Frequently Used General Industry Terms

English to Spanish:

OSHA Dictionary
Frequently used General Industry

Inglés a Español:

Diccionario de OSHA
Términos Generales frecuentemente

Pronunciation Guide Overview

Unlike English, Spanish spelling is very phonetic - that is, the letters consistently correspond to the same sounds. Some of those sounds are difficult for an English-speaking tongue to handle, but fortunately, the resulting English accent won't usually get in the way of understanding.

Spanish vowels are very short and pure compared to English ones. Even in unaccented syllables, they are pronounced clearly - completely unlike in English, where unaccented vowels all sound like the vowel in but. You need to remember that there is no such sound in Spanish. It may feel strange to pronounce every vowel, but Spanish won't work without doing it. Spanish vowels correspond to the vowels in the following English words:

  • a = "father"
  • e = "bet"
  • i = "be"
  • o = "go"
  • u = "to"

Two vowels together can be more challenging. In this guide, the letters "w" and "y" are used to indicate when they glide together as in some English words. For example:

  • ay = "side"
  • auw = "sound"
  • ie = "yen"
  • ey = "say"

No attempt is made in this pronunciation guide to approximate the real Spanish sounds of "b," "v," and "d," because trying to remember to pronounce them correctly can be very distracting and make you self-conscious if you are a beginner. It may take time, but you'll pick them up on your own by listening to others talk. Meanwhile, getting them wrong won't prevent others' understanding of your meaning.

Another consonant sound that can be challenging for a native English speaker is the trilled "r," represented by rr. In this pronunciation guide, the trill is approximated by repeating the "r" sound twice, as in [in-ter-rup-TOR] for interruptor.

You may be accustomed to seeing pocket pronunciation guides that use common words of English to approximate the sounds of Spanish, like [deer-ek-SEE-yon] for dirección. We have avoided that approach for two reasons:

  1. It perpetuates bad pronunciation of Spanish by not teaching you to keep your vowels short.
  2. By relying on the un-phonetic and irregular spellings of English, it masks the regularity and predictability of the pronunciation of Spanish, making it harder for you to learn.


Abatement Corrección [ko-rek-SYON]
Abatement period Periodo de corrección [per-YO-do de ko-rek-SYON]
Accident Accidente [ak-si-DEN-te]
Address Dirección [di-rek-SYON], domicilio [do-mi-SIL-yo]
Air Aire [AY-ir]
Appeal Apelar [a-pel-AR]
Approve Aprobar [a-pro-BAR]
Authorize Autorizar [auw-to-ri-SAR]


Break the law, rule Quebrantar la ley [ke-bran-TAR la le], la norma [la NOR-ma]


CSHO Oficial de cumplimiento de seguridad y salud [o-fi-SYAL de kum-pli-MYEN-to de se-gur-i-DAD i sal-UD], Inspector de OSHA [in-spek-TOR de o-SHA]
Catastrophe Catástrofe [ka-TAS-tro-fe]
Citation Citación [si-ta-SYON]
Company Compañía [kam-pan-YI-a], empresa [em-PRE-sa]
Complaint Queja [KE-ha], querella [ke-RE-ya], demanda [de-MAN-da], denuncia [de-NUN-sya], reclamo [re-KLA-mo]
Complainant Querellante [ke-re-YAN-te], quejista [ke-HIS-ta], demandante [de-man-DAN-te], denunciante [de-nun-SYAN-te], reclamante [re-kla-MAN-te]
Compliance assistance Asistencia en cumplimiento [a-sis-TEN-sya en cum-pli-MYEN-to], asistencia para conformidad [a-sis-TEN-sya PA-ra kon-for-mi-DAD]
Comply Cumplir [kum-PLIR]
Contest Impugnación [im-pug-na-SYON], apelación [a-pe-la-SYON]


danger peligro
dangerous peligroso
demonstrate demostrar
department departamento
Department of Labor Departamento del Trabajo, Ministerio de Trabajo
deposition deposición
develop desarrollar
director director
discipline disciplina
disciplinary disciplinario
discrimination discrimen, discriminación
disease enfermedad
display exhibir, mostrar
division división


Egregious violation Infracción flagrante [in-frak-SYON fla-GRAN-te]
Employee (s) Trabajador(es) [tra-ba-DOR / tra-ba-DOR-es], empleado(s) [em-ple-A-do(s), obrero(s) [o-BRE-ro(s)]
Employee representative Representante de los trabajadores / empleados [re-pre-sen-TAN-te de los tr-ba-DOR-es / em-ple-A-dos]
Employer Representante del empleador [re-pre-sen-TAN-te del em-ple-A-dor], patrono [pat-RO-no], patrón [pat-RON], jefe [HE-fe], empresario [em-pre-SAR-yo]
Enforce Imponer [im-po-NER], fiscalizar [fis-kal-i-SAR], hacer cumplir [A-ser KUM-plir]
Establishment Establecimiento [es-tab-le-si-MYEN-to]


Fatality Fatalidad [fa-ta-li-DAD], muerte [MWER-te]
First aid Primeros auxilios [pri-MER-os auwk-SIL-yos], primera ayuda [pri-MER-a ay-U-da]
Follow-up inspections Inspección de verificación [in-spek-SYON de ve-ri-fi-CA-syon], inspección de seguimiento [in-spek-SYON de se-gi-MYEN-to]


Guideline Guía [GI-ya]


