SCHC - Alliance Annual Report - November 6, 2017

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
and the Society for Chemical Hazard Communication (SCHC)
November 6, 2017

  1. Alliance Background

    1. Date Signed

      October 22, 2003

    2. Dates Renewed

      December 5, 2005
      March 24, 2008
      March 1, 2012
      April 13, 2015

    3. Evaluation Period

      October 1, 2016-September 30, 2017

    4. Alliance Overview and Goals

      The OSHA and SCHC Alliance focuses on providing SCHC's members and others, including small businesses, information, guidance, and access to training resources to protect employees' health and safety. In particular, the Alliance will continue to address hazard communication hazards matters and issues related to increasing awareness of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals.

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    • 2/15/2017
    • 7/24/2017

    In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance's progress and results.

  3. Results of Alliance Activities in Support of Agreement Goals

    Dissemination: Alliance Program participant shared information on agency-developed or OSHA Alliance Program-developed tools and resources, OSHA standards/rulemakings, enforcement, and outreach campaigns.

    Dissemination Type Date Description Emphasis Areas* Number Reached
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage-OSHA Website   1,572
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage-Participant Website Hazard Communication/Chemicals 213
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage-Participant Additional Resources Website Hazard Communication/ Chemicals Safe and Sound Week Outreach 96
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - GHS Pictograms Information Sheet Hazard Communication/Chemicals 4,494
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Carcinogenicity Hazard Communication/Chemicals 2
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Corrosive to Metal Hazard Communication/Chemicals 3
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Eye Damage/Eye Irritation Hazard Communication/Chemicals 3
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Explosives Hazard Communication/Chemicals 7
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Hazard Communication/Chemicals 6
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Flammable Aerosols Hazard Communication/Chemicals 5
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Flammable Gases Hazard Communication/Chemicals 14
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Flammable Solids Hazard Communication/Chemicals 5
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Germ Cell Mutagenicity Hazard Communication/Chemicals 10
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Gases Under Pressure Hazard Communication/Chemicals 2
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Labeling - OSHA vs. GHS Hazard Communication/Chemicals 47
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Organic Peroxides Hazard Communication/Chemicals 7
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Oxidizing Gases Hazard Communication/Chemicals 5
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Oxidizing Liquids Hazard Communication/Chemicals 4
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Oxidizing Solids Hazard Communication/Chemicals 5
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Pictograms Hazard Communication/Chemicals 61
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Pyrophoric Materials Hazard Communication/Chemicals 12
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Reproductive Toxicity Hazard Communication/Chemicals 12
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Respiratory Sensitization Hazard Communication/Chemicals 9
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Safety Data Sheets Hazard Communication/Chemicals 46
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Self-Heating Chemicals Hazard Communication/Chemicals 17
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Simple Asphyxiant Hazard Communication/Chemicals 8
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Skin Sensitization Hazard Communication/Chemicals 2
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Specific Target Organ Toxicity - Single Exposure Hazard Communication/Chemicals 13
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - What is the GHS? Hazard Communication/Chemicals 46
    Webpage 10/1/16-9/30/17 Alliance Webpage - Workplace Labels Hazard Communication/Chemicals 116
    Print Publication 2/24/17-9/30/17 HazCom Training for Schools (Presentation Bundle: Script) Hazard Communication/Chemicals 40
    Print Publication 2/24/17-9/30/17 HazCom Training for Schools (Presentation Bundle: Quiz) Hazard Communication/Chemicals 39
