IEC - Alliance Annual Report - August 30, 2016

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
and Independent Electrical Contractors, Inc. (IEC)
August 30, 2016

  1. Alliance Background

    1. Date Signed

      August 30, 2002

    2. Dates Renewed

      April 5, 2004
      October 30, 2006
      December 8, 2008
      December 7, 2015

      Evaluation Period

      August 30, 2015 – August 29, 2016

    3. Overview

      Through the Alliance, OSHA and IEC work together to provide IEC members and others in the construction industry with information, guidance, and access to training resources that help them protect employees' health and safety particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to fall and electrical hazards.

    4. Implementation Team Members


      Christina Morgan Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA), Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
      Danezza Quintero Office of Construction Services (OCS), Directorate of Construction (DOC)
      Bill Willson OOSA, DCSP (through 12/31/2015)


      Tom Alexander Safety Committee
      Chuck Belveal Safety Committee
      Bruce Bowman Safety Committee
      Tom Domitrovich Eaton Corporation
      John Masarick Director of Workforce Development
      Harvey Hammock Chair, Safety Committee
      Marc Ramirez Safety Committee
      Eric DeGesero  IEC
      Tom Domitrovich Eaton Corporation
      Mark Ellis  IEC
      Todd Hawkins  IEC
      Tom McAtee  IEC
      Jim Nasuta  IEC
      Frank Nerio  IEC
      Jack Otting  IEC
      Mike Raatliff  IEC
      Keith Shay  IEC
      Patricia Thomas  IEC
  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    No formal implementation meetings were held during the reporting period; however, the Alliance coordinators maintained contact via telephone and email. An implementation team meeting is also planned for September 2, 2016.

  3. Results

    The following table summarizes the Alliance's activities in support of the goals in the Alliance agreements for the timeframe of this report.

    Raising Awareness of OSHA's Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives/Outreach and Communication: Share information on OSHA's National Emphasis Programs, Regulatory Agenda, and opportunities to participate in the rulemaking process, and disseminate information on occupational safety and health laws and standards, including the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.

    Activity Type

    Activity Name/Summary

    OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported

    Number Reached


    On April 25, 2016, Danezza Quintero, Michael Buchet and Dayton Eckerson from OSHA's Directorate of Construction and David O'Connor from OSHA's Directorate of Standards and Guidance presented at IEC's National Policy Conference.




    Throughout the reporting period, IEC distributed OSHA's bi-monthly QuickTakes newsletter to all members of its Safety Committee.




    On May 31, 2016, IEC published an article on its blog regarding OSHA and the Department of Justice's agreement to collaborate in investigating and prosecuting worker endangerment violations.




    On June 1, 2016, IEC published an article on its blog entitled "What You Need to Know About OSHA's New Silica Rule" by Sid Holcomb in OSHA's Office of Communications.




    On June 3, 2016, IEC published an article on its blog regarding personal protective equipment and OSHA requirements.




    On June 9, 2016, IEC sponsored a webinar entitled: "The New Silica Regulation and How It Will Affect You," which featured David O'Connor, Director of Office of Chemical Hazards – Nonmetals in OSHA's Directorate of Standards and Guidance.




    On June 16, 2016, IEC sent an email blast distributing OSHA's June 16, 2016 news release on a July 13, 2016 meeting to discuss protecting workers performing tree care operations.




    On July 7, 2016, IEC sent two emails to its Safety Committee regarding OSHA's interim final rule adjusting civil penalty amounts to account for inflation.




    Outreach and Communication: Promote awareness of OSHA's Fall Prevention and Heat Campaigns and share information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, such as electrical shock and arc flash.

    Activity Type

    Activity Name/Summary

    OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported

    Number Reached


    On August 2, 2016, IEC sent an email blast distributing OSHA's August 1, 2016 news release, "Worker falls 22 feet to death, 4 months after OSHA cites employer for failing to protect workers on the same job site Louisville employer faces $320K in fines for serial disregard of fall protection." The news release highlighted OSHA's Fall Prevention campaign.




