Washington Division of URS Corporation - Alliance Annual Report - December 30, 2005

OSHA and the Washington Group International Alliance
December 30, 2005

  1. Alliance Background

    Date Signed

    December 12, 2002

    Date Renewed

    December 19, 2003


    Through the Alliance, OSHA and the Washington Group International, Inc. are sharing best practices and technical knowledge in the areas of, but not limited to, cranes and rigging, hearing protection and ergonomics within the engineering and construction industry.

    Implementation Team Members


    Ginger Henry
    Directorate of Construction
    Lisa Ramber
    Office of Outreach Services and Alliances
    Jerry Hockett
    Region X
    Van Howell
    Region X

    Washington Group International:

    Brad Giles
    Willie Piispanen

    Evaluation Period

    December 12, 2004 - December 11, 2005

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    January 14, 2005
    Implementation Team Meeting
    April 12, 2005
    Implementation Team Meeting
    July 19, 2005
    Design for Safety Workgroup Meeting (Ken Way)
    October 11, 2005
    Design for Safety and Fall Protection Workgroup Meetings (Brad Giles and Ken Way)

    In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Program's progress and results.

  3. Results

    1. Events and Products

      Training and Education Goals

      • Develop safety and health training and educational information that can be incorporated into existing company programs or develop new courses for employees and contractors.

      During this reporting period, OSHA and Washington Group International did not work on projects to address this goal.

      • Encourage employees and contractors to incorporate a proactive safety and health culture into their day-to-day operations.


      OSHA 10 Hour Training - General Industry and Construction
      Coeur D'Alene, Idaho, February 22 - 23, 2005
      Idaho Falls, Idaho, March 7 - 8, 2005

      Washington Group International continued to work with the Idaho State Department of Education, Division of Professional-Technical Education to organize, teach, and host training programs for trade school educators in Idaho. The program begins with a two-day Construction Safety Train-the-Trainer course that provides teachers with a 10-hour OSHA safety certification card. It continues with 30 hours of online OSHA safety courses that, upon successful completion, qualify the teachers to participate in the 40-hour OSHA 500 Train-the-Trainer Course. They are then qualified to use OSHA's 10 hour course to instruct students about OSHA safety and health regulations. When their students complete the course, they are awarded an OSHA 10-hour safety certification card.

      The following OSHA 10 Hour training programs were taught by Washington Group instructors in 2005:

      • February 22 - 23, 2005, Coeur D'Alene, ID; 54 people attended
      • March 7 - 8, 2005, Idaho Falls, ID; 35 people attended

      OSHA Training Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry Idaho Falls, Idaho, June 27-30, 2005

      The Washington Group assisted OSHA's Region X Boise, Idaho Area Office in arranging the OSHA Training Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry train-the-trainer program for Idaho educators. Training was held June 27 – 30, 2005 in Pocatello, Idaho and OSHA's Training Institute provided an instructor for the course. After completing the course, the vocational instructors were qualified to teach OSHA's 10-hour and 30-hour courses. Eighteen Idaho educators completed the training session.

      Outreach and Communication Goals

      • Participate in the cross training of OSHA personnel, industry safety and health practitioners and engineering and construction contractors in the Washington Group's best practices and/or effective approaches in accident prevention.


      Intermountain Northwest Safety Conference, Butte, Montana, April, 7, 2005

      On April 7, 2005, Aaron Moore, Washington Group International presented "Economics of Safety" at the Intermountain Northwest Safety Conference in Butte MT. During the conference William Piispanen, also with the Washington Group, presented "Stretch & Flex, A Workplace Intervention to Reduce Soft Tissue Injuries." Other presenters at the conference included Jeff Funke from OSHA's Region X Boise Area Office and Mike Foreman from Region VIII Helena, Montana Area Office.

      American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Professional Development Conference, Safety 2005, Ernest R. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 12-15, 2005

      On June 12, 2005, Brad Giles, Washington Group International, participated in a Panel Roundtable on "OSHA Construction Update" with Stewart Burkhammer, OSHA's Office of Construction Services. During the roundtable discussions, OSHA's Alliance Program initiatives and cooperative programs were discussed.

      On June 15, 2005, "Supporting SH&E Careers in Government," was presented during ASSE's annual conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. The workshop panelists included Brad Giles, Stewart Burkhammer, and Roger Brauer, Board of Certified Safety Professionals (an Alliance Program participant). Topics covered in the workshop provided government employees in the safety, health and environmental fields with career development information, including the paths and milestones for professional level certification.

