SCHC - Alliance Annual Report - November 1, 2016

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
and the Society for Chemical Hazard Communication (SCHC)
November 1, 2016

  1. Alliance Background

    1. Date Signed

      October 22, 2003 (renewed December 5, 2005; March 24, 2008; March 1, 2012; and April 13, 2015)

    2. Evaluation Period

      October 22, 2015—October 21, 2016

    3. Overview

      The OSHA and SCHC Alliance focuses on providing SCHC’s members and others, including small businesses, information, guidance, and access to training resources to protect employees’ health and safety. In particular, the Alliance will continue to address hazard communication hazards matters and issues related to increasing awareness of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals.

    4. Implementation Team Members


      Karen Heckmann

      Industrial Hygienist, Office of Training and Educational Development (OTED), Directorate of Training and Education (DTE)

      Deana Holmes

      Health Scientist, Office of Chemical Hazards-Metals (OCH-M), Directorate of Standards and Guidance (DSG)

      Kathy Landkrohn

      Health Scientist, OCH-M, DSG

      Christina Morgan*

      Safety and Occupational Health Specialist, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA), Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs (DCSP)

      Morgan Seuberling**

      Safety and Occupational Health Specialist, OOSA, DCSP

      Lana Nieves

      Senior Industrial Hygienist, OHE, DEP

      Kenneth Leonard

      Program Analyst, OHE, DEP

      Jennifer Lawless

      Senior Industrial Hygienist, OCH-M, DSG


      Denese Deeds

      Industrial Health and Safety Consultants; Chairperson of Outreach, SCHC

      Michele Sullivan

      MRS Associates; Board Member, SCHC

      Abbey Goodyear***

      MSDSonline; Chairperson of GHS Info Sheet Committee, SCHC

      Daniel Levine***

      Product Safety Solutions; Chairperson of Web-Committee, SCHC

      David W. Peters***

      Monsanto Company; Past-President, SCHC

      Jasjit Sarang***

      Chevron Phillips Chemical Co.; GHS Info Sheet Committee, SCHC

      Darlene Susa-Anderson***

      ChemAdvisor; President, SCHC

      Ann Thompson***

      3M; Vice-President, SCHC

      Luc Séguin****

      Chairperson of GHS Information Fact Sheets Committee, SCHC

      Jennifer Mahoney****

      CGI Technologies and Solutions Inc.; Vice President, Chair, SCHC-OSHA Alliance Committee, SCHC

      *Christina Morgan served on the Alliance Implementation Team until January 2016.

      **Morgan Seuberling re-joined the Alliance Implementation Team in February 2016.

      ***Abbey Goodyear, Daniel Levine, David W. Peters, Jasjit Sarang, Darlene Susa-Anderson, and Ann Thompson served on the Alliance Implementation Team until April 2016.

      ****Luc Séguin and Jennifer Mahoney joined the Alliance Implementation Team in May 2016.

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    • February 10, 2016
    • July 27, 2016

    In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance’s progress and results.

  3. Results

    The following table summarizes the Alliance's activities in support of the goals in the Alliance agreement.

    Training and Education: Develop webinars to assist employers in complying with hazard communication requirements for the preparation of labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs).
    Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached
      No activity was performed on this goal during the reporting timeframe.    
    Training and Education: Arrange to have the hazard communication and GHS webinars delivered through the Alliance and archived afterwards for future free access through the Web by OSHA staff, small businesses and others per the annual work plan.
    Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached
    Dissemination The September 9, 2015 OSHA/SCHC Webinar: Hazard Communication 2012 - Inspection Procedures for the Hazard Communication Standard: CPL 02-02-079, is available for streaming/download from SCHC’s website. Hazard Communication Not Available
    Outreach and Communication: Develop and disseminate five information sheets annually regarding safety and health issues focusing on Hazard Communication, SDSs and the GHS.
    Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached
    Alliance Product

    Information Sheet Completed:

    • Simple Asphyxiant (January 2016)
    • Explosives (April 2016)
    • Flammable Aerosols (April 2016)
    • Self-Heating Chemicals (April 2016)
    • Reproductive Toxicity (April 2016)
    Hazardous Chemicals Not Available
    Alliance Product

    Updated Information Sheets:

