Region 4 - Alliance Annual Report - July 29, 2016


U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Atlanta Regional Office
61 Forsyth Street, S.W., Room 6T50
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
(404) 562-2300; Fax (404) 562-2295

Region IV Alliance Annual Status Report
July 29, 2016

  1. Alliance Background
    1. Date Signed:
      September 26, 2003

      Renewal Dates:

      December 20, 2006; July 1, 2011; and April 11, 2014

    2. Evaluation Period:
      May 31, 2015, through May 30, 2016

    3. Overview:
      The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Southeastern Line Constructors Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (SLCC/NECA), the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) 5th and tenth districts, and the Southeastern Line Constructors Apprenticeship and Training (SELCAT) work cooperatively to provide workers and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect employees’ health and safety, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to electrical transmission and distribution equipment hazards

    4. Implementation Team Memberships and Contributors
      Atlanta Regional Office, Atlanta-East Area Office and Atlanta-West Area Office

      Alliance Participants

  2. Implementation Team Membership and Contributors:

    Representatives from OSHA, SLCC/NECA, IBEW, and SELCAT communicated regarding the Alliance on the following dates: September 3, 2015; April 27, 2016; and June 25, 2016.

    In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from each group maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance's progress and results.

  3. Results

    The following table summarizes the Alliance's activities in support of the goals in the Alliance agreement.

    Raising Awareness of OSHA’s Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives:

    The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following goal related to raising awareness of OSHA’s rulemaking and enforcement initiatives:

    • To convene or participate in forums, roundtable discussions, or stakeholder meetings on electrical injury and illnesses and common safety hazards in order to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace or to provide input on safety and health issues.
    Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached
    Speech/Presentation During this period, Steve Gaines, Chapter Executive with Southeastern Line Chapter, NECA; and Chuck Moore, with the IBEW Local Union 776, conducted a safety presentation on the OSHA Region IV Alliance for IBEW members and officers at the IBEW National Safety Caucus in Charlotte, NC. Construction, Fall Protection, Heat Illness prevention, Small Business, Temporary Workers and Young Workers 100+

    Training and Education: The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following training and education goal:

    • To develop effective training and education programs for workers in the electrical utility industry regarding hazard recognition, safety and health management systems (SHMS) and health hazards, and to communicate such information to constituent employers and workers.
    • To deliver or arrange for the delivery of courses regarding fatal accidents in the electrical utility industry, including improper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), failure to maintain a safe distance, and failure to utilize proper equipotential grounding techniques. The Alliance participants will ensure that experienced workers, as well as, inexperienced workers, including, but not limited to apprentices lineman will receive training.
    Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached

    During this period, SELCAT continued its efforts to provide workers with effective training and education programs focusing on electrical utility industry issues, as well as safety and health. Course topics included the following:

    • OSHA 10-hour training course
    • First-Aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR)
    • Pole Top and Bucket Truck Rescue
    • Transformer Safety Courses 1 & 2
    Construction, Fall Protection, Heat Illness prevention, Small Business, Temporary Workers and Young Workers 100+

    Outreach and Communication: The Participants intend to work together to achieve the following outreach and communication goals:

    • To develop information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, and to develop ways of communicating such information (e.g., print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools, and OSHA’s and the IBEW’s, SELCAT’s and the SLCC/NECA’s Web sites) to employers and workers in the industry.
    • To speak, exhibit, or attend the IBEW Fifth and Tenth Districts Annual Progress Meetings, Outside Apprenticeship Conference, IBEW Fifth District Construction Organizing Summit, SELCAT and SLCC/NECA Membership Meetings, local labor meetings, training sessions, or other events.
    • To share information among OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding IBEW’s, SELCAT’s, and SLCC/NECA’s best practices or effective approaches and publicize results through outreach by IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA and through OSHA or IBEW, SELCAT, and SLCC/NECA developed materials, training programs, workshops, seminars and lectures (or any other applicable forum) developed by the participants.
    Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached

    During this period, the following OSHA safety and health stand-down events were promoted to the Alliance group:

    • The OSHA Region IV Landscaping Safety Stand-down conducted April 6 through 8, 2016.
    • The OSHA National Fall Safety Stand-down conducted May 2 through 6, 2016.
    • The OSHA Region IV Heat Illness Prevention Campaign Stand-down conducted June 27 through July 1, 2016.
    Construction, Fall Protection, Heat Illness prevention, Small Business, Temporary Workers and Young Workers 200+
    Dissemination During this period, the Alliance group continued to offer employees and member companies the opportunity to share their near-miss information with other participants through the NECA Chapter Web site. Construction, Fall Protection, Heat Illness prevention, Small Business, Temporary Workers and Young Workers 1,600
    Dissemination During this period, the group continued to publish and distribute the Safety Alliance Update Quarterly Newsletter. Construction, Fall Protection, Heat Illness prevention, Small Business, Temporary Workers and Young Workers 1,600
  4. Evaluation


  5. Upcoming Milestones in FY 2016 – FY 2017
    • OSHA, the SLCC/NECA, the IBEW (represented by the 5th and tenth districts), and SELCAT will work to renew the Alliance agreement.
    • The Alliance group will continue to disseminate the quarterly Alliance newsletter.
    • The Alliance group will continue to effectively implement a culture change within the electrical power transmission and service industry.
    • Continue to encourage interested State Plan Programs to support and participate in the Alliance

    Report Prepared by: Tom Bosley, Regional Alliance Coordinator