Reg 4 - Alliance Agreement - September 22, 2003


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Southeastern Line Constructors Apprenticeship and Training (SELCAT), and the Southeastern Line Constructors Chapter (SLCC)/ National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) recognize the value of establishing a collaborative relationship to foster safer and more healthful American workplaces. OSHA, SLCC/NECA, IBEW, and SELCAT hereby form an Alliance to provide IBEW, SELCAT, SLCC/NECA members and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect employees’ health and safety, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to electrical transmission and distribution equipment hazards.

OSHA, IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA will work together to achieve the following training and education goals:

  • Training delivery will be accomplished by the IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA. The Alliance participants will ensure that experienced workers, as well as apprentice linemen receive training.
  • Develop training and education programs for the participant’s employees that focus on safety and health issues related to the electrical utility industry. Safety and health programs will be developed under the broad categories of Hazard Recognition, Management Systems and Health Hazards.2
  • Develop workplace safety and health curricula focusing on the primary causes of fatal accidents in the electrical utility industry, including improper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), failure to maintain a safe distance, and failure to utilize proper equipotential grounding techniques.

OSHA, IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA will work together to achieve the following outreach and communication goals:

  • Develop and disseminate information through print and electronic media, including links from OSHA’s and IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA Web sites.
  • Speak, exhibit, or attend annual IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA conferences, local labor meetings, training sessions, or other events.
  • IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA will share industry safety and health-related best practices, as jointly determined by OSHA, IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA, with OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals.
  • Promote and encourage IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA members’ participation in the OSHA’s cooperative programs such as compliance assistance, the Voluntary Protection Program, Consultation, and SHARP. In addition, Alliance members will act as mentors to participating worksites that aspire to excellence in safety and health.

OSHA, IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA will work together to achieve the following goals related to promoting the national dialogue on workplace safety and health:

  • Raise others’ awareness of and demonstrate their own commitment to workplace safety and health whenever IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA leaders address groups.
  • Develop and disseminate case studies illustrating the business value of safety and health and publicize their results.
  • Convene or participate in forums, round table discussions, or stakeholder meetings to discuss subjects such as, electrical injury and illnesses and common safety hazards in order to help forge innovative solutions to electrical safety problems in the workplace or to provide input on safety and health issues.

OSHA’s Alliances provide parties an opportunity to participate in a voluntary cooperative relationship with OSHA for purposes such as training and education, outreach and communication and promoting a national dialogue on workplace safety and health. These Alliances have proved to be valuable tools for both OSHA and its Alliance participants. By entering into an Alliance with a party, OSHA is not endorsing any of that party’s products or services; nor does the Agency enter into an Alliance with the purpose of promoting a particular party’s products or services.

An implementation team made up of representatives of both organizations will meet to develop a plan of action, determine working procedures, and identify the roles and responsibilities of the participants. In addition, they will meet at least quarterly to track and share information on activities and results in achieving the goals of the Alliance. Team members will include representatives of OSHA, IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA. OSHA will encourage State Plan States’ and OSHA Consultation Projects’ participation on the team.

This agreement will remain in effect for two years from the date of signing. OSHA and the Alliance participant’s will meet at the expiration of this alliance to discuss accomplishments and if applicable, agree upon activities for the coming year. Any party may terminate this agreement for any reason at any time, provided they give 30 days written notice. This agreement may be modified at any time with the concurrence of OSHA, IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA.



Cindy Coe Laseter
Regional Administrator, Region IV
Occupational Safety and
Health Administration


C. Stephen Gaines, Jr.
Chapter Manager
Southeastern Line Constructors Chapter, NECA


Melvin W. Horton
Vice-President, Fifth District
International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers


Robert P. Klein
Vice-President, Tenth District
International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers


Virgil W. Melton
Training Director
Southeastern Line Constructors
Apprentice Training




** Members to Alliance  
IBEW Fifth District Local Unions: IBEW Tenth District Local Unions:
IBEW Local Union 84 IBEW Local Union 175
IBEW Local Union 130 IBEW Local Union 238
IBEW Local Union 222 IBEW Local Union 270
IBEW Local Union 329 IBEW Local Union 295
IBEW Local Union 443 IBEW Local Union 342
IBEW Local Union 446 IBEW Local Union 379
IBEW Local Union 505 IBEW Local Union 429
IBEW Local Union 558 IBEW Local Union 436
IBEW Local Union 576 IBEW Local Union 474
IBEW Local Union 605 IBEW Local Union 495
IBEW Local Union 676 IBEW Local Union 553
IBEW Local Union 779 IBEW Local Union 700
IBEW Local Union 852 IBEW Local Union 760
IBEW Local Union 861 IBEW Local Union 776
IBEW Local Union 903 IBEW Local Union 934
IBEW Local Union 917 IBEW Local Union 1516
IBEW Local Union 1077 IBEW Local Union 1925
  IBEW Local Union 2113

1Allied Electrical Contractors, Ca-Par Electric, C & C Powerline, Dillard Smith Construction Company, F. H. Electrical, Inc., Lawrence Electric Company, Marable-Pirkle, Inc., Mills Electric Service, Inc., New River Electric Corporation, Olson Utility Construction, Inc., Par Electric Construction Company, Putnam Engineering Company, Rabey Electric Company, Rabey Utilities, Inc., Service Electric Company, Standard Electric Company, The L.E. Myers Company, USA Airmobile, Inc.

2Hazard Recognition (Equipotential Grounding, Material handling, Minimum Approach Distances, Mechanical Equipment, Overhead Lines, Underground Lines, Equipment Grounding and Personal Protective Equipment)

Management Systems (Management Commitment to Safety and Health, Developing a Effective Safety Culture, Foreman Supervisory Skills, Employee Involvement, and Substance Abuse)

Health Hazards (Welding Fumes)