- Record Type:OSHA Instruction
- Current Directive Number:ADM 12.5 CH-1
- Old Directive Number:ADM 12.5 CH-1
- Title:Change 1 to the OSHA instruction ADM 12.5, OSHA Compliance Records
- Information Date:

OSHA Instruction ADM 12.5 CH-1 June 28, 1993 Office of Management Systems and Organization
Subject: Change 1 to OSHA Instruction ADM 12.5, OSHA Compliance Records
A. Purpose. This change instruction transmits revised pages to OSHA Instruction ADM 12.5.
B. Scope. This instruction applies OSHA-wide.
C. Reference. OSHA instruction ADM 12-7.4, Safety Fatality and Catastrophe Case File Disposition.
D. Action.
- 1. Remove pages F-3 thru F-7 and replace them with the attached
changed pages. Changes are marked in the left margin by a vertical
- 2. File this transmittal page after the signature page of the
instruction as a record of this change.
E. Explanation.
- 1. The disposition period for safety fatality/catastrophe
inspection case files was changed form a 10 year retention to Permanent
retention for item 9 on page F-4. In order to capture all safety
fatality/catastrophe inspection case files, the disposition for item 24,
safety inspections closed on or before September 30, 1982 on page F-7 was
also changed form 10 years to Permanent. Refer to OSHA Instruction ADM
12-7.4 for the new disposition instructions for these permanent
- 2. The references to OSHA Instruction ADM 12.6A in items 11 and 12
on page F-5 have been removed because that instruction was
David C. Zeigler Director Administrative Programs
Distribution: National, Regional and Area Offices, OASAM
TITLE: General Material TITLE: Policy Material
DESCRIPTION: General correspondence DESCRIPTION: Records and other and other material relating to materials reflecting policy, inspection activities in federally precedent, and the like relating inspected States or within Federal to planning, developing, and agencies. directing the Federal Inspection Program. The Agency Record Copy of these documents is maintained in other offices. This material does not include published include published instructions, notices, and other directives, manuals, and the like.
DISPOSITION: a. Record Copy: DISPOSITION: Destroy when
- Destroy when 3 years superseded or obsolete.
- b. Other Copies: Destroy when 2 years
TITLE: Reports TITLE: Activity Reports
DESCRIPTION: Covers all inspection DESCRIPTION: Periodic summaries of or compliance activities except those work performed by administrative or which are covered elsewhere in this program personnel. schedule such as reports properly part of an inspection case file. The Agency Record Copy of substantive reports is maintained in other offices.
DISPOSITION: a. Record Copy: DISPOSITION: Destroy when 2
- Destroy when 3 years years old. old.
- b. Other Copies: Destroy when 2 years
TITLE: Meetings/ TITLE: Active/Open Committees Case files
DESCRIPTION: Meetings and committees, DESCRIPTION: Includes all that relate to safety and health inspection case files upon which inspection functions and activities. an action remains to be completed. The Agency Record Copy of these Except inspection case files in records is maintained in other offices. contest, see Item 16. Does not include advisory committees.
DISPOSITION: Destroy when 3 years old DISPOSITION: Place in closed case or when no longer needed for file after all actions have been reference. completed. See items 7 thru 13 below.
TITLE: Closed Safety TITLE: Safety General Duty Inspections Inspections
DESCRIPTION: Safety inspection case DESCRIPTION: Consists of case files relating to a specific safety files of safety inspectios where inspection in a specific establishment. General Duty Clause (5.a.1 of the Includes related follow up Act) violations occured. Includes inspections and Proposed Modification related follow up inspecitons and of Abatement (PMA) monitoring reports. PMA monitoring reports.
EXCEPT: Combined health and safety EXCEPT: Case files involving inspections, General Duty safety fatalities or catastrophes, see inspections, safety in-compliance Item 9. inspecitons, safety fatality and catastrophe inspections classified as special interest, see items 8 thru 12 below.involving fatalities
DISPOSITION: a. Record Copy. DISPOSITION: a. Record Copy.
