CCAR - Alliance Annual Report - February 1, 2018
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
And the
Coordinating Committee for Automotive Repair (CCAR)
February 2018
- Alliance Background
- Date Signed
February 17, 2004
- Dates Renewed
September 12, 2006
August 4, 2008
May 12, 2015
- Evaluation Period
FY 2017: October 1, 2016 – September 30, 2017
- Alliance Overview and Goals
Through the alliance, OSHA and CCAR collaborate in sharing information and resources related to occupational hazards in the automotive industry. Current areas of emphasis include lift safety, absorbed glass mat (AGM) batteries, and contaminated refrigerants.
- Date Signed
- Implementation Team Meetings
During the reporting period, OSHA and CCAR personnel had several working meetings related to the Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) Battery Course alliance product. In addition, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact to monitor the Alliance's progress and results.
- Results of Alliance Activities in Support of Agreement Goals
Dissemination: Alliance Program participant shared information on agency-developed or OSHA Alliance Program-developed tools and resources, Initiatives focusing on OSHA standards/rulemakings, enforcement, and outreach campaigns.
Dissemination Type Date Description Emphasis Areas Number Reached Webpage 10/1/16 – 9/30/17 Alliance Webpage-OSHA Website 677 Twitter 10/6/16 CCAR re-tweeted an OSHA tweet promoting OSHA's Alliance program. 457 Blog 10/7/16 CCAR posted to its blog a copy of citations OSHA issued to Mavis Tire Supply Corporation on September 29, 2016. 671 Twitter 10/7/16 CCAR re-tweeted a copy of citations OSHA issued to Mavis Tire Supply Corporation on September 29, 2016. 457 Twitter 10/10/16 CCAR tweeted to promote OSHA's webinar on protecting outdoor workers from Zika Virus. Healthcare 457 Twitter 10/18/16 CCAR re-tweeted an OSHA tweet announcing the agency's release of new Safety and Health Programs Recommended Practices. Safety & Health Programs 457 Twitter 11/20/16 CCAR re-tweeted an OSHA tweet with a link to OSHA Publication 2254: Training Requirements in OSHA Standards 457 Twitter 11/28/16 CCAR tweeted to promote OSHA's On Site Consultation Program. Small Business 457 Twitter 12/19/16 CCAR tweeted to promote OSHA's On Site Consultation program. Small Business 457 Twitter 12/20/16 CCAR re-tweeted an OSHA tweet regarding OSHA resources on silica. Silica 457 Twitter 4/26/17 CCAR re-tweeted OSHA's press release for Workers' Memorial Day. 475 Blog 4/28/17 CCAR posted OSHA's press release for Workers' Memorial Day to its blog. 416 Press Release 5/11/17 CCAR published a press release promoting the AGM Battery course alliance product. 644 Facebook 5/11/17 CCAR posted a press release promoting the AGM Battery course alliance product on its Facebook page. 59 Blog 5/11/17 CCAR posted press release promoting AGM Battery course to its blog. 416 Twitter 5/17/17 CCAR tweeted about OSHA's Alliance Program. 475 Twitter 5/22/17 CCAR tweeted about partnering with OSHA for Safe + Sound Week. Safety & Health Programs 475 Twitter 5/22/17 CCAR re-tweeted OSHA's tweet about OSHA's on-site consultation program. Small Business 475 Twitter 5/22/17 CCAR tweeted about the launch of the AGM battery course alliance product. 475 Email blast 5/23/17 CCAR blast emailed its constituents regarding OSHA's complimentary on-site consultation program. Small Business 666 Twitter 5/24/17 CCAR tweeted about partnering with OSHA for Safe + Sound Week. Safety & Health Programs 475 Twitter 5/29/17 CCAR re-tweeted OSHA's tweet regarding Small Business Workplace Injuries. Small business 475 Twitter 6/1/17 CCAR re-tweeted OSHA's tweet regarding National Safety Month. 