to Promote Workplace Anti-retaliation Programs" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Whistleblower 33,000
    Newsletter 1/17/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Reminds Workers, Employers That Fall Protection Can Prevent Tragedy When Removing Snow on Rooftops, Elevated Surfaces" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Fall Prevention 33,000
    Newsletter 1/23/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Penalties Go Up" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 1/27/2017 ASA published an article entitled "Survey of OSHA's Temporary Worker Initiative" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Temporary Workers 33,000
    Newsletter 1/30/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Emphasizes Worker Safety in Sustainability" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Safety & Health Programs 33,000
    Newsletter 2/10/2017 ASA published an article entitled "It's Time Again to Post the OSHA 300A Annual Summary of Illnesses and Injuries" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 2/10/2017 ASA published an article entitled "New OSHA Rule Underscores Importance of Inspections" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 3/13/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Violation Doesn't Abrogate Workers' Compensation Immunity" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 3/24/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA's Volks Rule Overturned by Congressional Review Act" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 4/5/2017 ASA published an article entitled "Trump Signs Resolution to Strike Down 'Volks' Recordkeeping Rule" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 4/24/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Updates Its Enforcement Procedures Directive for Exposure to Workplace Violence" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Workplace Violence 33,000
    Newsletter 4/25/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Fines Two Companies $100,000 Each Related to Building Collapse" in e-Newsletter Staffing   33,000
    Newsletter 4/27/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Launches Campaign on Young Worker Safety, Including Temporary Workers" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Young Workers 33,000
    Newsletter 5/8/2017 ASA published two articles entitled "DOJ Indictment of Senior Project Manager Reminds Employers of Severity of Potential Consequences When Dealing With OSHA Inspectors" and "OSHA Rescinds Its Union Nonemployee 'Walk-Around' Rights Interpretation" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today   33,000
    Newsletter 5/10/2017 ASA published an article entitled "ASA Partners With OSHA on Safe + Sound Week" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Safe and Sound Week Outreach 33,000
    Newsletter 5/11-12/2017 ASA promoted "OSHA Safety Week: ARTBA Webinar—Preventing Falls During Bridge Construction" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Safe and Sound Week Outreach 33,000
    Newsletter 5/19/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Delays Start of New Online Recordkeeping Rule" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 6/2/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Announces Inaugural 'Safe + Sound Week'" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Safe and Sound Week Outreach 33,000
    Newsletter 6/7/2017 ASA published an article entitled "NIOSH and OSHA Introduce Improved Heat Safety App for Outdoor Workers" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Heat Illness Prevention 33,000
    Newsletter 6/27/2017 ASA published an article entitled "Taking Precautions in the Summer Heat" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Heat Illness Prevention 33,000
    Newsletter 6/28/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Proposes to Delay Compliance Date for Electronically Submitting Injury and Illness Reports" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 6/29/2017 ASA published two articles entitled "Penalties for State OSHA Programs May Increase" and "OSHA's Continuing Recordkeeping Obligation Rule Revoked Via the Congressional Review Act" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 7/18/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Application to Electronically Submit Injury and Illness Data Will Launch Aug. 1" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 7/24/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Slashes Many Worker Safety Rulemaking Plans" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today   33,000
    Newsletter 8/22/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Electronic Reporting Website Temporarily Suspended Due to Security Breach" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 8/28/2017 ASA published an article entitled "OSHA Reduces Reports of Workplace Fatalities" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Recordkeeping/Reporting 33,000
    Newsletter 8/31/2017 ASA promoted "Employers on the Hook for Keeping Temporary Workers Safe" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Temporary Workers 33,000
    Newsletter 9/7/2017 ASA published an article entitled "Workplace Safety and Health Law—Don't Underestimate the Hazards" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Safety & Health Programs 33,000
    Newsletter 9/8/2017 ASA published an article entitled "DOL Offers Hurricane Recovery Resources" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Hurricane Outreach 33,000
    Newsletter 9/14/2017 ASA published an article entitled "Staffing World® Sessions Will Include Focus on Worker Safety" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Temporary Workers 33,000
    Newsletter 9/27/2017 ASA published an article entitled "More Guidance Expected on Temporary Worker Safety, Liability" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Temporary Workers 33,000
    Newsletter 9/28/2017 ASA published an article entitled "Study Says Temporary Workers Are in Danger" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Temporary Workers 33,000
    New Release 10/13/2016 ASA published a news release entitled "American Staffing Association and National Safety Council Release Temporary Worker Safety Case Study." Temporary Worker 1,013,637
    News Release 10/24/2016 ASA published a news release entitled "OSHA and ASA Renew Alliance to Enhance Safety of Temporary Workers."   208,116
    News Release 10/26/2016 ASA published a news release entitled "American Staffing Association and National Safety Council Launch Safety Standard of Excellence."   299,876
    News Release 5/10/2017 ASA published a Press Release entitled "ASA Partners With OSHA on Safe + Sound Week" in e-Newsletter Staffing Today Safe and Sound Week Outreach 15,000
    Press Release 8/17/2017 ASA published a news release entitled "Temporary Worker Safety Emphasized at NSC Congress" Temporary Workers 33,000,
    Press Release 9/14/2017 ASA published a news release entitled "Worker Safety Emphasized at Staffing World 2017" Safety & Health Programs 33,000
    Social Media 5/1/2017-9/30/17 Heat illness prevention: Posts across ASA social media channels, Twitter Heat Illness Prevention 1,450
    Social Media 5/8-12/2017 National Fall Stand-Down campaign: Posts across ASA social media channels, Twitter and Facebook Fall Prevention 3,208
    Social Media 5/16-31/2017 Safe + Sound Week promotion: Posts across ASA social media channels, Twitter and Facebook Safe and Sound Week Outreach 5,875
    TOTAL   2,669,162

