Region 3 - Alliance Annual Report - March 21, 2018
And the
March 21, 2018
Alliance Background
Date Signed
March 11, 2003 Renewed: March 31, 2017
Evaluation Period
March 11, 2017 – March 11, 2018
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Pittsburgh Area Office and the Ironworker Employers Association of Western Pennsylvania, Inc. (IWEA) aligned to foster and maintain an open line of communication with each other for the meaningful exchange of information on promoting OSHA compliance and Industry best practices in the Construction Industry and to understand the rights of workers and the responsibilities of employers under the Occupational safety and Health Act.
Implementation Team Members
Christopher Robinson – Area Director, Pittsburgh Area Office
Robert Carroll – Compliance Assistance Specialist, Pittsburgh Area OfficeAlliance participant
Bill Ligetti – Executive Director, IWEA (Retired)
Dave Daquelente – Executive Director, IWEA
Implementation Team Meetings
March 31, 2017
July 5, 2017
November 28, 2017
January 11, 2018
February 16, 2018In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance’s progress and results.
The following table summarizes the Alliance’s activities in support of the goals in the Alliance agreement.
Raising Awareness of OSHA’s Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives:
- To share information on OSHA’s National/Regional/Local Emphasis Programs, Regulatory Agenda, and opportunities to participate in the rulemaking process.
- To share information on occupational safety and health laws and standards, including the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.
- To convene or participate in forums, roundtable discussions, or stakeholder meetings on hazards associated with the construction industry to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace or to provide input on safety and health issues.
- To encourage worker participation in workplace safety and health by working with the Ironworkers Union Local #3 Apprenticeship School Coordinator and instructors to promote workplace safety throughout the apprentice and journeymen upgrade training.
Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached Dissemination
TrainingRegion III "Focus Four Hazards" Campaign - Throughout this evaluation, the CAS has e-mailed the tool box talks on the Focus Four Hazards (Falls, Electrocutions, Struck by, Caught-in/between). The campaign was to raise awareness in the recognition, evaluation, and control of these hazards. The information is utilized for "Tool Box Talk" training at jobsites. Construction
Struck-By Hazards
Fall Prevention400 Speech/Presentation
DisseminationThe Mid-Atlantic Safety and Health Alliance held its annual conference. This group provides a venue that replaces the defunct Western Pennsylvania Safety Council. Member company representatives attend the event for the educational tracks on general industry, construction and oil-gas operation safety. The Pittsburgh OSHA Area Office staffed an information booth. The AD presented an OSHA update as the closing keynote speaker. In addition, a Q&A Panel discussion was conducted with AD, AAD, and CAS. Worker Rights
Employer Rights and Responsibilities
Oil & Gas
Fall Prevention
Heat Stress
Safety and Health Programs/Systems
Temporary Workers
Hazard Communication
Small Business10 Meeting
DisseminationWorker Memorial Day Services held by the Allegheny County Labor Council was attended by member employees. Worker Rights 5 Meetings
TrainingThe Ironworkers Employers' Association of Western Pennsylvania is represented on the union joint apprenticeship and journeymen upgrade committee of the Ironworkers Local #3. The Association accomplishes this by appointing contractor members and the Executive Director to the committee. This committee is responsible for providing skilled construction workers through apprenticeship and training programs. Safety and Health information is promoted, supported and conveyed through these programs. The committee also reviews funding, liability, disciplinary and other joint management/labor functions.
CAS meets with the Apprenticeship Coordinator/Instructors of Ironworkers Local #3. CAS presented/discussed OSHA update information. In addition, safety and health issues/concerns relating to OSHA standards/regulatory agenda and OSHA inspection activities and initiatives were discussed.