    Outreach and Communication: Expand existing relationships between the IEC and OSHA's Regional and Area Offices to address health and safety issues, including the training of Agency staff and providing technical expertise when appropriate.


    Training and Education: Provide for the delivery of at least four Best Practice Training Seminars annually to agency staff, focusing on topics such as NFPA 70E and the prevention of Arc Flash.

    Activity Type

    Activity Name/Summary

    OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported

    Number Reached


    In the next reporting period, the alliance plans to work to expand relationships between IEC and OSHA Regional and Area Offices as well as the OSHA Training Institute. (See Section IV, Upcoming Milestones, for more information.)




    Outreach and Communication: Work with other Alliance participants on specific issues and projects such as construction safety, temporary worker protection, and any other issues that are addressed and developed through the Alliance Program (e.g., participation in the OSHA Alliance Program Construction Roundtable, APCR).

    Activity Type

    Activity Name/Summary

    OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported

    Number Reached

    Upcoming Event

    Though unable to attend APCR meetings during the reporting period, IEC plans to attend the Fall 2016 APCR on September 15, 2016.




    Training and Education: Develop materials and effective training aids that align with current regulatory information, interpretations, and enforcement initiatives, as well as promote an understanding of workers' rights and employer responsibilities outlined in the OSH Act.


    Training and Education: Revise existing and develop new best practices for workplace safety and health management systems and other safety performance programs, as well as promote their adoption by independent electrical contractors.

    Activity Type

    Activity Name/Summary

    OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported

    Number Reached


    During the reporting period, the alliance did not complete activities pertaining to this goal.








  4. Upcoming Milestones

    In the upcoming year, the OSHA and IEC Alliance Implementation Team will continue to collaborate to promote electrical safety in the workplace. IEC will continue to disseminate information regarding OSHA rulemakings, enforcement initiatives, and outreach campaigns, as appropriate. In addition, IEC will explore possible opportunities to enhance electrical standards training provided to OSHA compliance officers through, for example, provision of seminars on NFPA 70E and/or hands-on training.

    Report prepared by: Christina Morgan, Safety and Occupational Health Specialist, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances; August 30, 2016

    Activity Types:

    • Alliance Product: Products (e.g., fact sheets, videos, toolbox talks) developed by Alliance participants as part of the Alliance. These are not OSHA products.
    • Dissemination: An Alliance participant sends OSHA information, Alliance products, or other safety and health information to its stakeholders. This includes information sent by email or social media (Facebook, Twitter), and information included in newsletters and other publications. It also includes hits on the Alliance participant's or OSHA's Web page.
    • Evaluation: Any efforts by the Alliance participant to evaluate the effectiveness of an Alliance activity or the Alliance as a whole.
    • Event: Participation in events such as the Construction Roundtable and NAOSH Week.
    • Exhibit: OSHA exhibits at events sponsored by the Alliance participant.
    • OSHA Product Review: Review of an OSHA product by an Alliance participant. For example, an Alliance participant may provide technical comments on an OSHA eTool or publication. The review itself is considered the Alliance activity.
    • Speech/Presentation: Speeches or presentation by OSHA staff at events sponsored by the Alliance participant.
    • Training: This includes best practice seminars or other training that Alliance participants provide for OSHA staff. It also includes training for workers/employers/others by Alliance participants.
    • Other: Use this if an activity does not fit into one of the other categories.

    OSHA Areas of Emphasis:


    • Agriculture
    • Asian American/Pacific Islander Workers
    • Construction
    • Ergonomics
    • Fall Prevention
    • Hazard Communication/Chemicals
    • Health Care
    • Heat Illness Prevention
    • Hispanic/Latino Workers
    • Maritime
    • Oil and Gas
    • Small Business
    • Temporary Workers
    • Transportation
    • Young Workers