Lamar - Alliance Annual Report - October 1, 2009

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and
Lamar Outdoor Advertising (Lamar)
October 1, 2009

  1. Alliance Background

    Date Signed

    September 19, 2007


    The OSHA and Lamar Alliance provides Lamar employees and others in the outdoor advertising industry with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect employees' health and safety, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to falls, electrical, struck-by and trenching hazards, as well as hazards related to the operation of aerial lifts.

    Implementation Team Members


    Kevin Clarke
    Program Manager Alliance/Partnership, Boston, Massachusetts Regional Office
    Sandra Khan
    Safety and Occupational Health Specialist, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
    Robert Kowalski
    Area Director, Bridgeport Area Office, Region 1.
    Stephanie Nee
    Team Leader, Boston, Massachusetts Regional Office


    Paul Gagnon
    Corporate Safety Director
    Bruce Higdon
    Chuck Wigger
    Assistant Corporate Safety Director

    Evaluation Period

    September 19, 2008 - September 18, 2009

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    March 24, 2009
    Implementation Team meeting
    April 14, 2009
    Workgroup meeting
    June 19, 2009
    Workgroup meeting
    August 28, 2009
    Workgroup meeting
    September 10, 2009
    Implementation Team meeting

    In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance’s progress and results.

  3. Results

    1. Events and Products

      Training and Education Goal

      No projects related to this goal were completed during the reporting period.

      • Work with OSHA to provide expertise in developing training and education programs for Lamar employees regarding falls, electrical, struck-by and trenching hazards, as well as hazards related to the operation of aerial lifts, and to provide expertise in communicating such information to others in the outdoor advertising industry.

      Outreach and Communication Goals

      2008 Outdoor Advertising Association of America Operations Conference and Trade Show, October 16-18, 2008, Orlando, Florida

      On October 16, 2008, Bill Parsons, Acting Director of Construction Services, Directorate of Construction, USDOL-OSHA, delivered an OSHA keynote address.

      In addition, Anthony Rosa, Compliance Assistance Specialist, Region IV, Tampa, Florida Area Office, USDOL-OSHA, staffed an Alliance Program exhibit booth and distributed OSHA compliance assistance publications during the conference.

      OSHA and Lamar Alliance Web Page

      OSHA created and maintains the OSHA and Lamar Alliance Web page that is posted on the Agency’s Web site. The page includes the OSHA and Lamar Alliance agreement news releases, photos, and activities and events.

      Print and Electronic Media

      Articles about the OSHA and Lamar Alliance have appeared in a number of printed and online publications, including Facilities Manager and Domestic Preparedness. For more information on the articles, please see the Alliance Program Reach table in this report.

      • Work with OSHA to provide expertise in developing information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, and to provide expertise in developing ways of communicating such information (e.g., print and electronic assistance tools and OSHA's and Lamar's Web sites) to employers and employees in the industry.

      Lamar Developed Training DVDs

      Lamar shared its Fall Protection, Behavioral Driving and Safety Orientation Best Practice Training DVDs with the OSHA and Lamar Alliance Implementation Team.

      • Share information among OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding Lamar's best practices or effective approaches and publicize the results through outreach by Lamar and through OSHA- or Lamar-developed materials, training programs, workshops, seminars, and lectures (or any other applicable media, such as Lamar billboards).
      • Promote and encourage Lamar's participation in OSHA's cooperative programs, such as Compliance Assistance, the Voluntary Protection Programs, the On-site Consultation Program, and its Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program.

      Alliance Agreements

      North Carolina Department of Labor (NCDOL) and Lamar Outdoor Advertising Alliance – November 2008

      Through the NCDOL and Lamar Alliance the groups work together to provide free safety classes on various safety and health topics such as 10 hour classes and the crane standard. Lamar shares safety and health information with the North Carolina plants and sent one plant to a 10 hour class offered by NCDOL. In addition, through the Alliance Lamar provides free-of-charge billboard space to support and promote safety and health initiatives such as crane safety and heat stress/illness prevention.

      U.S. Department of Labor Department, Bridgeport Area Office and Lamar Outdoor Advertising Alliance – Signed April 8, 2003; renewed December 9, 2007

      OSHA and "Lamar Bridgeport" are continuing to use the Alliance as a means to provide their collective expertise fostering a culture of prevention while sharing best practices and technical knowledge.

      U.S. Department of Labor Department, Georgia Struck-By Alliance – Signed December 5, 2006

      Through the Georgia Struck-by Alliance the members work together providing their expertise developing training and education programs for employers and employees regarding struck-by hazards and other work zone issues, and providing expertise in communicating such information to employers and employees in the construction industry. In addition, the Alliance members work together to delivering or arranging for the delivery of work zone safety and struck- by training courses. As part of this Alliance Lamar provides free-of-charge billboard space to promote the Alliance’s activities and agency initiatives such as the Georgia Safety Stand Down on Heat Illnesses - August 3, 2011. The goal of the Stand Down was to prevent heat illness in outdoor workers.

      U.S. Department of Labor Department, Alabama Struck-By Alliance – Signed April 6, 2003; renewed March 11, 2005

      Through the Alabama Struck by Hazards Alliance the Alliance members use their collective expertise to help foster a culture of prevention while sharing best practices and technical knowledge. The Alliance focuses on reducing and preventing exposure to “Struck By” and other hazards encountered by the employees in their work zones.

      • Work with other Alliance participants on projects to address safety and health issues in the outdoor advertising industry including falls, electrical, struck-by and trenching hazards, as well as hazards related to the operation of aerial lifts.

