Region 6 - Alliance Annual Report - August 14, 2009

ANNUAL ALLIANCE REPORT for T & T Staff Management, L.P. #110
511 Executive Ctr Blvd
El Paso, TX 79902

  1. Alliance Background

    Date Signed: January 8, 2004 and resigned on August 14th, 2007
    Date renewed: August 25, 2009


    Alliance between the United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration and T & T Staff Management, L.P. was established as a collaborative relationship to foster a safety and more healthful workplace for Americans working in the construction industries. The goal of the Alliance is to save lives, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure to construction hazards such as falls from elevations, struck-by and caught-in-between objects, and electrocution

    Implementation Team Members: Jack Turner, Thad Steele, Frank Olivas (initial); Elias Casillas III, Richard Rivera, Sheila Schulmeyer (after September 2006). Rey Leyva, Elias Casillas, Sheila Schulmeyer (After June 2009).


    Rey Leyva, Elias Casillas III

    Evaluation Period

    This report covers August, 2008 to Aug, 2009

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    August 14th, 2007; June 23rd,2008 & June 4th, 2009

  3. Events and Products

    Training and Education

    • 2008 – New Hire Safety Orientations: 2177 English, 3648 Spanish, Total: 5825
    • 2009* – New Hire Safety Orientations: 1100 English, 1804 Spanish , Total: 2904
      (as of Aug. 12, 2009)

    • 2009* –Youth Outreach – (14 -19 year olds) New Hire Safety Orientations: Total: 2,757 (as of Aug. 12, 2009)

      10 Hour Outreach Training:
      2008 – English, 37; Spanish 49
      2009* – English,13 ; Spanish 0
      (as of Aug. 12, 2009)

    • Other Safety Training Provided to Food Service Safety, Powered Industrial Truck Operator Safety Training, Confined Space, Hazard Communication, Aerial Lift, Scaffolding and Excavation, etc., in 2008 to 445 employees.

    Outreach and Communication

    • 2008 - Completed Construction of new T & T Staff Management “Safety Training Center” and renovation of existing training facilities.
    • 2008 – Installed new outdoor digital bill board/sign (Marquee) which communicates safety message at all times and advertises on-going safety courses
    • 2008 – Implemented “Big 4” construction hazards training program in English and Spanish
    • 2008 – Added “General Industry” New Hire Safety Orientations to orientation schedule. Now provide a total 11 “New Hire Safety Orientations” per week
    • August 8 & 9, 2008 Participated in Collaborative “Free OSHA 10-Hour and Construction Big Four Hazards” training between the Hispanic Contractors Association de Tejas; The Greater El Paso Chamber of Commerce; The Small Business Administration where approximately 200 participants completed the safety training in English/Spanish.
    • 2009-Became sponsor of lighted “Star” on the mountain which will be used to promote and represent employee safety in El Paso.
    • 2009-Began presenting General Industry safety orientation to youth ages 14-19 years old.

    Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health

    • 2008/2009 - Continue to dialog with OSHA Education Centers in Region VI to try and expand safety training in English and Spanish for the El Paso, Far West Texas region.
  4. Results

    Using the table below, list each activity and the number of individuals reached or trained during the reporting period.]

    2008 – New Hire Safety Orientations:
    2009* – New Hire Safety Orientations:

    2009* –Youth Outreach General Industry Safety Orientations:

    2008 – 10 Hour Outreach Training:
    2009* – 10 Hour Outreach Training:

    2008* - Other Safety Training Provided to Food Service Safety, Powered Industrial Lift Truck Operator Safety, Confined Space, Hazard Communication, Aerial Lift, Scaffolding and Excavation, etc.,:

    2009* - Other Safety Training Provided to Food Service Safety, Powered Industrial Lift Truck Operator Safety, Confined Space, Hazard Communication, Aerial Lift, Scaffolding and Excavation, etc.,:

    2008* - 10 Hour Collaborative Training:
    2177 English, 3648 Spanish, Total: 5825
    1100 English, 1804 Spanish, Total: 2904

    14 year olds = 440
    15 year olds = 544
    16 year olds = 555
    17 year olds = 563
    18 year olds = 422
    19 year olds = 233


    English, 37; Spanish, 49, Total: 86
    English, 13; Spanish, 0 Total: 13

    445 employees.

    424 employees

    125 English, 81 Spanish, Total 206
    TOTAL for all 2008 and partial 2009 12660

    T & T Staff Management, L. P., has enjoyed a 25 percent reduction in injury claims for their own employees throughout the duration of this alliance.

  5. Upcoming Milestones

    • Renew Alliance in 2009
    • Continue Youth Outreach
    • Continue Public Awareness through Marquee Sign – Safety Messages
    • Complete issuance of over 400 Code of Federal Regulation Manuals published by Mangan Communications-CFR 1910’s
    • Partner with OSHA Education Center(s)
    • Kick-off City Wide Billboard Campaign
    • Implement On-line Web Based New Hire Safety Orientation