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Reg 4 - Alliance Annual Report - May 24, 2011
U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Atlanta Regional Office
61 Forsyth Street, S.W., Room 6T50
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
(404) 562-2300; Fax (404) 562-2295
Region IV Alliance Annual Status Report
May 24, 2011
- Alliance Background
Date Signed:
September 26, 2003 and Renewed December 20, 2006
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Southeastern Line Constructors Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (SLCC/NECA), the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) 5th and tenth districts, and the Southeastern Line Constructors Apprenticeship and Training (SELCAT) work cooperatively to provide workers and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect employees' health and safety, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to electrical transmission and distribution equipment hazards.
- Implementation Team Membership and Contributors:
Representatives from OSHA, SLCC/NECA, IBEW, and SELCAT conducted effective meetings on the following dates: March 3, 2010; May 5, 2010; August 18, 2010; and November 11, 2010.
Evaluation Period
December 1, 2009, through January 31, 2011
- Events and Products
Training and Education
- On July 13, 2010, from 7 to 8 a.m. the Alliance group successfully coordinated an "Electrical Safety Stand-Down" for electrical transmission and distribution industry employers and employees in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Tennessee. At the start of that day's work shift, employers were asked to use that first hour to provide training to their electrical work crews on common misconceptions regarding tools used for work on outside overhead electrical lines and high voltage electrical components. Sponsors for this event included OSHA, SLCC/NECA, IBEW and SELCAT. Event participation and results are provided below:
- IBEW Fifth and Tenth Districts
- 13 Contractors
- 120 Jobsites
- Total of 815 workers and employers
- During December 2010 the Alliance group began planning its second "Electrical Safety Stand-Down" for electrical transmission and distribution industry employers and employees in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Tennessee. This event occurred on January 11, 2011, and the event focused on the prevention of accidents resulting from slips, trips and falls.
- On January 11, 2011, from 7 to 8 a.m. the Alliance group successfully coordinated a "Slip, Trip and Fall Safety Stand-Down" for electrical transmission and distribution industry employers and employees in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Tennessee. At the start of that day's work shift, employers were asked to use that first hour to provide training to their electrical work crews on the prevention of accidents resulting from slips, trips and falls. Sponsors for this event included OSHA, SLCC/NECA, IBEW and SELCAT. Event participation and results are provided below:
- IBEW Fifth and Tenth District
- 10 Contractors
- 93 Jobsites
- Total of 846 workers and employers
- SELCAT has continued its effort in the development of training and education programs for employees focusing on safety and health issues related to the electrical utility industry. The numbers below reflect the training provided by SELCAT to apprentice, ground-men and journeymen during 2010:
- OSHA 10 Construction – 6
- OSHA 10 T & D - 47
- OSHA 20 T & D Supervisory – 23
- Bucket/Pole top Rescue – 78
- Flagging – 30
- Crane/Derrick – 37
- Rigging – 164
- Foreman Orientation – 38
- Signal – 124
Outreach and Communication
- During this period Virgil Melton, of SELCAT, conducted a presentation for 105 apprentices, regarding safety and health.
- On January 7, 2010, Steve Gaines, Chapter Executive, SLCC/NECA, gave a presentation to 75 employees of Service Electric during the employer's annual safety conference.
- During the meeting on August 18, 2010, a representative from Georgia Power conducted a presentation for the Alliance group. The presentation focused on Georgia Power's safety requirements for utility contractors working for the company.
- On October 14, 2010, Steve Gaines and Virgil Melton conducted a presentation about the Alliance to 24 apprentices attending the Southeastern Line Constructors Apprenticeship and Training School.
- During the meeting on November 11, 2010, Ms. Judith H. Carr, Vice President of Human Resources for Entrust, Inc conducted a presentation for the Alliance group. The presentation focused on Project Safe Georgia (PSG), which was developed and implemented by the Georgia Department of Labor. Ms. Carr explained how PSG networks employers from a variety of industries to effectively address safety and health concerns.
- On November 11, 2010, Mr. Virgil Melton, Training Director, conducted a presentation about the Alliance to 24 apprentices attending the Southeastern Line Constructors Apprenticeship and Training School.
- During this period, the group continued to publish and distribute the Safety Alliance Update Quarterly Newsletter, which reaches over 1,600 employees and companies.
- The NECA Chapter Website continues to offer employees and member companies the opportunity to communicate and share with other participants, injury data and near-miss information. The group is currently developing a website solely for the Alliance agreement.
Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health
- Results
- Refer to the actions listed above.
- Upcoming Milestones in FY 2011
- Renew the Alliance
- The Alliance group will conduct the following scheduled implementation team meetings:
- April 26, 2011
- July 19, 2011
- October 11, 2011
- Continue to disseminate the quarterly Alliance newsletter
- Develop and implement the Alliance Website
- Encourage interested State Plan Programs to support and participate in the Alliance
Report Prepared by: Tom Bosley, Region IV Alliance Coordinator
For more information, contact the Office of Outreach Services and Alliances at 202-693-2340 or go to OSHA.