NSMS - Alliance Close-out Report - April 15, 2005
OSHA and National Safety Management Society (NSMS) Alliance
Close-Out Report
On October 1, 2003, OSHA and the National Safety Management Society (NSMS) formed an Alliance focusing on providing NSMS members and others with information to help them protect employee health and safety, particularly by addressing the effective development and implementation of integrated safety management systems and workplace safety and health programs.
After the Alliance was signed, the majority of the OSHA and NSMS Alliance activities took place in Region VI and involved NSMS members, along with other organizations, in the oil and gas industry. There was limited activity to develop programs and products to meet the goals of the Alliance. As a result, OSHA concluded the Alliance as of April 15, 2005 and encouraged NSMS to develop Alliances with OSHA's Regional and Area Offices.
However, the following successes have resulted from OSHA and NSMS' work together to meet the Alliance goals:
- October 22, 2003, Greg Honaker, Region VI - Baton Rouge, Louisiana Area Director, USDOL-OSHA, made a presentation to 40 contractors in the oil and gas industry on OSHA's Strategic Management Plan and Goals for 2004 at the NSMS Gulf Coast Chapter meeting in New Iberia, Louisiana.
- NSMS distributed 25 copies of the Forklift Safety Information Packet to its members. The information packet, prepared by OSHA, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and the Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division, is designed to increase awareness of the hazards of powered industrial forklift use by young workers.
- On May 26, 2004, Bill Klingbeil, Region VI's VPP Safety & Health Manager, USDOL-OSHA, discussed OSHA's Voluntary Protection Programs at the Contractor Development Team (CDT) meeting in Houston, Texas. The CDT is an independent Gulf Coast organization for land-based and offshore oil and drilling contractors. NSMS members are also members of the CDT.