ISRI - Alliance Annual Report - March 2018

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
and the
Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. (ISRI)
March 2018

  1. Alliance Background

    1. Date Signed

      October 19, 2015

    2. Evaluation Period

      FY 2017: October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017

    3. Alliance Overview and Goals

      Through the alliance, OSHA and ISRI provide ISRI's members and others with information, training, and other resources to protect the health and safety of workers within the scrap recycling industry and promote understanding of the rights of workers and the responsibilities of employers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    • March 30, 2017

    In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance's progress and results.

  3. Results of Alliance Activities in Support of Agreement Goals

    Dissemination: Alliance Program participant shared information on agency-developed or OSHA Alliance Program-developed tools and resources, Initiatives focusing on OSHA standards/rulemakings, enforcement, and outreach campaigns.

    Dissemination Type Date Description Emphasis Areas Number Reached
    Webpage 10/1/16- 9/30/17 Alliance Webpage: OSHA website (   141
    Webpage 10/1/16- 9/30/17 Alliance Webpage: ISRI Website   411
    Webpage 10/1/16- 9/30/17 Alliance Webpage: ISRI Website: Subpage on Safety Tips for Cleanup and Recovery Work Hurricane Outreach 85
    Webpage 10/1/16- 9/30/17 ISRI Webpage: OSHA Training Aids (provides links to OSHA resources relevant to ISRI members)   525
    Webpage 10/1/16- 9/30/17 ISRI Webpage: 2017 Safety Stand-Down Day: Management Leadership Tools (provides links to OSHA resources for Safe + Sound Week) Safety & Health Programs, Safe + Sound Week 101
    Webpage 10/1/16- 9/30/17 ISRI Webpage: 2017 Safety Stand-Down Day: Find and Fix Hazards (provides links to OSHA resources for Safe + Sound Week) Safety & Health Programs, Safe + Sound Week 113
    Webpage 10/1/16- 9/30/17 ISRI Webpage: 2017 Safety Stand-Down Day: Worker Participation (provides links to OSHA resources for Safe + Sound Week) Safety & Health Programs, Safe + Sound Week 122
    Webpage 10/7/16 "October 7 Regulatory Update" (discussed OSHA's proposed revisions to its current regulations under its Standards Improvement Project - Phase IV (SIP-IV).   90
    Webpage 10/25/16 Regulatory Update: "Guidelines for Safety and Health Programs" (discussed OSHA's Recommended Practices) and "Preliminary Results- Most Frequent OSHA Citations" for 2016 (as presented at the National Safety Conference) Safety & Health Programs 235
    Webpage 11/1/16 Regulatory Update: "OSHA Quietly Issues Guidance on Incentive Programs, Disciplinary Programs, and Drug-Testing Program"   117
    Webpage 11/29/16 Regulatory Update (covered several OSHA items-- see Emphasis Areas) Recordkeeping/ Reporting, Safety + Health Programs, Silica, Walking-Working Surfaces 79
    Newsletter Dec. 2016 Article in Safety Tips newsletter on final rule updating OSHA's General Industry Walking-Working Surfaces standards specific to slip, trip, and fall hazards. Walking-Working Surfaces 500
    Webpage 12/6/16 Regulatory Update: "OSHA Anti-Retaliation Rules"   122
    Webpage 12/21/16 Regulatory Update: "Sustainability in the Workplace: A New Approach for Protecting Worker Safety and Health"   129
    Webpage 1/3/17 Regulatory Update: "OSHA Clarification of Recordkeeping Requirements" Recordkeeping / Reporting 186
    Webpage 1/9/17 Regulatory Update: "New Beryllium Rule Issued by OSHA"   315
    Webpage 3/28/17 Regulatory Update: "OSHA's Volks Rule Overturned by Congressional Review Act" / "Beryllium Rule" / "The Congressional Review Act and OSHA" Recordkeeping / Reporting 312
    Webpage 7/6/17 Regulatory Update: "Electronic Reporting of OSHA Logs" Recordkeeping / Reporting 212
    Webpage 8/21/17 Regulatory Update: "Electronic Reporting Update" Recordkeeping / Reporting 363
    TOTAL   4,158

    Outreach Events and Training for non-OSHA Staff: Alliance Program participant or OSHA participation in events which includes speeches/presentations, exhibits, roundtables, conferences, informational webinars or other meetings or training in support of the Alliance or an OSHA initiative.

    Activity Type Date Event Name Participant Name(s) and Affiliation(s) Title Of Presentation (if applicable) City State Emphasis Areas* Number Reached
    Event 6/14/17 ISRI's Annual Safety Stand-Down Day Employees of ISRI member companies (N/A- Participation in ISRI SSSD events using Safe + Sound Week 2017 program materials) Nationwide Safety & Health Programs, Safe + Sound Week 225
    TOTAL   4,383

    Report prepared by: Christina Morgan, Safety + Occupational Health Specialist, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, March 2018.