    Speeches, Presentations, Exhibits and Other Events: Alliance Program participant or OSHA participation in events which includes speeches/presentations, exhibits, roundtables, conferences, informational webinars or other meetings..

    Activity Type Date Event Name Participant Name(s) and Affiliation(s) Title Of Presentation (if applicable) City State Emphasis Areas* Number Reached
    Speech/ Presentation 11/10/2016 Healthcare Staffing Summit Stephen Dwyer, General Counsel, ASA "Key Regulatory Issues Impacting Your Business in a Time of Political Change" Washington DC Small Business Not Available
    Webinar 11/28/2016 Online Legal Line Stephen Dwyer, General Counsel, ASA "Latest OSHA Temporary Worker Bulletins" NA NA Temporary Worker Not Available
    Webinar 1/31/2017 OSHA's Temporary Worker Initiative Bulletin Series Jennifer Kim, MPH, certified industrial hygienist, Office of Health Enforcement, OSHA "Protecting Workers From Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens" NA NA Temporary Workers, Safety & Health Programs, Hazard Communication 191
    Webinar 2/9/2017 OSHA's Temporary Worker Initiative Bulletin Series Rudy Fiers, occupational safety and health specialist office, OSHA "Powered Industrial Trucks" NA NA Temporary Workers, Safety & Health Programs, Hazard Communication 285
    Webinar 2/21/2017 Workplace Violence Safety Series Bo Mitchell, president, 911 Consulting "The Fatal Flaw in Your Active Shooter Response" NA NA Temporary Workers, Safety & Health Programs, Hazard Communication 288
    Webinar 2/28/2017 OSHA's Temporary Worker Initiative Bulletin Series Sven Rundman, supervisory industrial hygienist, Office of Health Enforcement, OSHA "Communicating With Workers About Hazardous Materials" NA NA Temporary Workers, Safety & Health Programs, Hazard Communication/Chemicals 825
    Webinar 3/21/2017 Workplace Violence Safety Series Bo Mitchell, president, 911 Consulting "Fill the Gaps That Could Sabotage Your Emergency Plans" NA NA Temporary Workers, Safety & Health Programs, Hazard Communication 242
    Event 3/16/2017 Alliance Program Construction Roundtable Brittany Sakata represented ASA at the event. Not Applicable Washington DC Construction, Fall Prevention, Small Business 1
    Event 4/20/2017 Workplace Violence Safety Series Bo Mitchell, president, 911 Consulting "Better Safe Than Sorry-Active Shooter Response Plans in the Workplace" NA NA Workplace Violence 211
    Webinar 8/15/2017   Sharon Pancamo, Occupational Safety Manager, ASA Member Elwood Staffing Services "Creating a Culture of Safety" NA NA Temporary Workers, Safety & Health Programs, Hazard Communication 121
    Event 9/21/2017 Alliance Program Construction Roundtable Brittany Sakata represented ASA at the event. Not Applicable Washington DC Construction, Fall Prevention, Hurricane Clean-up and Recovery 1
    Event 9/25/2017 National Safety Council's Annual Congress & Expo Stephen Dwyer, ASA general counsel, Sharon Pancamo, occupational safety manager, ASA member Elwood Staffing Services, Amy Harper, NSC Journey to Safety Excellence & Workplace Strategy Director "Using Temporary Workers: Checklists for Host Employers" Indianapolis IN Temporary Workers, Safety & Health Programs, Hazard Communication 30
    TOTAL   2,195
  4. Alliance Developed Products

  5. OSHA Product Reviews

Report prepared by: Morgan Seuberling, Safety and Occupational Health Specialist, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, October 24, 2017.