Washington Division of URS Corporation - Alliance Annual Report - December 22, 2003

Washington Group International
December 22, 2003

  1. Alliance Background

    Date Signed

    December 12, 2003


    OSHA and the Washington Group International, Inc. formed an Alliance to share best practices and technical knowledge in the areas of, but not limited to, cranes and rigging, hearing protection and ergonomics within the engineering and construction industry. The Washington Group, which employees more than 13,000 people, provides engineering, construction, and program-management services to many markets, including: environmental, government, industrial, mining, nuclear-services, and transportation. Goals of the Alliance include:

    Training and education:

    • Develop safety and health training and educational information that can be incorporated into existing company programs or develop new courses for employees and contractors.

    • Encourage employees and contractors to incorporate a proactive safety and health culture into their day-to-day operations.

    Outreach and communication:

    • Participate in the cross training of OSHA personnel, industry safety and health practitioners and engineering and construction contractors in the Washington Group's best practices and/or effective approaches in accident prevention.

    • Encourage the Washington Group to act as mentors to its contractors that aspire to excellence in construction safety and health.

    Promoting the national dialogue on workplace safety and health:

    • Participate in stakeholder groups and other forums to provide input into the development of safety and health standards for the construction industry.

    • Promote the Washington Group International's construction and engineering safety and health success stories through the company's and OSHA's web sites and publications.

    Implementation Team Members

    Washington Group International:
    Brad Giles
    Willie Piispanen

    Stew Burkhammer, Directorate of Construction
    Steve Cloutier, Directorate of Construction
    Ginger Henry, Directorate of Construction
    Lisa Ramber, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (Alliance coordinator)

    Jerry Hockett, Region X
    Van Howell, Region X

    Evaluation Period:

    December 12, 2002 – December 12, 2003

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    December 12, 2002
    Kick-off meeting
    February 3, 2003
    Conference call
    February 28, 2003
    Conference call
    March 27, 2003
    Conference call

    In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout this reporting period to monitor the Program's progress and results.

  3. Events and Products

    Training and Education


    • Washington Group Safety Qualified Supervisor Training

      Washington Group requires all of its supervisors to take this class which includes OSHA's 10 hour course for the construction industry. During the training, the Washington Group also discusses the economics of safety and how the company builds its safety culture.

      As part of the Alliance, the Washington Group invited OSHA representatives in the Region X Boise Area Office to take the class when it was offered May 13-14, 2003. The Washington Group also offered the course to the Region VIII Denver Area Office, December 2-3, 2003 and to OSHA's National Office, December 10-11, 2003. In total, 27 OSHA representatives took the training.

      This class has been very well-received by OSHA representatives. It provides an opportunity for the Agency to hear how the Washington Group is meeting OSHA's standards and regulations and how a construction company is committed to protecting the safety and health of its employees.

      Rick Callor, Washington Group International, was the instructor for the course in all three locations and did an excellent job of presenting the material and engaging both the Washington Group and OSHA in open dialogue throughout the classes.

    • 8 Hour HAZWOPER Refresher Training

      Washington Group International provided the training for eight OSHA representatives in Region X at the Boise Area Office on August, 13, 2003. Willie Piispanen and Susie Vader from the Washington Group International taught the course.

    • OSHA 500 Module Training

      Washington Group International provided training in Region I, Boston, MA for thirty high school tech teachers in August 2003. Chris Dott, Washington Group International, was the presenter.

    • Associate Safety Professional/Certified Safety Professional Preparatory Class

      This preparation course, offered through the ASSE Snake River Chapter and cosponsored by OSHA's Boise Area Office, was held every Monday night for 13 weeks, January – April 2003. The Washington Group organized the course and provided copies of all of the class materials and made the following technical presentations:

      -Economics of Safety, Aaron Moore
      -Risk Management/Insurance, Aaron Moore
      -Environmental Regulations, Susie Vader
      -Engineering Fundamentals, Rebecca Mirsky
      -Ergonomics, Willie Piispanen

    Outreach and Communication


    • Economics of Safety

      The Washington Group's Aaron Moore made a presentation on the value of safety and health at the following conferences and meetings to audiences that included small contractors:

      • King County Washington Safety Summit, Sept. 10, 2003. This is a monthly meeting attended by over 160 area safety representatives of small construction contractors and OSHA Region X and WISHA representatives.
      • Idaho AGC/OSHA partnership conference in Boise, ID had over 90 attendees.
      • Idaho IBEW Apprenticeship Program, spring 2003 in Boise, ID had over 25 attendees.

    • Denver Contractors Forum

      Craig Beck from the Washington Group discussed Sub-Contractor Pre-qualification Requirements and Benefits in August 2003 for 60 attendees at the Denver Contractors Forum in Denver, Colorado.

    • 2nd Annual OSHA Compliance Assistance Conference

      Brad Giles from the Washington Group discussed the company's experiences with the Alliance Program during a workshop session, “Alliances Add Value,” at the 2nd Annual OSHA Compliance Assistance Conference in Vienna, VA, June 11-12. Willie Piispanen and Lon Baldwin also manned the Washington Group's exhibit booth and answered questions from the attendees about the company's safety and health programs.

