Region 6 - Alliance Annual Report - December 4, 2009
Alliance Report
December 4, 2009
The Permian Basin Services, Transmission,
Exploration and Production Safety Network (PBSTEPS)
Alliance Background
Date Signed – 09/09/2008
To promote safe and healthful working conditions for workers in the Permian Basin who are engaged in one form or another in the business of oil and gas and also to help people get into, stay in, expand and improve their small business in the Permian Basin area which includes southeast New Mexico. Provide employers with information, guidance and access to training resources that will help them provide to their employees knowledge of safety and health hazards of construction and general industry with a focus on the four major hazards: falls, electrical, struck by and caught in between.
Evaluation Period – 09-2008 through 09/2009
Implementation Team Meetings
8/12/2008 -
Events and Products
Training and Education
- Events – Presentations and training provided at the PBSTEPS monthly meetings
- September 08 : Education on encountering bees; Repetitive motion/ergonomics
- October 08 : Fleet safety; NORM (normally occurring radioactive material; NFPA Arch Flash 70E
- November 08: Narcotics; NIOSH’s Oil and Gas Extraction Program; Successful Leadership
- December 08: OSHA Update; PPE Update; OSHCON Program; Home Fire Safety
- January 09: Pumping Unit Safety; Trenching and Excavation; Worker’s Compensation Fraud
- February 09: Behavioral Safety; ID Theft; WorkSteps (physical therapy); ISNetworld Overview
- March 09: Emergency Evacuation; Severe Weather; Fleet Safety
- April 09: Operation Excellence
- May 09: Fall Protection (OSHA); OSHA Challenge, Roadmap to VPP; NFPA 70E; Respiratory Protection
- June 09: Texas Rangers; Training Methodologies; Weather Emergency Preparedness
- July 09: DIG TESS; Communication Training; Sharp communication
- August 09: OSHA Update and Employer payment of PPE; Experimental Training.
- September 09: H1N1 Flu Update and CDC recommendations; Flame Retardant Clothing Update; OSHA Challenge; Hazard Awareness
- Products: PowerPoints for most of the presentations are available for download on the PBSTEPS ( website.
Outreach and Communication
- Events: All of the events (meetings) that occur monthly have some element of outreach. An OSHA representative is almost always present.
- Products
No products have yet to be developed under this alliance. However, the concept of this network has grown throughout Region VI as well as other Regions in OSHA.
Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health
- Events: Each meeting has some element of dialogue on workplace safety.
- This network enjoys a large attendance each month; over 120 persons attend representing 40 or more companies involved in oil and gas.
Results: This Safety Network has enjoyed great success. There is a website and many companies involved help sponsor the meeting place and refreshments for the monthly meetings. Involvement is key and each month, the involvement grows. Most of the attendees are safety personnel from companies and the information/training they receive from these meetings is taken back to the employee population of each company.
[Using the table below, list each activity and the number of individuals reached or trained during the reporting period.]
Type of Activity (Conference, Training,
Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.)Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
1. September 08: Repetitive Motion/Ergo 120
2. October 08: Arc Flash NFPA 70E 95
3. December 08: OSHA Update/PPE
4. January 09: Trenching/Excavation
5. March 09: Emergency Evacuation
6. May 09: Fall Protection/Respiratory Protection
7. August 09: OSHA Update/Employer Paid PPE
8. September 09: H1N1 Flu95
120Total: 870
Upcoming Milestones
The Permian Basin STEPS Network has exceeded expectations as far as content and involvement of the oil and gas community. Out of this network, others have blossomed throughout the region as well as in other OSHA regions. The networks have become connected and a National STEPS is on the horizon and is in the works. This network looks forward to continuing their association with the El Paso AO and the Lubbock District Office by renewing their alliance in September 2010.