      Safety Fest of the Great Northwest, Boise, Idaho, November 29 - December 2, 2005

      The Washington Group International, Associated General Contractors, the Idaho Department of Technical Education, and OSHA's Region X Boise Area Office held this event at the Washington Group's office complex in Boise, Idaho. All contractors and workers in the intermountain northwest area were invited to the free-of-charge event to attend safety and health training programs. Attendees came from Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and Utah. Keynote presenters at the event included the Honorable Governor Dirk Kempthorne, OSHA's Region X Administrator Richard Terrell, Region X Boise Area Office's Compliance Assistance Specialist Bill Bankhead and Brad Giles, Vice President of Environmental, Safety, Health and Security for the Washington Group.

      Washington Group presenters for the safety and health training sessions included:

      • John Isham and Willie Piispanen, Noise and Hearing Conservation
      • Rick Callor, Equipment Safety Program, Crane Safety, and OSHA 10 Hour
      • Aaron Moore, Safety Makes Cents and OSHA 10 Hour
      • Jose Melendez, OSHA 10 Hour Course in Spanish
      • Susie Vader, Environmental Awareness

      During the event a total of 416 seats were filled for the 24 training classes. In addition, 167 attendees completed an OSHA 10 hour training class including 36 participants in the two Spanish language presentations. Six representatives from OSHA's Region X Boise Area Office participated in the event and State government entities that sent employees to the event included State of Idaho Prisons, State Insurance Fund, Idaho Transportation Department, and City of Boise. Local pipe fitters and plumbers unions also participated in the Safety Fest.

      ASSE Regional Operating Committee Meeting, March 3 – 4, 2005

      Willie Piispanen attended ASSE's Regional Operating Committee meeting March 3 - 4, 2005 as the Area Director for ASSE and made a presentation to the Region II ASSE officers on the OSHA Alliance Program.


      OSHA and Washington Group International Job Shadowing Program

      The Alliance Implementation Team continued its work on the Alliance's Job Shadowing Program. The company is reviewing its upcoming projects for an appropriate project for OSHA representatives to work with the Washington Group for one to three days on the planning and preliminary design phases of a construction project.

      In addition, OSHA identified a Strategic Partnership renewal worksite visit for Washington Group representatives to accompany OSHA personnel. As a result, on July 19, 2005 Susan O'Very from the Washington Group's Boise Infrastructure accompanied Dan Dolata from OSHA's Region X Boise Area office on a worksite visit.

      Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health Goals

      • Seek opportunities to participate in stakeholder groups and other forums for providing input into the development of safety and health standards for the construction industry.


      OSHA Alliance Program Construction Roundtable, Design for Safety and Fall Protection Workgroups

      Representatives from the Washington Group International participated in the Alliance Program Construction Roundtable for construction-related national Alliances on July 8, 2004 in Washington, DC. The Roundtable participants discussed how the construction-related national Alliances could work together to address issues such as ergonomics, silica and motor vehicle safety. The Washington Group has representatives on the Design for Safety and Fall Protection Workgroups that were created during the roundtable meeting.

      Design for Safety Workgroup - The Design for Safety Workgroup is working on a number of projects including a general PowerPoint® presentation on "Designing for Safety" and a "Design for Safety" Web page. In addition, a case study, "Design for Safety – Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Facility" based on a Washington Group project is being developed by the group.

      Fall Protection Workgroup - The Fall Protection Workgroup is in the final stages of completing development of a Fall Protection Safety Tip Sheets for Employers and Employees. In addition, the workgroup is providing comments to the OSHA Office of Training and Education on the "Fall Hazard Awareness for the Construction Industry" training course, developed by OSHA's Office of Training and Education. The Workgroup will also develop "toolbox talks" after the Safety Tip Sheets and the training course are completed.

      Washington Group representatives participated in the following Workgroup meetings:

        • July 19, 2005 Design for Safety Workgroup Meeting (Ken Way)
        • October 11, 2005 Design for Safety and Fall Protection Workgroup Meetings (Brad Giles and Ken Way)

      • Share information regarding the Washington Group's engineering and construction safety and health best practices, and cost benefit analysis techniques, with others in the industry through outreach by the Washington Group and OSHA.


      Washington Group International Safety Workshop, Washington Group Corporate Offices, Boise, Idaho, April 11 – 13, 2005

      On April 11 - 13, 2005, the Washington Group International held a Safety Workshop at the company's offices in Boise, Idaho. Three representatives from OSHA's Region X Boise Area Office and Lisa Ramber from OSHA's National Office and the OSHA and Washington Group International Alliance coordinator attended the meeting and workshops. Topics covered during the event included crane safety, accident investigation techniques, equipment safety programs, hearing conservation, and rigging safety.


