Region 6 - Alliance Annual Report - August 11, 2018

U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Baton Rouge Area Office
Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Pelican Chapter

  1. Alliance Background

    1. Date Signed

      May 3, 2012 and renewed on August 11, 2014, and March 23, 2017.

    2. Evaluation Period

      August 11, 2017 to August 10, 2018

    3. Overview

      The Alliance with the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Pelican Chapter was established to create a collaborative relationship to foster safer and more healthful workplaces. The goals of the Alliance are to be achieved through sharing information, providing guidance, and access to training resources to protect employees' health and safety. Particular focus is to be paid to reducing and preventing exposure to struck-by, falls, caught-in-between and electrical hazards and addressing construction and industrial contractor issues.

      ABC is a national trade association with 72 chapters representing 22,000 members representing more than 19,000 construction and industry-related firms. The ABC, Pelican Chapter was incorporated and developed in April 1980, around the need to adequately service the construction industry throughout Louisiana.

      The Chapter's Safety Committee is responsible for continually updating the membership on any new or revised standards and regulations, to provide oversight and review on all Pelican Chapter safety training, to promote the ABC National Safety Training and Evaluation Process (STEP) Awards program, and to maintain the Alliance with OSHA. The Pelican Chapter Safety Committee comprises the largest concentration of contractor safety professionals in the region, and through the Alliance has a mission of supporting the industry through outreach efforts.

    4. Implementation Team Members


      Dorinda Folse, Area Director (AD), OSHA, Baton Rouge Area Office
      Alexander Novas, Compliance Assistance Specialist (CAS), OSHA, Baton Rouge Area Office

      Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Pelican Chapter

      Jeremy Miller, Chairman, ABC, Pelican Chapter Safety Committee
      Wade Walker, Vice Chair, ABC, Pelican Chapter Safety Committee

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    The Safety Committee members and officers meet monthly to discuss the progress of the Alliance and topical information covering industry's safety and health concerns. Alliance activities are planned and coordinated at the monthly meetings. OSHA representation normally provides an update presentation and fields a variety of questions from industry professionals regarding regulatory and compliance issues.

  3. Results

    The following table summarizes the Alliance's activities in support of the goals in the Alliance agreement.

    Raising Awareness of OSHA's Rulemaking and Enforcement Initiatives:
    • To share information on OSHA's National /Regional/Local Emphasis Program, Regulatory Agenda, and opportunities to participate in the rulemaking process.
    • To share information on occupational safety and health laws and standards, including the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.
    • To convene and participate in forums, roundtable discussions, or stakeholder meetings on construction and industrial contractor safety and health issues to help forge innovative solution sin the workplace or to provide input on safety and health issues.
    • To encourage worker participation in workplace safety and health by organizing a forum aimed at worker outreach whereby ideas and information can be exchanged.
    Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached
    Dissemination Baton Rouge Area Office compliance assistance provided the ABC, Pelican Chapter membership with updates on OSHA events, regulatory, compliance and related nationwide news events through a daily e-mail. Event, Regulatory and Compliance Updates


    Speech / Presentation OSHA Updates were provided by the Area Director, Baton Rouge Area Office during attendance at the monthly safety committee meetings. Regulatory and Compliance Updates


    Training and Education:
    • To develop effective training education programs for construction and industrial contractors regarding building and maintenance issues, and to communicate such information to constituent employers and workers.
    • Develop effective training and education programs for contractors to promote understanding of workers' rights, including the use of the OSHA complaint process and the responsibilities of employers and to communicate such information to workers and employers
    Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached
    Event The ABC, Pelican Chapter safety committee members participated in the annual Louisiana Governor's Safety and Health Conference to promote membership, safety education and training. Occupational Safety and Health Training


    Speech/ Presentation The ABC, Pelican Chapter safety committee held monthly general meetings that included guest speakers presenting on various safety, health and environmental topics and current events. Heat Stress, Electronic Recordkeeping, Silica, Crane Requirements, Situational Awareness


    Outreach and Communication:
    • To develop information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, and to develop way of communicating such information (e.g. print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools, and OSHA's and the ABC, Pelican Chapter Web sites) to employers and works in the industry.
    • To speak, exhibit, or appear at OSHA's and the ABC, Pelican Chapter conferences, local meetings, or other outreach events.
    • To Share information among OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding ABC, Pelican Chapter good practices or effective approaches through training programs, workshops, seminars, and lectures (or any other applicable forum) developed by the participants.
    Activity Type Activity Name/Summary OSHA Areas of Emphasis Supported Number Reached
    Dissemination The ABC, Pelican Chapter recognized OSHA's national initiatives and communicated related information to members. Falls in Construction, Heat Stress


    Event The ABC, Pelican Chapter annually recognizes Workers' Memorial Day as day of remembrance for fallen workers. Workers' Memorial Day


    Event Build Your Future Careers in Construction


    Total Outreach    


  4. Evaluations

    After enduring setbacks and hardships caused by the catastrophic flood event in late 2016, the ABC, Pelican Chapter has resumed normal operations. During the evaluation period, the Alliance has continued to focus on training, education and outreach communications.

  5. Upcoming Milestones

    • Continue Monthly Safety Committee Meetings.
    • Continue to provide Safety outreach to regional high school craft programs.
    • Conduct a safety seminar on emerging trends in the industry, focus four, fall protection or other topics of interest.

Report prepared by:
Alexander Novas, Compliance Assistance Specialist