Red Cross - Alliance Annual Report - May 19, 2016
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
and the American Red Cross
May 19, 2016
Alliance Background
Date Signed
May 19, 2005 -
Dates Renewed
August 6, 2008
November 9, 2015Evaluation Period
May 19, 2012 – May 18, 2016
Through the Alliance, OSHA and the American Red Cross (Red Cross) aim to provide information, guidance, and access to training resources on emergency preparedness, disease prevention education and first aid training. -
Implementation Team Members
OSHA- Sheila Arbury
- Office of Occupational Health Nursing, Directorate of Technical Support and Emergency Management (DTSEM)
- Todd Briggs
- Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA), Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)
- Kay Dellinger
- Earl Hicks
- Ethel Moreno
- Christina Morgan
- Christine Petitti
- Office of Emergency Management, DTSEM
Red Cross
Jean Erdtmann
Jennifer Geiger
Implementation Team Meetings
- June 18, 2013
- September 19, 2013
- January 30, 2014
- November 9, 2015
The following table summarizes the Alliance’s activities in support of the goals in the Alliance agreements for the timeframe of this report.
Outreach and Communication: Events Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached Event Red Cross supported the 2013 North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week. 90,000 Event On January 8, 2014, OSHA and Red Cross co-sponsored a webinar featuring Michael Pannell from OSHA’s Office of Health Enforcement (OHE), Directorate of Enforcement Programs (DEP), and Sheila Arbury, Office of Occupational Medicine and Nursing (OOMN), Directorate of Technical Support and Emergency Management (DTSEM). The presentation was entitled “Bloodborne Pathogens: What You Need to Know to Prevent Disease Transmission in the Workplace.” Healthcare 2000 Event Tom Heneghan delivered a workshop session on healthcare hazards at the On-Site Consultation Conference in Denver, Colorado, in May 2014. Healthcare 90 Event On April 20, 2016, Tom Heneghan gave a presentation on the Ready Rating™ 3.0 app to OSHA staff attending the Office of Emergency Management/DTSEM Quarterly State Emergency Preparedness and Response conference call. Emergency Preparedness 30 Outreach and Communication: Dissemination Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached Dissemination Red Cross provided OSHA with information regarding its Ready Rating™ 3.0 app for posting on OSHA’s Emergency Preparedness S&H topics page in November 2015. Emergency Preparedness Not applicable Dissemination Red Cross launched an alliance webpage in January 2016. Not available Dissemination Red Cross helped to publicize OSHA’s Fall Stand-Down Initiative in 2015 and 2016. Fall Prevention Not available TOTAL 92,120 reached, plus unknown reached through outreach. -
Upcoming Milestones
In the coming year, OSHA and Red Cross will work to build relationships between OSHA regional and area offices and Red Cross field operations to ensure better collaboration with regard to disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. The Red Cross will also continue to help disseminate information regarding OSHA rulemakings, enforcement initiatives, and outreach campaigns, as appropriate. The Red Cross and OSHA will also continue to share information with employers and workers related to emergency preparedness, disease prevention, first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the use of automated external defibrillators, including annual training requirements.
Report prepared by: Christina Morgan, Safety and Occupational Health Specialist, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, May 19, 2016