    • Corrosive to Metal (February 2015; updated January 2016)
    • Flammable Gases (February 2015; updated January 2016)
    • Flammable Solid (February 2015; updated January 2016)
    • Gases Under Pressure (February 2015; updated January 2016)
    Hazardous Chemicals Not Available
    Outreach and Communication: Provide annual training seminars and/or webinars addressing hazard communication health and safety issues related to increasing awareness of Agency regulations and GHS.
    Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached
    Training SCHC Webinar- Multi-Modal Transportation Classification Training, July 19, 21, 26 and 28, 2016.
    • SCHC will provided a training session opportunity for OSHA staff on Multi-Modal Transportation Classification. The Series encompassed 4 distance learning sessions, 3 hours each.
    Hazard Communication 2
    Outreach and Communication: Disseminate quarterly (via print and electronic media, and the SCHC's web site) information on topics such as OSHA's initiatives, workers' rights, employer responsibilities, and other information on occupational safety and health to employers and workers.
    Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached
    Dissemination SCHC and OSHA Alliance Web Page

    SCHC maintains the SCHC and OSHA Alliance Web page on its Website. Information includes links to the Alliance agreement and links to products developed by SCHC through the Alliance Program.
    Hazard Communication/GHS

    Heat Stress

    Safety and Health Management Guidelines
    Dissemination OSHA and SCHC Alliance Web Page

    OSHA’s Alliance Web page continues to be updated with information on the Alliance, including products and resources.
    Dissemination On 11/11/15, SCHC sent an email blast both promoting OSHA’s QuickTakes and announcing OSHA’s updated Hazard Communication website. Hazard Communication/ Chemicals 5,959
    Dissemination On 11/30/15 the SCHC November Monthly Newsletter contained a piece announcing OSHA’s release of the draft revised Safety & Health Management Programs and the public comment period. Safety & Health Management Systems 5,959
    Dissemination On 12/8/15, SCHC sent an email blast announcing the publication of a Letter of Interpretation concerning labeling requirements for direct imports and exports under OSHA’s Hazard Communication standard. Hazard Communication/ Chemicals 5,959
    Dissemination On 2/19/16, SCHC sent an email blast announcing the OSHA March 3, 2016, Regulatory Cooperation Council Webinar with links to the OSHA Hazard Communication website. Hazard Communication/ Chemicals 5,959
    Dissemination On 3/22/16 the SCHC March Newsletter contained an article entitled “OSHA seeks public comment on guidance for determining potential health hazards of chemicals” which contained the link to OSHA’s Guidance on Data Evaluation for Weight of Evidence Determination, which is intended to help employers consider all available information when classifying hazardous chemicals. In addition the newsletter contained a piece entitled “OSHA May Have Given Up on Combustible Dust Rule Before End of Obama Administration.” Hazard Communication/ Chemicals and Combustible Dust 5,959
    Dissemination On 4/27/16 the SCHC April Monthly Newsletter contained an article entitled “OSHA Issues Final Crystalline Silica Rule.” Hazardous Chemicals 5,959
    Dissemination SCHC posted information on their website and in their social media on the U.S.-Canada Regulatory Cooperation Council Stakeholder Meetings that were held on May 4-5, 2016 at the Embassy of Canada in Washington, D.C. Hazardous Chemicals 143

