JCAHO - Alliance Annual Report - December 2018
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
The Joint Commission (TJC) and Joint Commission Resources (JCR)
December 2018
Alliance Background
Date Signed
July 27, 2004
Dates Renewed
November 8, 2006
January 14, 2009
August 21, 2013
Evaluation Period
FY 2018: October 1, 2017 – September 30, 2018
Alliance Overview and Goals
Through the Alliance, OSHA, TJC, and JCR aim to provide information and access to resources that will safeguard the health and safety of the healthcare workforce against occupational hazards such as musculoskeletal disorders from patient handling; workplace violence; bloodborne pathogens; tuberculosis; slips, trips, and falls; and others as appropriate.
Implementation Team Meetings
In additional to several project planning meetings, Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance's progress and results.
Results of Alliance Activities in Support of Agreement Goals
Dissemination: Alliance Program participant shared information on agency-developed or OSHA Alliance Program-developed tools and resources, OSHA standards/rulemakings, enforcement, and outreach campaigns.
Dissemination Type Date Description Emphasis Areas Number Reached Webpage 10/1/17 - 9/30/18 Alliance Webpage- OSHA Website 1,271 Webpage 10/1/17 - 9/30/18 Alliance Webpage- JCR Website 2,605 Webpage 10/1/17 - 9/30/18 Alliance Webpage- JCR Website- Alliance Resources page Healthcare 645 Webpage 10/1/17 - 9/30/18 TJC Workplace Violence Prevention Portal- OSHA Resources section Healthcare 1,037 Facebook 10/8/17 Feature brief linking to Surveying Hospitals' Workplace Violence Preparation with OSHA reference Healthcare 33,645 Twitter 10/12/17 Tweet promoting blog on how workplace violence is addressed in TJC standards Healthcare 2,142 Facebook 10/12/17 Post on how workplace violence is addressed in TJC standards Healthcare 524 Twitter 11/1/17 Tweet about nurse bullying and safety culture Healthcare 2,118 Facebook 11/1/17 Post about nurse bullying and safety culture Healthcare 540 LinkedIn 11/1/17 Post about nurse bullying and safety culture Healthcare 6,325 Twitter 11/19/17 Tweet on connection between TJC standards and workplace violence prevention Healthcare 1,874 LinkedIn 11/19/17 Post on connection between TJC standards and workplace violence prevention Healthcare 10,488 Blog post 12/22/17 "Workplace Violence Prevention's High Profile in 2017" Healthcare 514 Twitter 12/29/17 Tweet on Year-end review of workplace violence prevention assets Healthcare 1,965 Facebook 12/29/17 Post on Year-end review of workplace violence prevention assets Healthcare 1,100 LinkedIn 12/29/17 Post on Year-end review of workplace violence prevention assets Healthcare 23,186 Blog post 1/4/18 "Lessons Learned: Rival Gang Members in the Same Hospital" (with specific mention of OSHA's "Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers.") Healthcare 1,795 Twitter 3/1/18 Tweet on workplace bullying in healthcare Healthcare 3,301 Facebook 3/1/18 Post on workplace bullying in healthcare Healthcare 2,600 LinkedIn 3/1/18 Post on workplace bullying in healthcare Healthcare 23,566 Twitter 4/12/18 Tweet announcing upcoming release of Sentinel Event Alert 59: Physical and Verbal Violence Against Health Care Workers Healthcare 6,744 Facebook 4/12/18 Post announcing upcoming release of Sentinel Event Alert 59 Healthcare 27,966 LinkedIn 4/12/18 Post announcing upcoming release of Sentinel Event Alert 59 Healthcare 4,600 E-Newsletter 4/17/18 Sentinel Event Alert 59: Physical and verbal violence against health care workers Healthcare 44,000 E-Newsletter 4/18/18 Joint Commission Online lead story: "New Sentinel Event Alert focuses on physical, verbal workplace violence against health care staff " Healthcare 5,575 Twitter 4/18/18 Tweet announcing release of Sentinel Event 59 Healthcare 6,333 Facebook 4/18/18 Post announcing release of Sentinel Event 59 Healthcare 2,900 LinkedIn 4/18/18 Post announcing release of Sentinel Event 59 Healthcare 28,522 Blog post 4/19/18 "New Workplace Violence Prevention Recommendations" Healthcare 4,148 Twitter 4/24/18 Tweet