Region 8 - Alliance Annual Report - January 31, 2008

January 31, 2008

  1. Alliance Background

    Date Signed

    January 31, 2007


    To provide Mountain States Energy Alliance (MSEA) members and others with information, guidance and access to training resources that will help them protect employees' health and safety, especially hazards related to falls and being struck by or caught in equipment or machinery.

    Implementation Team Members

    Megan Meagher – OSHA Denver Area Office CAS
    Dan Klimek – Sisk & Co. Loss Control & Safety Manager


    MSEA Safety Committee

    Evaluation Period

    This report covers the 2 year duration of the alliance from January 25, 2005 – January 27, 2007.

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    1/31/07 – alliance signing with Dan Klimek, Tom Sisk and Herb Gibson; Denver, CO
    2/13/07 – meeting with Dan Klimek to discuss goals for year
    6/6/07 – meeting with Dan Klimek and MSEA safety committee; Fort Lupton, CO
    6/14/07 – meeting with Dan Klimek and MSEA safety committee; Grand Junction, CO
    9/5/07 – meeting with Dan Klimek and MSEA safety committee; Fort Lupton, CO
    9/13/07 – meeting with Dan Klimek and MSEA safety committee; Grand Junction, CO
    12/5/07 – meeting with Dan Klimek and MSEA safety committee; Fort Lupton, CO

  3. Events and Products

    Training and Education

    • Events

      6/6/07 – Presented highlights of recordkeeping requirements to MSEA members on front range

      6/14/07 – Presented highlights of recordkeeping requirements to MSEA members on west slope

      9/5/07 – Provided OSHA update on oil and gas REP to MSEA members on front range

      9/13/06 – Provided OSHA update on oil and gas REP to MSEA members on west slope

      Ongoing – Provide MSEA with notification of OSHA and other training events around the state

    • Products


    Outreach and Communication

    • Events


    • Products

      4/5/07 - Contributed article regarding evaluating chemical exposures to MSEA newsletter

      7/5/07 – Contributed article regarding general OSHA jurisdictions and contact information to MSEA newsletter

      11/28/07 – Contributed article regarding OSHA inspections and emphasis programs to MSEA newsletter

    Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health

    • Events


    • Products


  4. Results

    This alliance continues to raise the awareness level of MSEA members on both the front range and western slope of Colorado about OSHA enforcement activity and major hazards in the oil and gas industry, as well as compliance assistance resources available at the OSHA area offices. In the past year, there have been many new additions to the MSEA in both areas, allowing OSHA to interface with more companies.

    The alliance also provided MSEA members with notification of and opportunities to attend specific training provided by OSHA or others, regular updates on OSHA activity and strategic plan focus areas and an opportunity to interface directly with the CAS.

    Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
    Attend Safety Committee Meetings, provide OSHA updates (5 meetings) 20 owners, managers or company safety/health professionals per meeting (100)
    Recordkeeping Training (Highlights) 40
    MSEA Newsletter article (3 articles) 80 members per newsletter (240)
    TOTAL 380
  5. Upcoming Milestones

    Oil and gas drilling and field servicing has been identified as a focus area for reducing fatalities in FY2008. Region VIII is continuing its emphasis program in this industry and through this alliance we hope to reach employers in this industry proactively and help to prevent fatalities. So far in FY 08, Region VIII has experienced 3 fatalities in the oil and gas industries.

    The CAS will continue to attend quarterly safety committee meetings and provide OSHA updates to members throughout the state as resources permit. This year the CAS will also present a “case study” on an accident of fatality in the industry as a learning tool and will continue to contribute articles periodically to the MSEA newsletter. The implementation team will be discussing training or other methods to address those hazards which cause or contribute to the most injuries, illnesses and fatalities for MSEA member companies as identified by their worker compensation claims.