Region 4 - Alliance Annual Report - December 3, 2008
U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Atlanta Regional Office
61 Forsyth Street, S.W., Room 6T50
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
(404) 562-2300; Fax (404) 562-2295
Alliance Annual Report
December 3, 2008
- Alliance Background
Date Signed: September 22, 2003
Date Renewed: December 20, 2006
OSHA, SLCC/NECA, IBEW, and SELCAT work cooperatively to provide workers and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect employees’ health and safety, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to electrical transmission and distribution equipment hazards.
- Implementation Team Membership and Contributors:
Representatives from OSHA, SLCC/NECA, IBEW, and SELCAT conducted effective meetings on – March 19, 2008, August 20, 2008, and November 12, 2008.
Evaluation Period:
December 20, 2007, through December 20, 2008
- Events and Products
Training and Education
- SELCAT has continued its effort to development of training and education programs for employees focusing on safety and health issues related to the electrical utility industry. A detailed list of the training courses conducted and the number of personnel trained are provided in the tables below. Course topics included grounding, OSHA 10-hour training course, supervisory training, OSHA Power Transmission and Distribution Standard and others. However, these tables only reflect the personnel trained by SELCAT.
- None
- On January 27, 2008, Steve Gaines and Virgil Melton made a presentation about the Alliance to 28 apprentices attending the SELCAT FTS School.
- On March 12, 2008, Steve Gaines and Virgil Melton made a presentation about the Alliance to 28 apprentices attending the SELCAT FTS School.
- On April 21, 2008, Steve Gaines and Virgil Melton made a presentation about the Alliance to 28 apprentices attending the SELCAT FTS School
- On May 19, 2008, Steve Gaines and Virgil Melton made a presentation about the Alliance to 28 apprentices attending the SELCAT FTS School.
- On June 25, 2008, Steve Gaines made a presentation about the Alliance to 85 participants at the IBEW Tenth District Progress Meeting in Charleston, SC.
- On October 22, 2008, Steve Gaines and Virgil Melton made a presentation about the Alliance to 28 apprentices attending the SELCAT FTS School.
- On December 15, 2008, Steve Gaines made a presentation about the Alliance to 28 apprentices attending the SELCAT FTS School.
- In 2008, the Alliance document was posted on NECA’s Website, to promote the cooperative agreement (
- In 2008 the group continued to effectively promote the near-miss reporting system. This system enables participating employers and workers to share injury data and near-miss information, in an attempt to prevent the reoccurrence of a similar incident. The system is available to employees and member companies on the chapter Website.
- In 2008 the group continued to effectively promote the best practices. This system enables participating employers and workers to share best practices.
- During this period, the group continued to publish and distribute the Safety Alliance Update Quarterly Newsletter. The Safety Alliance Update Quarterly Newsletter reaches over 2,000 employees and companies.
- During this period, the MYR Group, an Alliance participant, received a VPP onsite evaluation for participation in the VPP Mobile Worksite Program. The onsite evaluation was conducted April 30 through May 1, 2008. The MYR Group was formally approved for participation in VPP In September 2008.
- None
- Results
The tables below reflect the training accomplished by SELCAT during 2008:
SELCAT Training in 2008
Course Apprentice Trained Ground-men Trained Journeymen Trained Other Total OSHA 10-hour 158 9 6 8 181 First-Aid 162 22 37 34 255 CPR 246 22 37 34 339 Bucket Truck Rescue 96 2 0 0 104 Pole Top Rescue 101 0 0 0 101 Transformers (safety) -1 101 0 0 0 101 Transformers (safety) – 2 81 0 5 0 86 Total Trained: 1,167 Alliance Outreach Impact
Organization/ Group Impact IBEW Members 2,000 IBEW Local’s 115 NECA Contractors 100 SELCAT Apprentice 196 SELCAT Training 1,301 IBEW Tenth District Progress Meeting 85 Distribution of Alliance Quarterly Newsletter 2,000 Total Reached: 5,797 - Upcoming Milestones in FY 2008
- Continue to promote the Alliance near-miss and best practices reporting systems.
- Promote the OSHA Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP) to interested member companies in the Alliance.
- Explore participation in the Construction Education Foundation of Georgia (CEFGA) CareerExpo in April 2009.
- Develop schedule for Implementation Team Meetings in FY 2009
- Continue to promote the Alliance near-miss and best practices reporting systems.