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Reg 4 - Alliance Annual Report - July 13, 2005
U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Ribault Building Room 227
1851 Executive Center Drive
Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 232-2895; Fax (904) 232-1294
Jacksonville OSHA Area Office Annual Status Report
July 13, 2005
- Alliance Background: OSHA and the Northeast Florida Safety Council hereby form an Alliance to provide the Northeast Florida Safety Council members and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect employees’ health and safety. This Alliance will also serve to educate Florida employers about the value-added to business by voluntarily implementing an effective safety and health management system.
Date Signed: June 26, 2003
Overview: This alliance was formed between the participating agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) with the purpose of promoting the implementation of effective safety and health management systems, development of work zone traffic safety and controls training programs, as well as promoting OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Program.
Implementation Team Membership: Representatives from OSHA and the Northeast Florida Safety Council.
Contributors: Same as above
Evaluation Period: July 13, 2005
- Implementation Team Meetings: 09/22/03, 11/13/03, 01/22/04, 05/12/04, 11/18/04 – meeting & recordkeeping training, 2/11/05 – electrical training class, 4/19/05
- Events and Products
Milestones met FY 2005
Training and Education Goals:
- The Safety Council trained 120 supervisors on Work Zone Safety through training programs that they developed.
- Recordkeeping and Safety and Health Program training was given on the following dates:
- August 20, 2004
- November 18, 2004
- February 11, 2005
- May 25, 2005
- June 9, 2005
Outreach and Communication Goals:
- Published information on Work Zone Safety in the September 2004 Council newsletter.
- Published Seatbelt "Every Belt Every Ride" article in the December 2004 Council newsletter.
- Published information on the Alliance in the October 2003 OSHA Region IV e-newsletter.
- Published on the following dates, the “Penalty Box” section of the Council newsletter that contains recent violations and penalties that were issued by the Jacksonville OSHA office:
- July 2004
- August 2004
- September 2004
- October 2004
- November 2004
- January 2005
- February 2005
- March 2005
Other Accomplishments:
- The Northeast Florida Safety Council permitted the Jacksonville Area Office to use their facilities for the American Pyrotechnics Association to conduct their fireworks safety training for OSHA, other Federal Law Enforcement and Fire Departments on May 24, 2005.
- Formal Meetings with the Northeast Florida Safety Council and the Jacksonville Area Office were held on November 18, 2004, February 11, 2005, and April 19, 2005.
- The Northeast Florida Safety Council permitted an Industrial Hygienists from the Jacksonville Area office to attend their OSHA 10-hour safety class for construction on February 11, 2005.
- Results
Refer to the above goals achieved and accomplishments
- Upcoming Milestones for FY 2006:
- Continued participation in new member breakfast meetings to promote safety and health programs and VPP.
- The Northeast Florida Safety Council and OSHA are looking into ways that we can work together to expand upon the message of fleet safety.
- Report Contact:
- Joseph R. Roesler, Compliance Assistance Specialist
1851 Executive Center Drive, Suite 227
Jacksonville, Fl 32207
(904) 232-2895; Fax (904) 232-1294