    Print Publication 2/24/17-9/30/17 HazCom Training for Schools (Presentation Bundle: PowerPoint) Hazard Communication/Chemicals 16
    Newsletter 10/31/2016 OSHA's Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs (SAFE+SOUND CAMPAIGN) Safe and Sound Week Outreach 6,113
    Newsletter 1/26/2017 New Compliance Assistance Resources (OSHA)   6,113
    Newsletter 1/26/2017 OSHA's New Final Rule for Occupational Exposure to Beryllium Available Beryllium Outreach 6,113
    Newsletter 1/26/2017 DOL Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act - Annual Adjustments for 2017   6,115
    Newsletter 2/28/2017 Published information on the ASA and OSHA webinars on the Temporary Worker Initiative Bulletin. Temporary Workers 6,115
    Newsletter 10/19/2016 OSHA's Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs (SAFE+SOUND WEEK) Safe and Sound Week Outreach 6,115
    Newsletter 1/4/12017 New Compliance Assistance Resources (OSHA)   6,119
    Newsletter 4/28/2017 New Compliance Assistance Resources (OSHA)   6,121
    Newsletter 4/28/2017 OSHA to Delay Enforcing Crystalline Silica Standard in the Construction Industry Silica Outreach 6,121
    Newsletter 9/18/2017 Technical Resources for Hurricane Harvey Hurricane Outreach 6,284
    Newsletter 9/18/2017 UN Report from the July 2017 Meeting of the Subcommittee of Experts on the GHS   6,284
    Newsletter 7/31/2017 OSHA Issues Proposed Rule on Beryllium Standard Beryllium Outreach 6,307
    Blog Post 4/7/2017 OSHA to Delay Enforcing Crystalline Silica Standard in the Construction Industry Silica Outreach Not Available
    Blog Post 6/7/2017 National Safety Council's June as National Safety Month   Not Available
    Blog Post 6/27/2017 Proposed rule on occupational exposure to beryllium Beryllium Outreach Not Available
    Blog Post 9/6/2017 Request for Assistance: Disseminating Updated OSHA Technical Resources for Hurricane Harvey/Irma/Maria Hurricane Outreach Not Available
    Blog Post 9/29/2017 Request for Assistance: Disseminating Updated OSHA Technical Resources for Hurricane Harvey/Irma/Maria Hurricane Outreach Not Available
    LinkedIn 6/13/2017 National Safety Council's annual June as National Safety Month   1,975
    LinkedIn 6/20/2017 OSHA-NIOSH Heat Safety Tool Heat Illness Prevention 1,975
    LinkedIn 6/26/2017 OSHA invited you to a public meeting to solicit suggestions for growing and strengthening VPPs   1,975
    LinkedIn 6/27/2017 Proposed rule on occupational exposure to beryllium Beryllium Outreach 1,975
    LinkedIn 7/28/2017 OSHA Quarterly Update   1,979
    Twitter 1/18/2017 DOL Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act - Annual Adjustments for 2017   141
    Twitter 3/28 - 29/17 SCHC Live-tweeted highlights from the SCHC Spring Conference 2017   381
    Twitter 6/9/2017 National Safety Council Keep Each Other Safe Campaign Safe and Sound Week Outreach 144
    Twitter 6/9/2017 June is National Safety Month   144
    Twitter 6/14/2017 OSHA-NIOSH Heat Safety Tool Heat Illness Prevention 144
    Twitter 6/27/2017 Proposed rule on occupational exposure to beryllium Beryllium Outreach 144
    Twitter 7/28/2017 OSHA Quarterly Update on Compliance Assistance Resources   164
    Twitter 9/6/2017 OSHA's Resources on Hurricane Preparedness and Response Hurricane Outreach 164
    Twitter 9/26/2017 Live-tweeted highlights of SCHC Fall Meeting   164
    Facebook 12/22/2016 OSHA DCSP Directorate on a strategy to integrate safety and health into an organizational sustainability strategy Sustainability Safety and Health Programs 184
    Facebook 1/12/2017 OSHA Final Rule to Protect Workers from Beryllium Exposure Beryllium Outreach 184
    Facebook 1/14/2017 DOL Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act - Annual Adjustments for 2017   184
    Facebook 4/7/2017 OSHA Announces delay of Enforcement of the Silica Standard for Construction Silica Outreach 188
    Facebook 6/8/2017 NSC's National Safety Month   188
    Facebook 6/15/2017 OSHA-NIOSH Heat Safety Tool Heat Illness Prevention 188
    Facebook 6/27/2017 Proposed rule on occupational exposure to beryllium Beryllium Outreach 188
    Facebook 7/28/2017 OSHA Quarterly Update on Compliance Assistance Resources   188
    Facebook 8/8/2017 OSHA Injury Tracking Application (ITA) Recordkeeping/Reporting 188
    Facebook 9/6/2017 A Message from OSHA about Hurricane Harvey Hurricane Outreach 188
    Facebook 9/26/2017 Highlights from SCHC Fall Meeting: OSHA HNOC Pictogram Hazard Communication/Chemicals 188
    Facebook 9/26/2017 Highlights from SCHC Fall Meeting: Precautionary phrases: Urgency and Seriousness Hazard Communication/Chemicals 188
    Facebook 9/26/2017 Highlights from SCHC Fall Meeting: Pictogram for "keep out of reach of children" Hazard Communication/Chemicals 188
    TOTAL   94,758