Hazard (s) Riesgo(s) [ri-ES-go(s)], peligro(s) [pe-LI-gro(s)]
Hazard communication Comunicación de riesgos [ko-mu-ni-ka-SYON de ri-ES-gos]
Health hazard Riesgo contra la salud [ri-ES-go KON-tra la sal-UD], peligro a la salud [pe-LI-gro a la sal-UD]
Hearing loss Perdida de audición [per-DI-da de auw-di-SYON]
Hygiene Higiene [I-jyen]


Illness (es) Enfermedad (es) [en-fer-me-DAD / en-fer-me-DAD-es]
Imminent danger Peligro inminente [pe-LI-gro in-mi-NEN-te]
Industrial hygiene (ist) Higiene (higienista) industrial male: [I-jyen in-dus-TRYAL], female: [i-jyen-IS-ta in-dus-TRYAL]
Injury (ies) Lesión (es) [le-SYON / le-SYON-es]
Inspect Inspeccionar [in-spek-syon-AR]
Interview Entrevistar [en-tre-vis-TAR], entrevista [en-tre-VIS-ta]
Investigation Investigación [in-ves-ti-ga-SYON]


Jurisdiction Jurisdicción [hu-ris-dik-SYON]


Knowledge Conocimiento [ko-no-si-MYEN-to]


Last name Apellido [a-pe-YI-do]
What is your last name? ¿Cómo se apellida? [KO-mo se a-pe-YI-da?] ¿Cuál es su apellido? [kwal es su a-pe-YI-da?]
Law Ley [ley]


Machine (n) Máquina [MA-ki-na]
Management Administración [ad-min-is-tra-SYON], gerencia [he-REN-sya]
Mandatory Obligatorio [ob-li-ga-TOR-yo]
Medical treatment Tratamiento médico [tra-ta-MYEN-to ME-di-ko]


Name Nombre [NOM-bre]
What is your name? ¿Como se llama? [KO-mo se YA-ma?], ¿Cuál es su nombre? [kwal es su NOM-bre?]


Occupational Ocupacional [o-ku-pa-SYON-al], laboral [la-bor-AL], en el trabajo [en el tra-BA-ho]
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional [ad-min-is-tra-SYON de se-gur-i-DAD i sal-UD o-ku-pa-syon-AL] Administración de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo [ad-min-is-tra-SYON de se-gur-i-DAD i sal-UD en el tra-BA-ho], Administración de Seguridad y Salud Laboral [ad-min-is-tra-SYON de se-gur-i-DAD i sal-UD la-bor-AL]
OSH Act Acta OSH [AK-ta o e-se a-she], Ley de OSHA [ley de la OSHA]
Other than serious violation Infracción no seria [in-frak-SYON no SER-ya]
Owner Dueño [DWEN-yo]


Penalize Multar [mul-TAR], penalizar [pe-na-li-SAR]
Penalty Multa [MUL-ta], penalidad [pe-na-li-DAD], sancíon [sank-SYON]
Person Persona [per-SO-na]
Place of employment / workplace Planta de trabajo [PLAN-ta de tra-BA-ho], lugar de trabajo [lu-GAR de tra-BA-ho]
Poster Póster [POS-ter], cartelón [kar-te-LON]


Question (n) Pregunta [pre-GUN-ta]
Question (v) Preguntar [pre-gun-TAR], cuestionar [kwes-tyon-AR]


Record Registro de exposición del empleado [re-HIS-tro de eks-po-si-SYON del em-ple-A-do]
Regulation Reglamento [reg-la-MEN-to], regla [REG-la]
Repeat violation Infracción repetida [in-frak-SYON re-pe-TI-da], violencia repetida [vi-o-LEN-sya re-pe-TI-da]
Report Informe [in-FOR-me], reporte [re-POR-te]
Rights Derechos [de-RE-chos]
Rule Regla [REG-la], norma [NOR-ma]


Safety Seguridad [se-gu-ri-DAD]
Safety hazards Riesgos a la seguridad [ri-ES-gos a la se-gu-ri-DAD], peligros a la seguridad [pe-LI-gros a la se-gu-ri-DAD]
Safety Compliance Officer Oficial de Cumplimiento en Seguridad [o-fi-SYAL de kum-pli-MYEN-to en se-gur-i-DAD] , Oficial de Vigilancia en Seguridad [o-fi-SYAL de vi-hil-AN-sya en se-gur-i-DAD]
Sampling Muestreo [mwes-TRE-yo]
Serious Serio [SER-yo], grave [GRA-ve]
Serious violation Infracción seria [in-frak-SYON SER-ya]
Severity Severidad [se-ve-ri-DAD]
Standards Normas [NOR-mas], reglas [REG-las], estándares [es-TAN-dar-es]


Training Entrenamiento [en-tren-a-MYEN-to], adiestramiento [ad-yes-tra-MYEN-to], capacitación [ka-pa-si-ta-SYON], formación [for-ma-SYON], educación [e-du-ka-SYON], instrucción [in-struk-SYON]


Union Sindicato [sin-di-KA-to], unión [un-YON], unión laboral [un-YON la-bor-AL]
Union representative Representante laboral [re-pre-sen-TAN-te la-bor-AL]


Violation Infracción [in-frak-SYON], violación [vi-o-la-SYON]


Walkaround Recorrido [re-kor-RI-do]
Willful violation Infracción intencionada [in-frak-SYON in-ten-syon-A-da], infracción intencional [in-frak-SYON in-ten-syon-AL]
Worker Trabajador (a) male: [tra-ba-ha-DOR]; female: [tra-ba-ha-DOR-a]
Working conditions Condiciones laborales [kon-di-si-ON-es la-bor-AL-es]
Workplace Lugares de trabajo [lu-GAR-es de tra-BA-ho], planta de trabajo [PLAN-ta de tra-BA-ho]