Region 3 - Alliance Annual Report - July 29, 2014

July 29, 2014

  1. Alliance Background

    Date Signed: June 13, 2013

    Date Renewed: June 13, 2015

    Alliance Overview:

    The Participants have established a collaborative relationship to provide Erie Institute of Technology (EIT) with outreach training programs for students, faculty, business, labor and community leaders in the Erie area. The Alliance participants will provide training, information, guidance and access to OSHA resources and help reduce workplace injuries and illnesses in Northwest Pennsylvania.

    Implementation Team Members:

    • Paul Fitzgerald, EIT Director
    • Kate Hushon, Director of Education
    • Mark Harmon, USDOL/OSHA Erie Area Office
  2. Implementation Team Meetings/Activities

    • June 13, 2013 - Discussed the content of OSHA material relating to student course work.
    • July 31, 2013 - Posted OSHA material on the school bulletin board highlighting several OSHA emphasis programs pointed toward young workers rights.
    • May 12, 2014 - Planned future OSHA outreach sessions with new Student Coordinator, Kim Clark.
  3. Activities and Products

    Evaluation Period.

    June 13, 2013 through June 13, 2014

    Alliance Activity.

    • Training and Education

      Provide "Intro to OSHA" to students entering the workforce regarding hazards associated with their trade(s). This training includes resources that will help attendees gain a better understanding the rights of workers and the responsibilities of employers. This knowledge will protect the health and safety of workers, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to occupational safety and health hazards.

    • Outreach and Communication

      We continue to discuss possible training options for the local Erie OSHA compliance staff at EIT over the two day period when classes end and before the start of a new term.

    • Promoting the National Dialogue on Safety and Health

      EIT promoted and hosted a public event for the 2014 OSHA National Safety Stand Down to Prevent Falls in Construction campaign. Students were provided information and material about the dangers of falls in the workplace.

      Alliance Products

      No Alliance specific products developed during this evaluation time frame.

  4. Results

    A. The table below lists each of the outreach activities and the number of individuals reached during the reporting period. NOTE: the table below does not include the various meetings held over the last year and the numerous participants that benefited from the varied safety and health discussions at each of these meetings.

    Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
    "Intro to OSHA" Training (Summer term) July 31, 2013 90
    "Intro to OSHA" Training (Fall term) Oct 31, 2013 90
    "Intro to OSHA" Training (Winter term) Jan 30, 2014 45
    "Intro to OSHA" Training (Spring term) May 12, 2014 60
    OSHA National Safety Stand Down to Prevent Falls in Construction campaign public event June 5, 2014 50
    TOTAL 335
  5. Upcoming Milestones

    Participants are pleased with the first year’s accomplishments of the Alliance. They agree to continue the Alliance and work together to improve the overall safety & health knowledge of young workers. The implementation team will encourage OSHA On-site Consultation Projects’ participation on the team.

Report Prepared by: Mark Harmon, Compliance Assistance Specialist, Erie Area Office

For more information, contact the Office of Outreach Services and Alliances at 202-693-2340 or go to