Region 6 - Alliance Annual Report - May 14, 2014

Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Baton Rouge Area Office
And the
Greater Baton Rouge Chapter American Society of Safety Engineers
May 14, 2014

  1. Alliance Background

    1. Signed

      December 19, 2008

    2. Evaluation Period

      May 14, 2013 - May 14, 2014

    3. Alliance Overview

      The Greater Baton Rouge Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) is a non-profit organization that was founded in September 1957. The current membership is comprised of over 300 safety professionals who represent employers from various industries such as construction, refinery, chemical, heath care, insurance, and governmental agencies.

      OSHA and Greater Baton Rouge Chapter ASSE set out to form an Alliance in order to provide Chapter members and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help foster employee health and safety, particularly in reducing and preventing exposure including, but not limited to: fall hazards, trenching/excavations, combustible dusts, and struck-by hazards.

    4. Implementation Team Members

      Paul Marks
      President, Greater Baton Rouge Chapter ASSE
      Lance S. Roux
      Area Director, ASSE Region IV
      Alexander Novas
      OSHA Compliance Assistance Specialist, Baton Rouge Area Office

      Contributors: Chapter Baton Rouge ASSE Executive Board

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    The implementation team met during the evaluation period to discuss the objectives and progress toward the goals set forth within the signed Alliance document. Discussions occurred by face-to-face meeting, telephone, and e-mail communications. The implementation team also addressed attendees of the monthly general membership meetings that were held at various locations in the Greater Baton Rouge Area.

  3. Activities, Events and Products

    Training and Education


    • The Chapter hosted a "Bring-A-Worker" event at an ASSE meeting featuring safety at the workplace.
    • The Chapter Board members participated in the Louisiana Governor's Safety and Health Conference to promote membership, safety education, and safety certification. Interest was solicited for planned safety certification preparatory workshops for the construction-based designation of Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) offered by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.
    • The Chapter president participated in education forums at Southeastern University with emphasis on OSHA 300 log and workplace safety.
    • Chapter Board members also participated in several other safety-training workshops and served in various capacities within the safety communities at the local, state, and national levels, including various industries.

    Outreach and Communication


    • Regular compliance updates were provided by the OSHA, Baton Rouge Area Office including occasional appearances at monthly membership meetings to discuss the latest regulatory information.
    • The Chapter holds monthly general meetings including guest speakers who discussed topics concerning Health, Safety or Environmental issues and/or current events.
    • The Chapter officers and local OSHA representatives generate informative Emails, newsletters, and Safety Alerts that are distributed to Chapter Membership, Guests and Professional Colleagues.
    • The Chapter continues to participate in the safety in the workplace where volunteers discuss and promote workplace safety.
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was donated to "Cenikor" a foundation that promotes helping people deal with behavioral health issues and chemical dependency, changing lives for those entering or returning to the workplace.

    Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health


    • Members of the Greater Baton Rouge Chapter ASSE Executive Board and General Membership continue to foster relationships and shared ideas through their involvement with other professional association safety committees including but not limited to: Associated Builders and Contractors, Pelican Chapter; Safety Council of Louisiana; Greater Baton Rouge Industry Alliance; ANSI/ASSE Z-59 Fall Protection Standard Advisory Committee; Southeastern Louisiana University, Occupational Safety &Health Curriculum Advisory Steering Committee; and the National Petroleum &Refining Association National Safety Committee.
    • Joint Membership meetings were also held with the American Industrial Hygiene Association, and the Bayou Chapter ASSE. The OSHA, Baton Rouge Area Office's, Area Director conducted a presentation at a Chapter meeting on familiarity with the Silica Standards.
    • The Greater Baton Rouge Chapter ASSE annually recognizes Workers' Memorial Day and communicates related information to member organizations.
  4. Results

    The Greater Baton Rouge Chapter ASSE Members continue to have access to a greater amount of educational information and are made aware of OSHA's on-going efforts to reach at-risk industries by sharing current events, safety alerts and best practices.

    Type of Activity Attendees 2013-14 General Meetings Topics
    May 29 Leave no Hazard Behind
    September 31 GHS Standards
    October 23 OSHA update (by Louisiana OSHA Consultation)
    November 32 Fall Protection
    December 38 Panel of Workplace Safety Issues
    January 45 Joint Meeting with AIHA
    February 26 Fire Safety Code State Fire Marshall
    March 28 Return to Work
    April 31 OSHA Update
    TOTAL 283  

    As with the previous year, the OSHA, Baton Rouge Area Office Compliance Assistance Specialist (CAS) provided OSHA Update presentations and gave presentations at various member workplaces. The CAS provided literature which included educational brochures, pamphlets and training materials. Topics provided but were not limited to: Fall Protection, Heat Stress, Process Safety Management and Emergency Preparedness.

  5. Upcoming Milestones

    The OSHA, Baton Rouge Area Office and the Greater Baton Rouge Chapter ASSE will continue to work together through the Alliance to provide employers, employees and the public with information targeted at the individual worker. Specifically, the chapter will continue to host the "Bring-a-Worker" meetings were members invite their employees to attend, in addition to other outreach efforts. Efforts will continue in the creation of local opportunities for professional development in order to assist employers in work-related injury reduction, and particularly serious injuries and fatalities.