475 Twitter 6/3/17 CCAR re-tweeted OSHA's tweet about Heat Illness Prevention. Heat Illness Prevention 475 Twitter 6/6/17 CCAR tweeted a link to information about the International Autobody Congress & Exposition (NACE) Automechanika conference, at which CCAR promoted the Safe + Sound Campaign. Safety & Health Programs 475 Blog 6/8/17 CCAR posted the Safe and Sound campaign to its blog along with the Safety Fact Sheet for the automotive industry (created with David Valiante, OSHA/DSG). Safety & Health Programs 419 Other E-mail 6/12/17 CCAR emailed all constituents regarding OSHA's Safe and Sound week and included the Safe + Sound industry resource they created with OSHA. Safety & Health Programs 84 Twitter 6/12/17 CCAR tweeted a link to OSHA's resources for the Automotive Industry for Safe and Sound Week. Safety & Health Programs 475 Twitter 6/12/17 CCAR re-tweeted OSHA's tweet for employers to learn about safety and health programs for Safe and Sound Week. Safety & Health Programs 475 Twitter 6/13/17 CCAR tweeted a link to OSHA's resources for the Automotive Industry for Safe and Sound Week. Safety & Health Programs 475 Twitter 6/14/17 CCAR tweeted a link to OSHA's resources for the Automotive Industry for Safe and Sound Week. Safety & Health Programs 475 Twitter 6/19/17 CCAR re-tweeted an OSHA tweet regarding the OSHA/NIOSH Heat App. Heat Illness Prevention 475 Twitter 7/6/17 CCAR re-tweeted an OSHA tweet regarding OSHA's electronic injury reporting requirements. Recordkeeping / Reporting 483 Blog 7/6/17 CCAR posted OSHA's press release about electronic injury reporting requirements to its blog. Recordkeeping / Reporting 40 Twitter 8/2/17 CCAR tweeted regarding OSHA's Injury Tracking Application webpage. Recordkeeping / Reporting 483 Blog 8/2/17 CCAR posted a link to OSHA's Injury Tracking Application webpage on its blog. Recordkeeping / Reporting 15 Twitter 8/9/17 CCAR re-tweeted its 5/17/17 tweet about OSHA's Alliance Program. 483 Twitter 8/15/17 CCAR re-tweeted OSHA's tweet regarding the Voluntary Protection Program stakeholder meeting. 483 Twitter 8/15/17 CCAR re-tweeted OSHA's tweet linking to an OSHA Success Story about an autobody shop that participates in OSHA's Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP). Safety & Health Programs, Small Business 483 Blog 8/15/17 CCAR posted a link to OSHA's Success Story about an autobody shop that participates in OSHA's Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP) on its blog. Safety & Health Programs, Small Business 9 Twitter 9/6/17 CCAR tweeted a link to OSHA's worker safety and health resources for Hurricane Harvey Cleanup and Recovery efforts. Hurricane Outreach 483 Blog 9/6/2017 CCAR posted links to OSHA resources for Hurricane Harvey Cleanup and Recovery efforts. Hurricane Outreach 8 Blog 9/7/17 CCAR posted to its blog a white paper on the handling, disposal, and removal of flooded vehicles following Hurricane Harvey which included links to several OSHA resources on cleanup and recovery efforts. Hurricane Outreach 7 Twitter 9/7/17 CCAR tweeted about its white paper on the handling, disposal, and removal of flooded vehicles following hurricanes and flooding. Hurricane Outreach 483 Twitter 9/12/17 CCAR re-tweeted an OSHA tweet linking to OSHA's QuickCard: Protecting Workers from Slips, Trips and Falls during Disaster Response. Hurricane Outreach 483 Twitter 9/12/17 CCAR re-tweeted an OSHA tweet linking to the OSHA Fact Sheet: Using Portable Generators Safely. Hurricane Outreach 483 TOTAL 21,250 Outreach Events and Training for non-OSHA Staff: Alliance Program participant or OSHA participation in events which includes speeches/presentations, exhibits, roundtables, conferences, informational webinars or other meetings or training in support of the Alliance or an OSHA initiative.
