Reg 4 - Alliance Annual Report - March 25, 2016
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Ft. Lauderdale Area Office
1000 South Pine Island Road, Suite 100
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33324
(954) 424-0242; Fax (954) 424-3073
And the
The Consulate General of Mexico in Miami, Florida
March 25, 2016
- Alliance Background
- Date Signed:
March 23, 2015
- Evaluation Period
March 23, 2015 through March 23, 2016
- Overview:
The Participants established a collaborative relationship to provide Mexican Nationals in the Broward, Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, Indian River, Lee, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Okeechobee, Palm Beach, and St. Lucie counties and others information, guidance, and access to education and training resources to promote workers' rights in protecting their occupational safety and health, and to help them understand U.S. domestic law on the rights of workers and the responsibilities of employers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act).
- Implementation Team Members
Condell Eastmond – Area Director
Vergie Bain – Compliance Assistance SpecialistAlliance participant
Andres Ruiz Pérez- Consul of Community Affairs and Press
- Date Signed:
- Implementation Team Meetings
- July 23, 2015
- August 26, 2015
- October 15, 2015
- November 12, 2015
- February 12, 2016
- March 4, 2016
In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance's progress and results.
- Results
The following table summarizes the Alliance's activities in support of the goals in the Alliance agreement.
Raising Awareness of OSHA’s Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives:
The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following goal related to raising awareness of OSHA’s rulemaking and enforcement initiatives:Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached N/A N/A N/A N/A Training and Education:
The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following training and education goal:Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached N/A N/A N/A N/A Outreach and Communication: The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following outreach and communication goals:
Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached Distribute Materials During the Region 4 Landscape Stand-down the Alliance group provided outreach materials on the hazards related to landscape and workers’ rights. Hispanic Workers/Temporary Workers/Young Workers/ and Small Businesses 500 Distribute Materials Fall Prevention materials were provided to Mexican Nationals in support of OSHA’s on Fall Prevention Stand-down. Hispanic Workers/Temporary Workers/Young Workers/ and Small Businesses 5000 Distribute Materials Heat Illness Prevention materials were provided to Mexican Nationals in support of OSHA’s on Fall Prevention Stand-down. Hispanic Workers/Temporary Workers/Young Workers/ and Small Businesses 10000 Speech/Presentation During Labor Rights Week, the Consulate conducted a presentation for day laborers and others regarding workers’ rights. Hispanic Workers/Temporary Workers/Young Workers/ and Small Businesses 5000 Speech/Presentation During this period the Consulate work together with other federal agencies, Hispanic Consulates and community based groups to develop an agreement (South Florida Worker Advocate Coalition) to ensure worker rights among vulnerable workers. Hispanic/Vulnerable Workers 50000 - Evaluation
- Upcoming Milestones in FY 2016 – FY 2017
- Participate in Labor Rights week to inform to Mexican Nationals and other Hispanics on worker rights.
- Participate with South Florida Worker Advocate Coalition to make Mexican Nationals and other vulnerable workers aware of worker rights.
- Continue to support the OSHA National Campaigns focused on Fall and Heat Illness Prevention.
- Renew the Alliance agreement.
Report Prepared by: Vergie Bain, Compliance Assistance Specialist (CAS), Ft. Lauderdale Area Office