      OSHA's Safety and Health Topics Pages

      Washington Group representatives are continuing as members of the following Safety and Health Topic pages' Editorial Boards and providing OSHA with input and comments on the pages' content:

        • Crane, Derrick, and Hoist Safety, Rick Callor
        • Trenching and Excavation, Rick Callor
        • Workplace Violence, Joe Herrity
        • Safety and Health Programs, Ken Way
        • Heavy Metals/Toxic Metals, Willie Piispanen
        • Scaffolding, Ron Cross
        • Crystaline Silica, Craig Beck
      • Promote the Washington Group International's engineering and construction safety and health success stories through the company's and OSHA's Web sites and publications.


      OSHA and Washington Group International Alliance Web Page

      The OSHA and Washington Group International Alliance Web page on OSHA's Web site contains information on the Alliance, Products and Resources, Activities and Events, and Milestones and Successes. The page is updated regularly.

      Washington Group International Alliance Web page

      The Washington Group International has an Alliance Program section on its Web page that highlights the company's commitment to and participation in the Program. In addition, the page links to information on the Washington Group's involvement in OSHA's Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP).

    2. Executive Summary

      Through the OSHA and Washington Group International Alliance, the organizations are continuing to focus on training programs that support small business enterprises, educate Idaho technical instructors, and provide OSHA with insight into how construction contractors' safety and health programs are operated. In addition, the collaborative relationship that the Washington Group has established with OSHA's Region X Boise Area Office has significantly contributed to the success of the Alliance. Both organizations have agreed to renew the Alliance agreement for an additional two years.

      During the past year, OSHA and the Washington Group have provided safety and health train-the-trainer programs for Idaho technical educators (secondary schools and colleges) so that they could provide safety and health training to graduating high school students and class instructors. The program begins with a two-day Construction Safety Train-the-Trainer course that provides teachers with a 10-hour OSHA safety certification card. It continues with 30 hours of online OSHA safety courses that, upon successful completion, qualify the teachers to participate in the 40-hour OSHA 500 Train-the-Trainer Course.

      In 2005, training programs were held in Coeur D'Alene and Idaho Falls, Idaho and 90 educators were trained. In addition, the Washington Group helped OSHA's Region X Boise Area Office organize a Construction Safety Train-the-Trainer course. The training was held in Pocatello, Idaho for technical educators and OSHA's Training Institute provided an instructor for the course.

      The Washington Group also continued to reach out to numerous groups to make presentations on the organization's safety and health programs and its participation in the Alliance Program. OSHA representatives also made presentations at these conferences or were in the audience. For example, at the Intermountain Northwest Safety Conference, April, 7, 2005, in Butte, Montana, Aaron Moore and William Piispanen, Washington Group International, spoke to the group about the Economics of Safety and the company's Stretch and Flex Program. OSHA representatives from OSHA's Region X Boise Area Office and Region VIII Helena, Montana Area Office also spoke during the conference.

      During the ASSE Professional Development Conference, Safety 2005 June 12 - 15 at the Ernest R. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, Brad Giles, Washington Group International; Stewart Burkhammer, OSHA Office of Construction Services; and Roger Brauer, Board of Certified Safety Professionals (an Alliance Program participant); spoke during a workshop, "Supporting SH&E Careers in Government." Brad Giles and Steward Burkhammer also spoke during a "Construction Roundtable" at the event.

      In addition, numerous OSHA representatives, including Richard Terrill, Region X Administrator and Washington Group made presentations to the more than 400 attendees at the Safety Fest of the Great Northwest, November 29 - December 2, 2005, Safety Boise, Idaho.

      The Washington Group is continuing to provide its expertise to OSHA through serving on a number of OSHA's Safety and Health Topics pages' editorial boards including Trenching and Excavation, Workplace Violence, and Safety and Health Programs. In addition, representatives from the Washington Group continue to participate on the Alliance Program Construction Roundtable's Fall Protection and Design for Safety Workgroups. Through the Design for Safety Workgroup, the company is working with OSHA to develop a case study that highlights the Washington Group's successful integration of safety into the design process during its Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Facility project.

      The Alliance has also continued its Job Shadowing Program. During the past year, a Washington Group representative accompanied OSHA Region X, Boise Area Office Strategic Partnership renewal worksite visit. The Washington Group is evaluating its work sites for opportunities for OSHA to accompany Washington Group representatives.

