[Name of Alliance]
Work Plan

[This is a sample Alliance work plan template. A work plan is a written document developed by the Alliance Implementation Team that describes the specific activities that the Alliance will complete. A work plan should include milestones and target dates, and assigns responsible parties.]

This Work Plan describes Alliance activities to be undertaken during the Alliance agreement timeframe: [date range]. It may be revised at any time with the concurrence of all Alliance signatories.

Alliance signatories:
[Add organization signatory/signatories]

Alliance objectives:
[List objectives as elaborated in the Alliance agreement]

  1. [Objective 1. Example: Share information on OSHA’s National Initiatives (Emphasis Programs, Regulatory Agenda, Outreach), and opportunities to participate in initiatives and the rulemaking process.]
  2. [Objective 2. Example: Share information on occupational safety and health laws and standards, including the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.]
  3. [Objective 3]
  4. [Objective 4]
  5. [Objective 5]
  6. [Objective 6]

[In this template, the top row lists an objective from the agreement and the rows below elaborate the activities to be undertaken pursuant to that objective. If planned activities relate to more than one objective you may group the objectives in one table (see example). Create as many tables as needed to elaborate planned activities pertaining to all objectives in the agreement.]


Objective 1: Share information on OSHA's National Initiatives (Emphasis Programs, Regulatory Agenda, Outreach), and opportunities to participate in initiatives and the rulemaking process.

Objective 2: Share information on occupational safety and health laws and standards, including the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.
Activity Emphasis Area(s) Evaluation Metric Timeline
Disseminate information and resources to [Alliance participant] members and other stakeholders, as appropriate, regarding:
• The Fall Prevention Campaign and annual Fall Stand-Down event Fall Prevention, Fall Stand-Down Number of people reached  
• The Heat Illness Prevention Campaign Heat Illness Prevention Number of people reached  
• The Safe + Sound Campaign and annual Safe + Sound Week event Safety & Health Programs, Safe + Sound Number of people reached  
• OSHA's enforcement initiatives (e.g., Special Emphasis Programs) and significant activities related to the [specify] industry Temporary Workers, and others, as appropriate Number of people reached  
• OSHA's regulatory activities, including new and revised regulations and opportunities to participate in the rulemaking process As appropriate Number of people reached  
• Safety and health laws and standards, including the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers As appropriate Number of people reached  
• OSHA, Alliance Program, and Alliance Program participant-produced compliance assistance resources (e.g., guidance documents). As appropriate Number of people reached  
• OSHA's On-Site Consultation Program and Cooperative Programs such as the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program and the Voluntary Protection Program Small business, and others, as appropriate Number of people reached  
Objective 3:
Activity Emphasis Area(s) Evaluation Metric Timeline
Objective 4:
Activity Emphasis Area(s) Evaluation Metric Timeline
Objective 5:
Activity Emphasis Area(s) Evaluation Metric Timeline
Objective 6:
Activity Emphasis Area(s) Evaluation Metric Timeline
Objective 7:
Activity Emphasis Area(s) Evaluation Metric Timeline