Worker Rights
Employer Rights and Responsibilities
Fall Prevention
Heat Stress
Young Workers
(Union Apprentices)1200
(Total Member Employees)Meetings
DisseminationThe New Executive Director reinstated the Safety Committee meetings. These meetings not only work on planning future training/educational events, they act as a forum to exchange safety and health technical information, best practices, and OSHA update information. Construction
Safety and Health Programs/Systems
Fall Prevention
Heat Stress
Oil and Gas
Small Business
Recordkeeping10 Training
DisseminationCAS, AAD, Executive Director of Industry Relations conducted a presentation/training for the 2nd year apprentices (Ironworkers Local #3) covering explaining the Alliances (functions & goals), covering specifics on the national and local fatality statistics, referenced information on the Opioid and Workplace Violence/Suicide fatalities at the worksites and the importance of seeking assistance - where and how to access assistance programs available to them. In addition general OSHA information on inspections, worker rights, whistleblower protections, and applicable construction standards were discussed. An open question & answer roundtable discussion was held as well at the end of the training. The Business manager for the Ironworkers Local #3 addressed the group stating the Union's support for both alliances, worker safety efforts, and the employee assistance programs available to help workers overcome personal addictions, health issues and family concerns. Construction
Fall Prevention
Struck-By Hazards
Drug Addiction
Workplace Violence/Suicide
Worker Rights
Whistleblower Protections
Employee Assistance Programs
Young Workers
(Union Apprentices)30 Meeting
DisseminationCAS and Executive Director participated in reviewing packets of a variety of construction jobs that had been submitted for the annual Safety awards. This effort assisted in recognition of companies and employees that have maintained safety excellence at particular jobsites. This activity enables OSHA to obtain "Best Practices" information on steel erection construction jobsites. Construction
Safety and Health Programs/Systems
Fall Prevention400 Dissemination Throughout this evaluation period, the CAS has e-mailed Six safety alerts on product defects relating to Genie Lifts (relieve valve pressure, load cell replacement, control system malfunction, extension deck latch failure), a Milwaukee tool battery pack, a Kidde Fire Extinguisher discharge failure, and a MSA Harness defect. In addition, CAS e-mailed the OSHA-NIOSH Heat Tool and local fatality statistics. Construction
Fall Prevention
Heat Stress
Fire Safety
(Total member employees)Training
Speech/PresentationAs Part of the fall stand down the following activities were conducted:
At a local Partnership site the CAS and Project Safety Manager presented information on fall hazards, fall prevention, and local fatality stats to union craft workers on the project site; the CAS presented information on fall hazards, fall prevention, and local fatality stats to three second year apprenticeship classes at the Ironworkers Local #3 Apprenticeship School; Member contractors conducted tool box talks at jobsites.Fall Prevention
Young Workers
(Union Apprentices)400 Dissemination The IWEA's website posted information and links to the safety alerts sent and applicable safety information. The website has a safety section, referencing the alliance. The website also posts and maintains various past safety and health information (i.e. OSHA news releases, links to new standards and letters of interpretations, safety bulletins, product recalls, etc.) for continual review. The website lists electronic links to various government, labor organizations, and contractor associations. Construction
Employer Rights and Responsibilities
Worker Rights
Fall Prevention
Struck-By Hazards
Heat Stress
Safety and Health Programs/Systems
Small Business1200
(Total member employees)Training and Education:
- To review or provide input on effective training and education programs to produce skilled and safety conscious workers in the ironworker industry by working with the Ironworkers Union Local #3 Apprenticeship School Coordinator and instructors to address apprentice and journeymen needs.
Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached Training
DisseminationCAS, AAD, Executive Director of Industry Relations conducted a presentation/training for the 2nd year apprentices (Ironworkers Local #3) covering explaining the Alliances (functions & goals), covering specifics on the national and local fatality statistics, referenced information on the Opioid and Workplace Violence/Suicide fatalities at the worksites and the importance of seeking assistance - where and how to access assistance programs available to them. In addition general OSHA information on inspections, worker rights, whistleblower protections, and applicable construction standards were discussed. An open question & answer roundtable discussion was held as well at the end of the training. The Business manager for the Ironworkers Local #3 addressed the group stating the Union's support for both alliances, worker safety efforts, and the employee assistance programs available to help workers overcome personal addictions, health issues and family concerns. Construction
Fall Prevention
Struck-By Hazards
Drug Addiction
Workplace Violence/Suicide
Worker Rights
Whistleblower Protections
Employee Assistance Programs
Young Workers
(Union Apprentices)30 Dissemination
TrainingRegion III "Focus Four Hazards" Campaign - Throughout this evaluation, the CAS has e-mailed the tool box talks on the Focus Four Hazards (Falls, Electrocutions, Struck by, Caught-in/between). The campaign was to raise awareness in the recognition, evaluation, and control of these hazards. The information is utilized for "Tool Box Talk" training at jobsites. Construction
Struck-By Hazards
Fall Prevention400 Speech/Presentation
DisseminationThe Mid-Atlantic Safety and Health Alliance held its annual conference. This group provides a venue that replaces the defunct Western Pennsylvania Safety Council. Member company representatives attend the event for the educational tracks on general industry, construction and oil-gas operation safety. The Pittsburgh OSHA Area Office staffed an information booth. The AD presented an OSHA update as the closing keynote speaker. In addition, a Q&A Panel discussion was conducted with AD, AAD, and CAS. Worker Rights
Employer Rights and Responsibilities
Oil & Gas
Fall Prevention
Heat Stress
Safety and Health Programs/Systems
Temporary Workers
Hazard Communication
Small Business10 Meetings
TrainingThe Ironworkers Employers' Association of Western Pennsylvania is represented on the union joint apprenticeship and journeymen upgrade committee of the Ironworkers Local #3. The Association accomplishes this by appointing contractor members and the Executive Director to the committee. This committee is responsible for providing skilled construction workers through apprenticeship and training programs. Safety and Health information is promoted, supported and conveyed through these programs. The committee also reviews funding, liability, disciplinary and other joint management/labor functions.
CAS meets with the Apprenticeship Coordinator/Instructors of Ironworkers Local #3. CAS presented/discussed OSHA update information. In addition, safety and health issues/concerns relating to OSHA standards/regulatory agenda and OSHA inspection activities and initiatives were discussed.
Worker Rights
Employer Rights and Responsibilities
Fall Prevention
Heat Stress
Young Workers
(Union Apprentices)1200
(Total Member Employees)Training
Speech/PresentationAs Part of the fall stand down the following activities were conducted:
At a local Partnership site the CAS and Project Safety Manager presented information on fall hazards, fall prevention, and local fatality stats to union craft workers on the project site; the CAS presented information on fall hazards, fall prevention, and local fatality stats to three second year apprenticeship classes at the Ironworkers Local #3 Apprenticeship School; Member contractors conducted tool box talks at jobsites.Fall Prevention
Young Workers
(Union Apprentices)400 Outreach and Communication:
- To develop information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, and to develop ways of communicating such information (e.g., print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools, and OSHA's and the IWEA-Wp Web sites) to employers and workers in the industry.
- To speak, exhibit, or appear at OSHA's or IWEA-WP conferences, local meetings, or other applicable events.
- To share information among OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding IWEA-WP good practices or effective approaches through training programs, workshops, seminars, and lectures (or any other applicable forum) developed by the Participants.
Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached Meetings
DisseminationAll activities in previous sections apply (See Previous sections for reference) Construction
Safety and Health Programs/Systems
Fall Prevention
Struck-By Hazards
Heat Stress
Whistleblower Protections
Drug Addiction
Workplace Violence/Suicide
Employee Assistance Programs
Worker Rights
Employer Rights and Responsibilities
Small Business
Oil & Gas
Temporary Workers
Hazard Communication
Youth Workers
(Union Apprentices)1200
(Total member employees)TOTAL 4885 -
The activities provided during this evaluation period were well received. The member representatives and the recipients of the safety and health outreach activities/communications found the information valuable in assisting them in promoting and improving their safety and health efforts at their construction jobsites.
The individuals reached by the outreach activities/communication activities represent companies/unions with many employees/members that would be directly affected by the safety and health information provided. The working relationship between the Alliance Signatories and the feedback on the Alliance continues to be very positive. An Alliance renewal was signed during this evaluation period on March 31, 2017.
Upcoming Milestones
The Alliance continues to look at future opportunities in providing information for affected parties. The Alliance Signatories will continue to work together to address the safety and health needs of the affected parties.
Report Prepared by: Bob Carroll, CAS Pittsburgh Area Office