Reg 4 - Alliance Annual Report - September 13, 2017
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Birmingham Area Office, 950 22nd Street North, Suite 1050
Birmingham, AL 35203
And the
Associated Builders and Contractors of Alabama, Inc.
North Alabama Chapter
September 13, 2017
Raising Awareness of OSHA's Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives: The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following goals related to raising awareness of OSHA's rulemaking and enforcement initiatives:
Activity Type | Activity Name/Summary | OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported | Number Reached |
Dissemination | During this period, the ABC - North Alabama Chapter distributed a safety newsletter electronically to all ABC-North Alabama Chapter members. The newsletter featured a section focused on OSHA topics, including the OSHA Alliance. The newsletter was distributed on the following dates:
Heat Illness Prevention, Fall Prevention, Temporary Workers and Construction |
130 Companies |
Speech/Presentation | During this period, the ABC-North Alabama Chapter began collaborating with the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Decatur, Alabama, Chapter. The group's efforts include conducting joint meetings focused on the following:
Hazard Communications/ Chemicals, and Construction |
150 member companies |
Speech/Presentation | During this period, the Alliance group featured a variety of presenters during its Safety Committee meeting including OSHA, Alabama SafeState Onsite Consultation Program and other local safety professionals. | Heat Illness Prevention, Fall Prevention, and Temporary Workers |
11 Committee Members representing 130+companies |
Training and Education: The Participants will work together to achieve the following training and education goal:
Activity Type | Activity Name/Summary | OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported | Number Reached |
Training | During this period, the Alliance group conducted several safety training sessions for members and others. These training sessions focused on a variety of topics including OSHA National Emphasis Programs (NEP) and Regional Emphasis Programs (REP), as well as the following:
Construction, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Small Business, Heat Illness Prevention, and Fall Prevention |
273+ |
Training | During this period, the ABC - North Alabama Chapter hosted two (2) OSHA 10-hour safety and health training courses on the following dates:
Construction, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Small Business, Heat Illness Prevention, and Fall Prevention |
55 |
Training | During this period, the ABC - North Alabama Chapter hosted two (2) OSHA 30-hour safety and health training courses on the following dates:
Construction, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Small Business, Heat Illness Prevention, and Fall Prevention |
45 |
Outreach and Communication: The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following outreach and communication goals:
Activity Type | Activity Name/Summary | OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported | Number Reached |
Other | During this period, an ABC - North Alabama Chapter, member company was recognized with participation in the Alabama SafeState Onsite Consultation Program's Safety and Health Recognition Program (SHARP). | Construction, Hazard Communication/Chemical, Small Business, Heat Illness Prevention and Fall Prevention |
1 employer, 150+ employees |
Speech/Presentation and Demonstration | During this period, the Alliance group fully supported OSHA's National Safety Stand-down and its Heat Illness Prevention Campaign. The following companies and organizations also conducted events to support these campaigns:
Construction, Heat Illness Prevention and Fall Prevention |
280+ |
Alliance Background
Date Signed
August 21, 2014
Renewal Date:
September 28, 2016
Evaluation Period
August 27, 2016 – September 13, 2017
The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Birmingham Area Office, and the Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. – North Alabama Chapter (hereinafter referred to collectively as the ABC – North AL Chapter Alliance) recognize the value of establishing a collaborative relationship to foster safer and more healthful American workplaces. Emphasis will be placed on effectively reducing and preventing exposure to hazards in the construction industry, such as falls, electrocution, struck-by and caught-in-between.
Implementation Team Members
- Ramona Morris
- Area Director, Birmingham Area Office
- James Cooley
- Compliance Assistance Specialist, Birmingham Area Office
Alliance participant
- Tiffany Brightwell
- President, Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. North Alabama Chapter
- Tyce Hudson
- Chairman of the Board, Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. North Alabama Chapter
Implementation Team Meetings
The CAS attends the ABC – North AL Chapter monthly Safety Committee meetings throughout the evaluation period to evaluate the effectiveness of the committee to communicate its safety message to members of the ABC – North AL Chapter.
- August 2016
- September 2016
- October 2016
- November 2016
- December 2016
- January 2017
- February 2017
- March 2017
- April 2017
- May 2017
- June 2017
- July 2017
Note: In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance's progress and results.
The following table summarizes the Alliance's activities in support of the goals in the Alliance agreement.
Upcoming Milestones
- The Alliance group will continue supporting outreach events such as the Labor Rights' Week, Workers' Memorial Day, and other events.
- The ABC – North Alabama Chapter's Safety Committee will continue to conduct OSHA 10-hour and 30-hour safety and health training events.
- The Alliance group will continue to collaborate with organizations such as the local chapters of the Associated General Contractors (AGC), American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE), Tennessee Valley Training Center (TVTC), and in an effort to enhance the safety and health of workers in northern Alabama.
Report prepared by: James Cooley, Compliance Assistance Specialist (CAS), Birmingham Area Office.