    • Chicago Construction Safety Council

      In February, 2003: Brad Giles from Washington Group presented information on the OSHA Alliance program to 150 attendees at a meeting of the Chicago Construction Safety Council in Chicago, Illinois. Craig Herndon from the Washington Group also attended the meeting.


    • OSHA's Safety and Health Topics Pages

      Washington Group representatives are members of the following Safety and Health Topic pages' Editorial Boards:

      • Accident Investigation
      • Crane, Derrick, and Hoisting
      • Trenching and Excavation
      • Workplace Violence
      • Safety and Health Management
      • Heavy Metals/Toxic Metals

      Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health


      • AGC Steel Erection Training

        The Washington Group was the site sponsor for the AGC Steel Erection training in Boise, September 25-26, 2003. Over 170 participants took part in the training.

  4. Results

    The impact of the OSHA/Washington Group International Alliance has been far reaching. The company's Safety Qualified Supervisor Training, including OSHA's 10 hour course for the construction industry, has been presented to OSHA and Washington Group representatives in Regions VIII and X and to representatives from OSHA's National Office. Through these courses, the Washington Group has heard directly from Agency representatives on how construction sites are inspected and standards are enforced. Conversely, OSHA representatives heard directly from a construction company, with a large variety of projects, how it implements safety and health programs in the workplace and meets the OSHA standards and regulations in real-world situations. Both OSHA and Washington Group representatives have indicated that these discussions are very relevant and effective and both groups have gained valuable information that will be used as day-to-day business is conducted.

    Through the Alliance, OSHA and the Washington Group have established very effective communications. After the initial Implementation Team meetings, where focus and direction of the Alliance were determined, the Washington Group's and OSHA's Alliance coordinators communicated more regularly and informally than the quarterly Implementation Team meetings to keep both organizations up-to-date regarding the Alliance's activities.

    The Washington Group and OSHA's Braintree and Methuen Area Offices in Massachusetts felt that an Area Office Alliance could help focus the organizations' efforts in a local community. On April 16, the Braintree and Methuen Area Offices signed an Alliance with the Washington Group that focuses on cranes, rigging, hearing protection, ergonomics and respiratory protection hazards in the engineering and construction industries.

    Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and
    Electronic Distribution, etc.)
    Number of Individuals
    Reached or Trained
    Joint 16 Hour Safety Qualified Supervisor Training:
    May 13-14, 2003, Boise, ID
    Joint 16 Hour Safety Qualified Supervisor Training:
    December 2-3, 2003, Denver, CO
    Joint 16 Hour Safety Qualified Supervisor Training:
    December 10-11, 2003, Washington, DC
    8 Hour HAZWOPER Refresher Training:
    August 13, 2003, Boise, ID
    OSHA 500 Module Training:
    August 2003, Boston, MA
    Associated Safety Professional/Certified Safety Professional Preparation Class, OSHA Boise Area Office, Boise, ID
    (Every Monday night for 13 weeks – January – April 2003.)
    Economics of Safety, King County Washington Safety Summit:
    September 10, 2003, Seattle metro area, Washington
    Economics of Safety, Idaho AGC/OSHA Partnership Conference, Boise, ID 90
    Economics of Safety, Idaho IBEW Apprenticeship Program:
    Spring 2003, Boise, ID
    Denver Contractors Forum:
    August 2003, Denver, CO
    OSHA's 2nd Annual Compliance Assistance Workshop:
    June 10-11, 2003, Vienna, Virginia
    Chicago Construction Safety Council:
    February, 2003, Chicago, Illinois
    AGC Steel Erection training:
    September 25-26, 2003, Boise, ID
    Safety and Health Topics pages:
      -Accident Investigation
    -Crane, Derrick, and Hoisting
    -Trenching and Excavation
    -Workplace Violence
    -Safety and Health Management
    -Heavy Metals/Toxic Metals
    Data Not Available
    TOTAL 935
  5. Upcoming Milestones

    The OSHA and the Washington Group International will continue its education and training and outreach and communication efforts and the company has committed to presenting the Economics of Safety in 2004 at the Denver and Boston Contractors forums and will be a site sponsor for the AGC Fall Protection Training, April 1, 2004 in Boise, ID. In addition, OSHA and the Washington Group will continue working on the Job Shadowing Program that the Alliance developed during the initial implementation of the agreement. The first phase of the program, Safety Qualified Supervisor Training, will continue during 2004. The Washington Group has indicated that it will present the class in the Region X Seattle Area Office and will consider holding the training for additional National Office staff in Washington, DC.

    The second phase of the program will cover office planning, constructability review, and project start-up experience. During this phase OSHA personnel will work with the Washington Group for one to three days on the planning and preliminary design phases of a construction project. The company will continue to review its upcoming projects to for an appropriate project for OSHA representatives to take part in this design phase. The final phase of the program is for Washington Group representatives to take part in VPP or Consultation site visits with OSHA personnel.

    Both OSHA and the Washington Group International's management support the renewal of the Alliance agreement. The renewal document is scheduled to be signed by OSHA's Assistant Secretary John Henshaw and the Washington Group's Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Tom Zarges on December 19, 2003 in Washington, DC.

Report prepared by: Lisa Ramber, OSHA/Washington Group International Alliance Coordinator, December 22, 2003