    [Web Hits: Posted April-June]
    Dissemination On 7/2/16, SCHC sent an email blast announcing the Health Canada released Phase 1 of the Technical Guidance on the Requirements of the Hazardous Products Act (HPA) and the Hazardous Products Regulations (HPR) - WHMIS 2015 Supplier Requirements. The email provided a link to A PDF copy of the guidance can be requested from Health Canada's website at Hazard Communication/ Chemicals 5,959
    Dissemination On 7/31/16 the SCHC July Monthly Newsletter contained an article entitled “I’ve Got No Test Data – How Do I Know if I Have a Combustible Dust.” The article includes links to OSHA’s resources on combustible dust. Combustible Dust 5,959
    Dissemination On 9/30/16 the SCHC September Monthly Newsletter contained a link to the OSHA Trade Release entitled “OSHA, Health Canada update plan to align labelling and classification requirements for hazardous workplace chemicals.” Hazard Communication/ Chemicals 5,959
    Dissemination On 10/25/16 the SCHC October Monthly Newsletter contained an article and FAQs on OSHA’s Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs. Included in the article was the Safe Work Place + Sound Business logo. Safety and Health Management Systems 5,959
    Outreach and Communication: Provide opportunities annually for OSHA to speak, exhibit, or appear at the SCHC Spring and Fall Meetings.
    Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached
    Speech/Presentation SCHC Spring 2016 Meeting, April 16-20, 2016, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Hazard Communication 207
    Speech/Presentation SCHC Spring 2016 Meeting, April 16-20, 2016, Ft. Lauderdale, FL   207
    Speech/Presentation SCHC Fall 2016 Meeting, September 24-28, 2016, Arlington, VA
    • On September 27, 2016, Sven Rundman, Senior Industrial Hygienist/Team Leader, Office of Health Enforcement, Directorate of Enforcement Programs, gave a presentation entitled “Hazard Communication Standard (HCS 2012) – Highlighted Issues” and Kathy Landkrohn, Health Scientist, Office of Chemical Hazards- Metals, Directorate of Standards and Guidance, gave a presentation entitled “HCS/GHS Update.”
    Speech/Presentation SCHC Fall 2016 Meeting, September 24-28, 2016, Arlington, VA
    • On September 28, 2016, Lana Nieves, Industrial Hygienist, Office of Health Enforcement, Directorate of Enforcement Programs, gave a presentation entitled “Health and Safety in Nail Salons.”
    Exhibit SCHC Fall 2016 Meeting, September 24-28, 2016, Arlington, VA
    • On September 27, 2016, Morgan Seuberling, Occupational Safety and Health Specialist, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs, disseminated OSHA publications to attendees at the event.
    Total     62,635
  4. Evaluations

    SCHC continues to evaluate the impact of the September 9, 2015 webinar. Approximately a third of the recent attendees completed the survey, and feedback was very positive. More than 75% reported that the presentation was relevant to their company’s needs and approximately 56% reported that the handouts and resources provided were useful. SCHC will continue to solicit feedback on their webinars and will also work during the next reporting period to collect feedback on Information Sheets developed through the alliance.

  5. Upcoming Milestones

    In the upcoming year, OSHA and SCHC will continue to work together to provide SCHC's members and others with guidance and access to information and resources that will help employers and workers reduce or prevent exposure to health and physical hazards of chemicals. For example, OSHA and SCHC will develop new and update existing information sheets detailing the requirements of OSHA’s Hazard Communication (HCS 2012) standard. These resources will be posted on the SCHC Alliance-related Web page and OSHA will link the resources to the OSHA and SCHC Web page, the Alliance Program Participants Developed Products Web page, and other appropriate locations on the Agency Web site. SCHC will also develop and disseminate a training program on Hazard Communication designed for public schools. In addition, SCHC will provide OSHA opportunities to share information about HCS 2012 at its Annual Spring Meeting and assist OSHA in the dissemination of relevant safety and health information via its newsletters and other resources. Lastly, SCHC will support OSHA in its ongoing efforts to evaluate the impact of its Alliance Program in promoting worker safety and health.

Report prepared by: Morgan Seuberling, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, November 1, 2016

Activity Types:

  • Alliance Product: Products (e.g., fact sheets, videos, toolbox talks) developed by Alliance participants as part of the Alliance. These are not OSHA products.
  • Dissemination: An Alliance participant sends OSHA information, Alliance products, or other safety and health information to its stakeholders. This includes information sent by email or social media (Facebook, Twitter), and information included in newsletters and other publications. It also includes hits on the Alliance participant's or OSHA's Web page.
  • Evaluation: Any efforts by the Alliance participant to evaluate the effectiveness of an Alliance activity or the Alliance as a whole.
  • Event: Participation in events such as the Construction Roundtable and NAOSH Week.
  • Exhibit: OSHA exhibits at events sponsored by the Alliance participant.
  • OSHA Product Review: Review of an OSHA product by an Alliance participant. For example, an Alliance participant may provide technical comments on an OSHA eTool or publication. The review itself is considered the Alliance activity.
  • Speech/Presentation: Speeches or presentation by OSHA staff at events sponsored by the Alliance participant.
  • Training: This includes best practice seminars or other training that Alliance participants provide for OSHA staff. It also includes training for workers/employers/others by Alliance participants.
  • Other: Use this if an activity does not fit into one of the other categories.

OSHA Areas of Emphasis

  • Agriculture
  • Asian American/Pacific Islander Workers
  • Construction
  • Ergonomics
  • Fall Prevention
  • Hazard Communication/Chemicals
  • Health Care
  • Heat Illness Prevention
  • Hispanic/Latino Workers
  • Maritime
  • Oil and Gas
  • Small Business
  • Temporary Workers
  • Transportation
  • Young Workers