Activity Type Date Event Name Participant Name(s) and Affiliation(s) Title Of Presentation (if applicable) City State Emphasis Areas Number Reached Exhibit 10/14/16 Illinois College Automotive Instructors Association Conference Charlie Ayers, President, CCAR Not Applicable East Peoria IL Safety & Health Programs; Hazard Communication 500 Exhibit 10/18/16 General Motors Automotive Service Educational Program Charlie Ayers, President, CCAR Not Applicable Detroit MI Safety & Health Programs; Hazard Communication 150 Exhibit 11/19/16 Automotive Body Repair Network Conference Charlie Ayers, President, CCAR Not Applicable Joliet IL 150 Event 2/28/17 OSHA/American Staffing Association Alliance Temporary Worker Initiative Bulletin Webinar Series: Communicating with Workers About Hazardous Materials Kate Henmueller, Manager of Operations, CCAR, attended this webinar. Not Applicable Washington DC Hazard Communication/Chemicals, Temporary Workers 1 Webinar 3/28/17 Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) Technical Meeting Kate Henmueller, Manager of Operations, CCAR N/A- CCAR is providing technical expertise to this group developing guidelines, self-help, fact sheets, etc. for the automotive industry. This includes expertise on Haz Com for creation of SDSs for collision repair paints. Northbrook IL 20 Webinar 4/25/17 Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) Combined Environmental Reporting (CER) Kate Henmueller, Manager of Operations, CCAR;Charlie Ayers, President, CCAR Chicago IL 10 Webinar 5/30/17 Collision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA) Combined Environmental Reporting (CER) Kate Henmueller, Manager of Operations, CCAR;Charlie Ayers, President, CCAR Chicago IL 10 Exhibit 4/4 - 4/6/17 Automotive Training Managers Council (ATMC) Charlie Ayers, President, CCAR Not Applicable Denver CO Safety & Health Programs 157 Exhibit 6/12 - 6/15/17 National Independent Automobile Dealers Association (NIADA) Convention Charlie Ayers, President, CCAR Not Applicable Las Vegas NV Safety & Health Programs 1,600 Speech / Presentation 6/12 - 6/15/17 National Independent Automobile Dealers Association (NIADA) Convention Charlie Ayers, President, CCAR "Creating a Safe Workplace Environment" Las Vegas NV Safety & Health Programs 50 Speech / Presentation 7/27/17 International Autobody Congress & Exposition (NACE) Automechanika Charlie Ayers, President, CCAR "Staying Compliant: Helping Shops and Distributors Avoid Costly Violations." Chicago IL Small Business, Safety & Health Programs, Recordkeeping / Reporting 50 Training 5/17 – 9/30/17 Not applicable Not applicable AGM Battery Course (Alliance Product) N/A- Online training 224 TOTAL 2,922 Training for OSHA Staff: Alliance Program participant provided training or assistance in training OSHA and OSHA-affiliated staff (including state plan and/or On-site Consultation Program representatives).
Training Type Date Name/Title of Trainer Training Title Audience City State Emphasis Areas Number Reached Online course (Alliance product) 5/17 – 9/30/17 Not applicable AGM Battery Course (Alliance Product) All N/A- Online training 10 TOTAL 10 - Alliance Developed Products
In May 2017, CCAR and OSHA completed a free online course entitled Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) Battery Handling and Safety, which, as noted above, was taken by 10 members of the OSHA family and 224 members of the public between its release and the end of the FY 2017 (9/30/17).
In addition, as a Partner for Safe + Sound Week 2017, CCAR collaborated with OSHA's Directorate of Standards and Guidance (DSG) in developing a Fact Sheet with Automotive Service & Collision Industry Safety Statistics.
Report prepared by: Christina Morgan, Safety & Occupational Health Specialist, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, February 2018.