Region 8 - Alliance Annual Report - October 27, 2010

Colorado Healthcare Association
October 27, 2010

  1. Alliance Background

    Date Signed: September 18, 2008

    Alliance Overview:

    To provide Colorado Healthcare Association (CHCA) members and others in the long term care industry with information, guidance and access to training resources that will help them protect employees' health and safety, especially hazards related to ergonomics, bloodborne pathogens, slips, trips and falls and other hazards common to the long term care industry.

    Implementation Team Members:

    Megan Meagher & Todd Zentner - OSHA Denver Area Office CAS
    George Flynn - OSHA Englewood Area Office CAS
    Mike Testa - RTW Loss Prevention Consultant
    Matthew Krell - A.J. Gallagher Area Senior Vice President
    Brent Hill - CHCA Director of Finance


    CHCA Safety Committee

    Evaluation Period

    September 2009 - September 2010

    Implementation Team Meetings

    11/10/09 - implementation team meeting held
    1/27/10 - implementation team meeting held
    3/17/10 - implementation team meeting held

  2. Events and Products

    Training and Education


    11/12/09 - Present training for CHCA administrators group on OSHA recordkeeping, injury/illness rates, SST program
    3/30/10 - Present training seminar for CHCA on OSHA recordkeeping.
    4/14/10 - Present training seminar for CHCA on OSHA enforcement programs



    Outreach and Communication


    Attend CHCA safety and health committee meetings on 3/17/10, 4/21/10 and 7/21/10.



    Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health





  3. Results

    The alliance raises the awareness level of CHCA members throughout the state of Colorado about OSHA enforcement activity and major hazards in the long term care industry, as well as compliance assistance resources available at the OSHA area offices. Historically, OSHA has not had a strong relationship with this organization. The alliance allows us to be more involved and break down barriers with CHCA members while providing them with regular updates on OSHA activity, including strategic plan focus areas, and an opportunity to interface directly with the Colorado CAS's.

    Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.)

    Number of Individuals Reached or Trained

    Attend Safety Committee Meetings, provide OSHA updates (3 meetings)

    20 facility administrators, DON’s, SDC’s, and CHCA executives (60)

    11/12/09 – SST training


    3/30/10 – Recordkeeping training


    4/14/10 – Enforcement programs training




  4. Upcoming Milestones

    The alliance concluded on 9/18/10. OSHA did not feel that this alliance was particularly effective during FY 10. The CHCA safety and health committee cancelled many of their meetings over the course of the year and there was an apparent lack of commitment to the alliance by the CHCA. At the conclusion of this alliance, the area offices did not intend to recommend renewal. However, the CHCA has indicated a desire to formally continue this relationship. They have committed additional support for the alliance and we are in the process of discussing a possible alliance renewal.