Alliance Annual Report - September 29, 2016
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the
National Safety Council (NSC) Alliance
I. Alliance Background
- Date Signed
September 9, 2003
- Dates Renewed
September 21, 2005
October 15, 2007
August 29, 2012
September 16, 2014 -
Evaluation Period
September 9, 2012 – September 8, 2016
The OSHA and NSC Alliance focuses on providing NSC members and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect the health and safety of workers and understand the rights of workers and the responsibilities of employers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act). Through the Alliance, the organizations will continue to address motor vehicle safety, construction safety, temporary and contract workers, and the importance of establishing an injury and illness prevention program. The Alliance will also support and promote NSC's "Journey to Safety Excellence" (JSE) campaign, a workplace advocacy initiative focusing on continuous improvement to help make more workplaces safe across the country. The campaign offers free resources to employers including benchmarking tools, guides on a variety of safety and health topics and a forum to connect with other safety professionals.
Implementation Team Members
Todd Briggs Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA), Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs Danezza Quintero Office of Construction Services (OCS), Directorate of Construction (DOC) NSC
Debra Ferris Director, Safety & Health Solutions – Government Sector Luke George Senior Government Relations Manager Amy Harper Manager, JSE Juliann Hoffman Government Affairs Assistant Karen Howe Senior Director, Conventions Jim Johnson Group Vice President, Workplace and Safety Initiatives Mark Johnson Chair, NSC Labor Division Donna Siegfried Senior Director, Emergency Care David Teater Senior Director, Transportation Initiatives John Ulczycki Group Vice President, Strategic Initiatives Amy Williams Manager, Distracted & Teen Driving Initiatives
II. Implementation Team Meetings
- November 1, 2012
- March 29, 2013
- July 23, 2013
- November 14, 2013
- March 27, 2014
- August 1, 2014
- December 9, 2014
- May 5, 2015
- December 16, 2015
- May 5, 2016
In addition to these formal meetings, the respective Alliance coordinators from each group maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance's progress and results.
III. Results
The following table summarizes the Alliance's activities in support of the goals in the Alliance agreement.
Raising Awareness of OSHA's Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives Goal 1: Share information on OSHA's National Emphasis Programs, Regulatory Agenda, and opportunities to participate in the rulemaking process through the NSC Web site and NSC publications, such as OSHA Up to Date and Membership News Alert, and targeted communications to selected NSC Divisions whose activities may revolve around specific hazards, industry segments, or other topics. |
Activity Type |
Activity Name/Summary |
OSHA Initiative Supported |
Number Reached |
Dissemination | OSHA's Prevention of Falls Campaign
Construction; Falls; General Industry; Hispanic/Latino Outreach | 250,000 |
Dissemination | OSHA's Prevention of Heat Illness in Outdoor Workers Campaign
Construction; Heat; Hispanic/Latino Outreach | 250,000 |
Dissemination | NSC's Journey to Safety Excellence (JSE)
275,000 | |
Dissemination | North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week
General Industry; Construction | Unknown |
Raising Awareness of OSHA's Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives Goal 2: Convene or participate in forums, roundtable discussions, or stakeholder meetings on construction safety issues, transportation safety issues, temporary and contract workers, or best practices in injury and illness prevention programs, such as the OSHA Construction Roundtable, to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace or to provide input on safety and health issues. |
Activity Type |
Activity Name/Summary |
OSHA Initiative Supported |
Number Reached |
Dissemination | OSHA's Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives
Construction; General Industry | 50,000 |
Outreach and Communication Goal 1: Develop information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, as well as develops ways of communicating such information (e.g., print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools, OSHA's and NSC's Web sites, and NSC's Divisions) to employers and workers in construction and general industry. |
Activity Type |
Activity Name/Summary |
OSHA Initiative Supported |
Number Reached |
Product | Fact Sheet: The Business Case for Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (I2P2)
Safety and Health Management Systems | 50,000 |
Product | Fact Sheet: How to Conduct an Incident Investigation
50,000 | |
Outreach and Communication Goal 2: Speak, exhibit, or appear at OSHA's or NSC's conferences and local meetings, or other events, such as the annual NSC Congress & Exposition. |
Activity Type |
Activity Name/Summary |
OSHA Initiative Supported |
Number Reached |
Conference | NSC Congress and Expo
Construction; General Industry, Maritime | 3,000 |
Outreach and Communication Goal 3: Work with other Alliance participants on specific issues and projects on construction or general industry safety that are addressed and developed through the Alliance Program. |
Activity Type |
Activity Name/Summary |
OSHA Initiative Supported |
Number Reached |
Meeting | OSHA Alliance Program Construction Roundtable
Construction; Falls; Hispanic/Latino Workers | 280 |
Product | Case Study: Near Miss Reporting Systems
Construction; General Industry | 50,000 |
Product | Case Study: Lack of Fall Protection Measures Place Workers at Increased Risk
Construction | 50,000 |
*More than 1,028,280 |
IV. Upcoming Milestones
In the upcoming year, the OSHA and NSC Alliance will continue to grow, and the Alliance Implementation Team will undertake a number of activities and projects in an effort to meet the goals of the agreement. For example, the Alliance will work to develop outreach products and materials, including case studies focusing on the prevention of falls in construction, motor vehicle safety, and the protection of temporary workers.
The Alliance will play a major sponsoring role in OSHA’s national outreach initiative focusing on the prevention of falls in construction, including member companies conducting stand-down events during the annual National Safety Stand-Down Week. The Alliance will also support OSHA’s national outreach campaign focusing on the prevention of heat illness in outdoor workers.
Through the Alliance Program, OSHA will continue to promote and support NSC’s national outreach initiatives and campaigns, including NSC’s Journey for Safety Excellence, June as National Safety Month, and Distracted Driving Awareness Month.
The Alliance will actively participate in the OSHA Alliance Program Construction Roundtable to discuss a number of construction-related safety and health issues, including silica, safety and health management systems, and the prevention of falls. The Roundtable will also work with CPWR to address issues focusing on how to better effectively reach small construction contractor and noise-related hazards and back overs within the construction industry.
In addition, OSHA staff will deliver technical workshop presentations at the NSC Congress and Expo, October 17-19, 2016, in Anaheim, California. OSHA staff will also maintain an exhibit booth to disseminate safety and health outreach materials, and answer questions.
Finally, the Alliance will continue to promote the activities and outreach products developed by OSHA and the Alliance through the NSC Website, which is linked to from the OSHA and NSC Alliance Webpage on the OSHA Website.
Report prepared by: Todd Briggs, Program Analyst, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, September 29, 2016.
*The numbers reached amount is a guesstimate for the entire four-year evaluation period.