promoting 4/19 blog post Healthcare 1,543 Facebook 4/24/18 Post promoting 4/19 blog post Healthcare 2,300 LinkedIn 4/24/18 Post promoting 4/19 blog post Healthcare 14,973 Twitter 5/4/18 Tweet promoting a Healthcare and Public Health Sector Coordinating Council (HSCC) resource for active shooter planning and response in healthcare settings Healthcare 1,670 Facebook 5/4/18 Post promoting HSCC resource for active shooter planning and response in healthcare settings Healthcare 980 LinkedIn 5/4/18 Post promoting HSCC resource for active shooter planning and response in healthcare settings Healthcare 17,632 Other email 6/27/18 Email promoting the Sentinel Event webinar, "Workplace Violence Prevention: Implementing Strategies for Safer Healthcare Organizations" Healthcare Not available E-Newsletter 6/27/18 Joint Commission Online article: "This just in: OSHA now requiring electronic submission of Form 300A data" Healthcare, Recordkeeping/ Reporting 5,278 Twitter 6/8/18 Tweet encouraging hospitals and healthcare systems to participate in the American Hospital Association (AHA)- Hospitals Against Violence Initiative (HAVA) National Day of Awareness to End Violence. Healthcare 16,665 Facebook 6/8/18 Post encouraging hospitals and healthcare systems to participate in the AHA-HAVA National Day of Awareness to End Violence. Healthcare 1,200 LinkedIn 6/8/18 Post encouraging hospitals and healthcare systems to participate in the AHA-HAVA National Day of Awareness to End Violence. Healthcare 980 Blog post 7/2/18 "Workplace Violence: It Doesn't Just Happen in Hospitals" Healthcare 2,983 Twitter 7/9/18 Tweet promoting 7/2/18 blog post Healthcare 3,041 Facebook 7/9/18 Post promoting 7/2/18 blog post Healthcare 631 LinkedIn 7/9/18 Post promoting 7/2/18 blog post Healthcare 6,043 Twitter 7/25/18 Tweet promoting TJC/JCR/OSHA webinar and workplace violence prevention resources Healthcare 1,591 Facebook 7/25/18 Tweet promoting TJC/JCR/OSHA webinar and workplace violence prevention resources Healthcare 544 LinkedIn 7/25/18 Tweet promoting TJC/JCR/OSHA webinar and workplace violence prevention resources Healthcare 5,741 E-Newsletter 8/1/18 Joint Commission Online article: "Webinar replay: Strategies to reduce workplace violence from Joint Commission, OSHA" Healthcare 5,834 Twitter 8/10/18 Tweet promoting recording of TJC/JCR/OSHA webinar from 7/25. Healthcare 1,903 Facebook 8/10/18 Post promoting recording of TJC/JCR/OSHA webinar from 7/25. Healthcare 773 LinkedIn 8/10/18 Post promoting recording of TJC/JCR/OSHA webinar from 7/25. Healthcare 6,688 TOTAL 351,022 Outreach Events and Training for non-OSHA Staff: Alliance Program participant or OSHA participation in events, which includes speeches/presentations, exhibits, roundtables, conferences, informational webinars or other meetings or training in support of the Alliance or an OSHA initiative.
Activity Type Date Event Name Participant Name(s) and Affiliation(s) Title Of Presentation (if applicable) City State Emphasis Areas Number Reached Exhibit 4/18/18 JCR Emergency Preparedness Conference Lorenzo Williams, OSHA Tampa Area Office N/A Lake Buena Vista FL ~375 Event 5/3/18 OSHA Alliance Program Forum Paulo Pontemayor, TJC N/A Washington DC 50 Webinar 7/25/18 Sentinel Alert Webinar Galen Blanton, OSHA; Mikki Holmes, OSHA National Office; Edward Pollak, TJC; Judith Arnetz, Michigan State University Workplace Violence Prevention: Implementing Strategies for Safer Healthcare Organizations Healthcare 1,000 Webinar 8/1/18 -9/30/18 Sentinel Alert Webinar: Replay Galen Blanton, OSHA; Mikki Holmes, OSHA National Office; Edward Pollak, TJC; Judith Arnetz, Michigan State University Workplace Violence Prevention: Implementing Strategies for Safer Healthcare Organizations Healthcare 2,200 TOTAL 3,625 -
Alliance Developed Products
- As a Partner for Safe + Sound Week 2018, TJC/JCR collaborated with OSHA's Directorate of Standards and Guidance (DSG) in updating a Fact Sheet with Healthcare Safety Statistics.
Report prepared by: Christina Morgan, Safety & Occupational Health Specialist, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, December 2018