      Finally, the Washington Group International would like to work with OSHA though the Agency's other cooperative programs. In 2005, the company submitted a Corporate Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) and Brad Giles, Willie Piispanen, and Aaron Moore participated in the OSHA web cast on VPP corporate programs on December 8, 2005 on behalf of the Washington Group.

    3. Alliance Program Reach

      Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
      February 22 - 23, 2005
      OSHA 10 Hour Training - General Industry and Construction
      Coeur D'Alene, Idaho

      March 7 - 8, 2005
      OSHA 10 Hour Training - General Industry and Construction
      Idaho Falls, Idaho
      March 3 – 4, 2005, ASSE Regional Operating Committee Meeting


      Willie Piispanen, Washington Group International
      Data not available
      April 11 – 13, 2005, Washington Group International Safety Workshop, Washington Group Corporate Offices, Boise, Idaho

      OSHA Staff from the National Office and Region X, Boise Area Office attended the Workshop
      April, 7, 2005, Intermountain Northwest Safety Conference, Butte, Montana

      Aaron Moore, Washington Group International
      William Piispanen, Washington Group International
      Data not available
      June 12, 2005, ASSE Professional Development Conference, Safety 2005, Ernest R. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana

      "OSHA Construction Update"

      • Brad Giles, Washington Group International
      • Stewart Burkhammer, OSHA Office of Construction Services
      June 15, 2005, ASSE Professional Development Conference, Safety 2005, Ernest R. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana

      "Supporting SH&E Careers in Government Workshop"

      • Brad Giles, Washington Group International
      • Stewart Burkhammer, OSHA Office of Construction Services
      • Roger Brauer, Board of Certified Safety Professionals (an Alliance participant)
      June 27 – 30, 2005

      OSHA Training Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry
      Idaho Falls, Idaho
      November 29 - December 2, 2005, Safety Fest of the Great Northwest, Boise, Idaho

      Speakers from OSHA included:
      • Richard Terrell, Region X Administrator
      • Bill Bankhead, Region X Boise Area Office's Compliance Assistance Specialist
      Speakers from the Washington Group included:
      • Brad Giles
      • John Isham
      • Willie Piispanen
      • Rick Callor
      • Aaron Moore
      • Jose Melendez
      • Susie Vader
      OSHA Safety and Health Topic pages' Editorial Boards:
      • Crane, Derrick, and Hoist Safety Rick Callor
      • Trenching and Excavation Rick Callor
      • Workplace Violence Joe Herrity
      • Safety and Health Programs Ken Way
      • Heavy Metals/Toxic Metals Willie Piispanen
      • Scaffolding Ron Cross
      • Crystalline Silica Craig Beck
      Data not available
      OSHA and Washington Group International Alliance Web page 3,500
      Washington Group International Alliance Web page Data not available
      TOTAL 4,232
  4. Upcoming Milestones

    OSHA and the Washington Group International will continue the Alliance's education and training and outreach and communication efforts in the upcoming year. In addition, the organizations will sign an Alliance renewal agreement for two years. The company will also continue supporting the Idaho Department of Education's Safety Training initiative and it will sponsor and hold the second annual Safety Fest of the Great Northwest.

    OSHA staff from Region X will be invited to attend the company's 2006 Safety Workshop in Boise, Idaho. In addition, Washington Group staff remains committed to speaking to local and regional groups about its participation in the Alliance Program and the successful safety and health programs that it has implemented within the company.

    OSHA and the Washington Group will continue working on the Alliance's Job Shadowing Program. The company will offer its Safety Qualified Supervisor Training to OSHA's Regions and it will continue its review of upcoming projects to identify an appropriate project for OSHA representatives to take part in during the design phase, including office planning, constructability review, and project start-up. In addition, OSHA's Region X Boise Area Office will continue to identify sites for Washington Group representatives to join its staff as worksite reviews of OSHA's Strategic Partnership's participants are conducted.

    The Washington Group remains committed to working with other Alliance participants to develop compliance assistance information and products for OSHA staff and employers and employees in the construction industry. The company will continue to attend meetings of the Fall Protection and Design for Safety Workgroups that were established as a result of the OSHA Alliance Program Construction Roundtable. Through the Design for Safety Workgroup, the company is working with OSHA to develop a case study about its Advanced Mixed Waste Treatment Facility project that successfully incorporated safety during the project's design phase. The case study will be completed and posted on OSHA's Web page in 2006.

Report prepared by: Lisa Ramber, OSHA and Washington Group International Alliance Coordinator, December 30, 2005