      Drug-Free Work Week, October 20-26, 2008

      Through the OSHA and Lamar Alliance, Lamar supported and promoted the Drug-Free Work Week, October 20-26, 2008 by advertising information about the Week on their electronic billboards in 252 markets that are located throughout the United States from September through October 2008. A number of other Alliance Program participants supported the Drug-Free Work Week that is sponsored annually by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace Program. The Week focused on educating employers, employees and the public about the importance of being drug-free as an essential component of a safe and healthful workplace.

      2009 National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week, April 6-10, 2009

      Lamar, along with several other Alliance Program participants, supported and promoted the National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week, April 6-10, 2008. The Week is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration and is held annually to bring national attention to motorist and worker safety and mobility issues in work zones. Through the OSHA and Lamar Alliance, Lamar advertised the Week on billboards throughout the United States. More than 300,000 people a day viewed these billboards during the 2008 NWZAW.

      This support led Lamar, through the OSHA and Lamar Alliance, to create and place work zone safety messages on billboards throughout Alabama and Mississippi. Lamar donated the billboards because of the increase in workers exposed to struck-by hazards after Hurricane Katrina. The billboards will remain active until all post-Katrina rebuilding is complete.

      2009 North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week, May 3-9, 2009

      Lamar and more than 55 other Alliance Program participants supported 2009 NAOSH Week. Sponsored annually by the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), an Alliance Program participant, and the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE), the Week focuses on the importance of preventing injuries and illnesses in the workplace. The theme for 2009 NAOSH Week was "Safety Means Always Coming Home."

      On May 4, 2009, Chuck Wigger, CSP, Corporate Safety Director, Lamar, attended the NAOSH Week Kick-off event at the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington, DC. Acting Assistant Secretary Jordan Barab, USDOL-OSHA; Warren Brown, President, ASSE; and Andrew Cooper, Secretary, CSSE; provided brief remarks. The Kick-off also featured an Alliance Program participant panel with presentations from Alliance Program participants American Heart Association, ASSE, Independent Electrical Contractors, and National Safety Council focusing on workplace safety and health issues. In addition, Lamar provided no cost billboards in several states to promote the 2009 NAOSH Week. In addition to those billboards, Lamar provided billboards for the winning posters in New York (2), Wisconsin, Florida, Oregon, Indiana, Virginia (2), Texas, and Alabama.

    2. Executive Summary

      During the first year of their Alliance, OSHA and Lamar worked together through the Alliance Program to promote the OSHA and Lamar Alliance and to reduce and prevent exposure to fall, electrical, struck-by and trenching hazards, as well as hazards related to the operation of aerial lifts. For example:

      • On October 16, 2008, Bill Parsons, Acting Director of Construction Services, Directorate of Construction, USDOL-OSHA, gave an OSHA keynote address. In addition, Anthony Rosa, Compliance Assistance Specialist, Region IV, Tampa, Florida Area Office, USDOL-OSHA, staffed an Alliance Program exhibit booth and distributed OSHA compliance assistance publications during the conference.
      • Lamar supported and promoted the 2009 National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week, April 6-10, 2009, by advertising information about the Week on Lamar billboards throughout the United States. More than 300,000 people a day viewed these billboards during the 2008 National Work Zone Awareness Week. In addition, Lamar also created and placed work zone safety messages on billboards across Alabama and Mississippi.
      • Lamar supported the 2008 Drug-Free Work Week and the 2009 NAOSH Week and promoted the Weeks on billboards throughout the United States.
      • OSHA created and maintains an OSHA and Lamar Alliance Web page that is posted on the Agency Web site. The page includes the OSHA and Lamar Alliance agreement, news releases, photos, and activities and events.
      • Articles about the OSHA and Lamar Alliance have appeared in a number of printed and online publications, including The Tonawanda News and Domestic Preparedness.
      • Regional/Area Office Alliances
    3. Alliance Program Reach

      Type of Activity
      (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.)

      Number of Individuals
      Reached or Trained

      OSHA and Lamar Alliance Web page on the OSHA Web site


      September 16-18, 2008: 2008 Outdoor Advertising Association of America Operations Conference and Trade Show Orlando, Florida
      Speaker: Bill Parsons


      October 20-28, 2008: 2008 Drug-Free Work Week

      Data Not Available

      April 24, 2009: Niagara County: Gasport Resident Places Fourth in a National Poster Contest
      The Tonawanda News

      Data Not Available

      April 6-10, 2009: National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week (billboards)


      April 30, 2009: American Society Of Safety Engineers (ASSE) And OSHA, Join Forces to Promote Work Safety During Next Week's North American Occupational Safety & Health Week
      Domestic Preparedness

      Data Not Available

      May 6, 2009: This Week In Safety: NAOSH Week and OSHP Day
      Facility Manager


      May 3-9, 2009: 2009 NAOSH Week (billboards)

      Data Not Available



  4. Upcoming Milestones

    During the upcoming year, OSHA and Lamar will continue to speak and exhibit at conferences and seminars, provide training and develop compliance assistance tools and resources. For example, the Alliance will:

    • Provide training at the Northeast Region Outdoor Advertising Training Seminars.
    • Provide speakers or exhibit at the 2010 Outdoor Advertising Association of America Operations Conference and Trade Show.
    • Support and promote the National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week, April 5-11, 2010.
    • Support and promote the 2010 NAOSH Week.
    • Support and promote the 2010 Drug-Free Work Week, October 18-24, 2010.
    • Serve on the editorial boards for several of the 120 OSHA eTools and Safety and Health Topics pages.
    • Develop an Outdoor Advertising Safety and Health Training presentation for OSHA Compliance Officers.

    Report prepared by: Sandra Khan, Safety and Occupational Health Specialist, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, October 1, 2009.