    Speeches, Presentations, Exhibits and Other Events: Alliance Program participant or OSHA participation in events which includes speeches/presentations, exhibits, roundtables, conferences, informational webinars or other meetings.

    Activity Type Date Event Name Participant Name(s) and Affiliation(s) Title Of Presentation (if applicable) City State Emphasis Areas* Number Reached
    Speech/ Presentation 3/28/2017 SCHC Spring Conference 2017 Maureen Ruskin, Deputy Director, Standards and Guidance, OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (HCS 2012) - Updating the Standard New Orleans LA Hazard Communication/Chemicals 275
    Speech/ Presentation 3/28/2017 SCHC Spring Conference 2017 Edmund Baird, Counsel for Safety Standards, Office of the Solicitor, US Dept. of Labor Observations: UN Global List Pilot Project Versus Published GHS Classifications New Orleans LA Hazard Communication/Chemicals 275
    Speech/ Presentation 3/28/2017 SCHC Spring Conference 2017 Dorinda Folse, Area Director, OSHA - Baton Rouge Office Doing an HCS 2012 Inspection: OSHA's Perspective New Orleans LA Hazard Communication/Chemicals 250
    Speech/ Presentation 3/29/2017 SCHC Spring Conference 2017 Paul Brigandi, Consultant to OSHA Panel Presentation: Harmonization Between GHS Aquatic Toxicity Classifications and IMDG, IATA and National Transport Classifications New Orleans LA Hazard Communication/Chemicals 250
    Speech/ Presentation 3/29/2017 SCHC Spring Conference 2017 Jennifer Mahoney, SCHC Vice President, Chair of SCHC-OSHA Alliance Committee The SCHC-OSHA Alliance: Next Steps New Orleans LA Hazard Communication/Chemicals 250
    Presentation 9/26/2017 SCHC Fall Meeting Maureen Ruskin - Director, Office of Chemical Hazards-Metals, Directorate of Standards and Guidance, OSHA Hazard Communication Standard and GHS Update Arlington VA Hazard Communication/Chemicals 230
    Presentation 9/26/2017 SCHC Fall Meeting Sven J. Rundman III - Supervisory Industrial Hygienist Directorate of Enforcement Programs /Office of Health Enforcement, OSHA Hazard Communication Standard and GHS Update Arlington VA Hazard Communication/Chemicals 230
    Exhibit 9/26/2017 SCHC Fall Meeting Morgan Seuberling, OOSA, DCSP, OSHA Not Applicable Arlington VA   230
    TOTAL   1,990

    Training for OSHA Staff: Alliance Program participant provided training or assistance in training OSHA and OSHA-affiliated staff (including state plan and/or On-site Consultation Program representatives)..

    Training Type Date Name/Title of Trainer Training Title Audience: OSHA, State Plan, Onsite Consultation City State Emphasis Areas* Number Reached
    Other 3/28/2017 Ari Lewis, Chair Principle, Gradient - Cambridge, MA Crossroads between HazCom and Consumer Product Labeling OSHA New Orleans LA Hazard Communication/ Chemicals 1
    Webinar 5/25/2017 Paul Brigandi and Jennifer Mahoney GHS Safety Data Sheets - Roadmap to managing variances in key geographies OSHA Online   Hazard Communication/ Chemicals 1
    Other 9/26/17 - 9/27/17 Multiple SCHC Fall Meeting-Presentations OSHA-National Office and Regional Streaming   Hazard Communication/ Chemicals 13
    TOTAL   15
  4. Alliance Developed Products

Report prepared by: Morgan Seuberling, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, November 6, 2017