Alliance Annual Report - January 4, 2019

  1. Alliance Background

    1. Date Signed

      September 9, 2003

    2. Dates Renewed

      September 21, 2005
      October 15, 2007
      August 29, 2012
      September 16, 2014

    3. Evaluation Period

      October 1, 2017-September 30, 2018

    4. Alliance Overview and Goals

      The OSHA and NSC Alliance focuses on providing NSC members and the public with information and access to training resources on hazards related to motor vehicle and construction safety, temporary and contract workers, and the importance of establishing an injury and illness prevention program, such as NSC's "Journey to Safety Excellence" (JSE) campaign, a workplace advocacy initiative focusing on continuous improvement to help make more workplaces safe across the country.

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    • November 6, 2017

    In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period and held workgroup meetings (as needed) to monitor the Alliance's progress and results.

  3. Results of Alliance Activities in Support of Agreement Goals

    Dissemination: Alliance Program participant shared information on agency-developed or OSHA Alliance Program-developed tools and resources, OSHA standards/rulemakings, enforcement, and outreach campaigns, including campaigns focusing on falls, heat, and was a partner for the Agency's Safe +Sound Week.

    Dissemination Type Date Description Emphasis Areas* Number Reached
    Webpage 10/1/17 - 9/30/18 Alliance Webpage- OSHA Website Safety and Health Programs; PSM 2,600
    Webpage 10/1/17 - 9/30/18 Alliance Webpage- Participant Website Safety and Health Programs; PSM 1,172
    Facebook 10/9/17 Post on Safe + Sound Week Safe + Sound 2,169
    Facebook 10/28/17 Post on Safe + Sound Week Safe + Sound 2,863
    Facebook 12/12/17 Safe + Sound Week Promotion Safe + Sound 1,762
    Facebook 1/5/18 Post for Free Webinar on OSHA Electronic Record Keeping Recordkeeping 1,097
    Facebook 3/20/18 On-Site Consultation Program to prevent injuries On-Site Consultation 3,735
    Facebook 4/20/18 Promotion of Safe + Sound Webinar, "Three Core Elements of Effective S&H Programs" Safe + Sound 69,293
    Facebook 5/2/18 National Safety Stand-Down - Link to OSHA resources page Fall Stand-Down 69,293
    Facebook 5/7/18 OSHA video promoting Stop Falls Stand-down Fall Stand-Down 69,293
    Facebook 5/15/18 Hosted Safe + Sound Webinar: value of employee perception surveys Safe + Sound 150
    Facebook 7/26/18 Encourage "Making Safety Personal" activities in recognition of Safe + Sound Week Safe + Sound 69,293
    Facebook 8/9/18 Guest Blog from Chatham County, GA on how they address road safety in workplace for Safe + Sound Week Safe + Sound 69,293
    Facebook 8/13/18 Promotion of Safe + Sound Week website and materials Safe + Sound 69,293
    Twitter 10/8/17 Post on Safe + Sound Week Safe + Sound 8,206
    Twitter 10/12/17 Safe + Sound Week Promotion Safe + Sound 7,302
    Twitter 11/9/17 Post on Safe + Sound Week Safe + Sound 8,206
    Twitter 1/5/18 Post for Free Webinar on OSHA Electronic Record Keeping Recordkeeping 2,277
    Twitter 3/20/18 On-Site Consultation Program to prevent injuries On-Site Consultation 1,207
    Twitter 5/2/18 National Safety Stand-Down awareness and OSHA resources Fall Stand-Down 22,200
    Twitter 5/11/18 Certificate of Participation opportunity for Safety Stand-down Fall Stand-Down 22,200
    Twitter 7/13/18 Safe + Sound Week promotion and link to OSHA press release Safe + Sound 22,200
    Twitter 8/9/18 Guest Blog from Chatham County, GA on how they address road safety in workplace for Safe + Sound Week Safe + Sound 22,200
    LinkedIn 10/9/17 Post on Safe + Sound Week Safe + Sound 7,327
    LinkedIn 11/12/17 Safe + Sound Week Promotion Safe + Sound 15,059
    LinkedIn 1/5/18 Post for Free Webinar on OSHA Electronic Record Keeping Recordkeeping 14,692
    LinkedIn 3/20/18 On-Site Consultation Program to prevent injuries post   11,631
    Newsletter 10/2/17 Promoted OSHA Top 10 in Journey to Safety Excellence (JSE) Digest Safety & Health Programs 6,455
    Newsletter 11/5/17 Promoted OSHA's Nov. 14 webinar on Fatality and Injury Reporting Rule in JSE Digest Recordkeeping/Reporting 6,548
    Newsletter 1/2/18 Promoted OSHA's Top 10 for 2017 in JSE Digest Safety & Health Programs 6,671
    Newsletter 3/2/18 Promoted Electronic Injury Tracking in JSE Digest Recordkeeping/Reporting 6,815
    TOTAL   622,502

    Report prepared by: Todd Briggs, Program Analyst, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, January 4, 2019.