Region 3 - Alliance Annual Report - September 12, 2018
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Pennsylvania OSHA Consultation Program at Indiana University of PA
And the
Safety Peer Group Network
September 12, 2018
Alliance Background
Date Signed
September 20, 2017
Evaluation Period
September 21, 2017 – September 19, 2018
The purpose of this Alliance is to provide the SPG Network members and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect the health and safety of workers, particularly by reducing and preventing exposure to ergonomic hazards, healthcare environmental conditions, chemical hazards and by addressing injury and illness prevention programs, effective safety training, and OSHA's cooperative program opportunities, and understand the rights of workers and the responsibilities of employers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act).
Implementation Team Members
Scott G. Shimandle, Compliance Assistance Specialist – USDOL/OSHA - Allentown
OSHA Consultation
Cynthia Mellen, CSP, Safety Consultant, PA-OSHA Consultation at Indiana Univ. of PA
Alliance participant
Carmine J. Pellosie, DO, MPH, MBA, FACOEM, Exec. Director, Occ. Health Services
Scott Appnel, Marketing & Client Management, LV Health Network - HealthWorks
Implementation Team Meetings
- November 6, 2017 Implementation Team Meeting
- December 13, 2017 Safety Peer Group Network Meeting
- December 20, 2017 Consultation with Medical Intern
- February 16, 2018 Implementation Team Meeting
- April 26, 2018 Safety Peer Group Network Meeting
- June 13, 2018 Safety Peer Group Network Meeting
- August 16, 2018 Implementation Team Meeting
- September 7, 2018 Implementation Team Meeting
- September 12, 2018 Safety Peer Group Network Meeting
In addition to the meetings that were held, the Alliance participants maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to provide technical assistance and to monitor the Alliance's progress and results.
The following table summarizes the Alliance's activities in support of the goals in the Alliance agreement.
Raising Awareness of OSHA's Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives: - To share information on OSHA's National/Regional/Local Emphasis Programs, Regulatory Agenda, and opportunities to participate in the rulemaking process.
- To share information on occupational safety and health laws and standards, including the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.
- To convene or participate in forums, roundtable discussions, or stakeholder meetings on various safety and health topics including but not limited to: ergonomics, substance abuse testing and prevention programs, medical marijuana, legionella, silica, injury and illness prevention programs, OSHA Consultation Program and OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program.
Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached Alliance Product No product developed at this time Speech/Presentation
April 26, 2018OSHA Update 2018 - What's Hot in OSHA Recordkeeping
Silica, Beryllium
Falls, Safe+Sound Initatives,
Walking-Working Surfaces, Trench and Excavation, Emphasis Programs
(National, Regional and Local)34 attendees
+ 650 others who could not attend but received content electronicallyDissemination OSHA regulation updates via email distribution Recordkeeping Egress
Occupation Noise
Evacuation PlansApprox. 700 Training and Education: - To develop effective training and education programs for SPG Network members regarding, ergonomics, substance abuse testing and prevention programs, medical marijuana, legionella, silica, injury and illness prevention programs, OSHA Consultation Program and OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program and to communicate such information to constituent employers and workers.
- To develop effective training and education programs for SPG Network members to promote understanding of workers' rights, including the use of the OSHA complaint process, and the responsibilities of employers and to communicate such information to workers and employers.
Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached Speech/Presentations
Dec. 13, 2017
June 13, 2018
Sept. 12, 2018Medical Marijuana in the Workplace, presented by Dr. Basil Dolphin and Dr. Kevin Vrablik
Walking the Line: ADA & Mental Health, presented by Keely Jac Collins, Esquire
Injury Prevention: Tips, Myths and Techniques, presented by Holly Ehrenfried, OTR/L CHT and Jeffery S. Smee, Doctor of ChiropracticDrugs in the Workplace - Drug Policies
Safety/Health Programs
Safety/Health Programs
44Outreach and Communication: - To develop information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, and to develop ways of communicating such information (e.g., print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools, and OSHA's and the Lehigh Valley Health Network - HealthWorks' Web sites) to employers and workers in the industry.
- To speak, exhibit, or appear at OSHA's or SPG Network conferences, local meetings, or other events, as scheduled and as time and resources permit.
- To educate stakeholders and encourage the voluntary use of the free, confidential onsite consultation services provided by the Pennsylvania OSHA Consultation Program.
- To share information among OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding SPG Network members good practices or effective approaches through training programs, workshops, seminars, written documents and lectures (or any other applicable forum) developed by the Participants.
- To work with other Alliance participants on specific issues and projects on injury and illness prevention and hazard mitigation and control that are addressed and developed through the Alliance Program.
- To develop and/or disseminate case studies on various occupational health hazards, as identified, and publicize their results.
Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached Meetings See above - Section II Listed above 20 Speech/Presentation See above - Section III TOTAL Approx. 1550 -
This Alliance has truly seen growth not only in the SPG attendance and duration of meeting length (now 90 minutes to allow for more opportunities for "one on one" question and answer), but has also seen a significant increase in the number of stakeholder contacts receiving the varied SPG outreach materials, which is attributable to the efforts and the services of the Marketing & Client Management team. The post SPG meeting time has been an opportunity for participants to interact on a level that's very specific to their circumstances concerning workplace prevention, advice and compliance guidance. The Alliance team, have actively encouraged this time (private Q&A moment) with many attendees benefitting.
Efforts have recently been discussed to consider utilizing LVHN's Innovation Center to provide more opportunities for outreach by conducting webinars on various occupational safety and health topics and at varied intervals throughout the year. Conversations have centered on the premise that these proposed webinars would supplement the current quarterly meetings… not replace them.
Upcoming Milestones
As noted above, webinars are currently being considered to support other varied occupational safety and health topics, which may include: PA Worker's Compensation – Rules and Abuses, Update on Drug Testing Programs, Industrial & Environmental Hygiene, Pre-Employment Screening, Emotional Health, Sleep Disorders, Occupational Health Case-Study Panel Discussion, Safety Challenges – Employer Panel Discussion, and an overview of the PA/OSHA Consultation Program and Services, just to name a few.
Report prepared by: Carmine J. Pellosie, Exec. Director, Occ. Health Services, Scott Appnel, Marketing & Client Management, LV Health Network and Scott G. Shimandle, Comp. Asst. Specialist, USDOL/OSHA – Allentown, September 12, 2018.