- Transfer to Federal Transfer to FRC
Records Center (FRC) not later than not later than 3
3 years after years after case case is
closed. is closed. Destroy 10 years after case is
Destroy 6 years after closed. case is
- b. Other Copies. Destroy b. Other
Copies. material not placed in Destroy material the
record copy when not placed in the file is consolidated.
record copy when file is consolidated.
|ITEM NUMBER: 9 ITEM NUMBER: 10 | |TITLE: Safety Fatalities/ TITLE: Safety In-Compliance | Catastrophes Inspections | |DESCRIPTION: Case files of safety DESCRIPTION: Case files of safety |inspections involving Catastrophes inspections where no violations |fatalites and/or catastrophes. were cited. Includes inspections |Includes related follow-up where only a records review was |inspections and PMA monitoring conducted. |reports. | |THIS ITEM HAS BEEN SUPERSEDED BY |SCHEDULE N1-100-90-1, ITEM 23. |REFER TO OSHA INSTRUCTION |ADM 12-7.4 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. | |DISPOSITION: a. Record Copy. DISPOSITION: a. Record Copy. | Transfer to FRC not Destroy 3 years | later than 3 years after case is | after case is closed. closed. | Destroy 10 years | after case is | closed. | | b. Other Copies. Destroy b. Other Copies. | material not placed in Destroy material | the record copy when file not placed in the | is consolidated. record copy when file is consolidated.
TITLE: Health Inspections TITLE: Non-Sampling Health
- Inspections
DESCRIPTION: Case files of DESCRIPTION: Case files of industrial hygiene inspections and industrial hygiene inspections combined safety and industrial and combined health and safety hygiene inspecitons. Includes in-compliance inspections. health and combined health and Consists of inspections where safety in-compliance inspections. sampling data was not collected. Also included follow up inspections and PMA monitoring reports. EXCEPT: Combined health and safety (Also refer to OSHA instruction inspections which involve safety ADM 12.6 for information regarding General Duty Clause inspections, asbestos-related records.) dispose in accordance with Item 8.
- (Also refer to OSHA Instruction ADM 12.6 for
information regarding asbestos-related
DISPOSITION: a. Record Copy. DISPOSITION: a. Record Copy.
- Transfer to FRC not Transfer to FRC
later than 3 years not later than Destroy 40 years after
3 years after case is closed. case
is closed.
- Destroy 6 years after case is
- b. Other Copies. b. Other
Copies. Destroy material not Destroy material placed
in the record copy placed in the when file is consolidated.
record copy when file is consolidated.
TITLE: Non-Formal Complaints TITLE: Reserved and Referrals
DESCRIPTION: Inspection case files DESCRIPTION: Reserved relating to complaints and Referrals or referrals concerning unsafe or unhealthy conditions in an establishment. No inspection is made of the establishment. Except for nonformal complaints which become formal and referrals which result in an inspection, see Items 8 thru 12, as appropriate.
- Destroy when 3 years old.
- b. Other Copies. Destroy material not placed in the
record copy when the file is consolidated.
TITLE: Reserved TITLE: Contested
- Cases Duplicate File
DESCRIPTION: Reserved DESCRIPTION: This category
- covers duplicate inspection case files when the
establishment or firm appeals a citation or penalty. The original file is
sent to the Solicitor and remains there until the appeal is decided. After
the original file is returned to the originating office, merge the duplicate
file into the original file destroying all duplicate
DISPOSITION: DISPOSITION: When the original file is returned to the originating office, merge the duplicate file into the original file destroying all duplicate documentation. Dispose in accordance with the applicable inspection case file disposition item.
TITLE: Reserved TITLE: Establishment Files
DESCRIPTION: Reserved DESCRIPTION: Case files of
- establishments, companies, firms or Federal, State
or local government worksites which do not relate to a specific inspection.
This includes health hazard evaluations, process descriptions, production
data, product toxicity data, engineering controls, Federal agency action
plans, lists of competent persons, and any other information of value
relating to safety and health matters.
DISPOSITION: DISPOSITION: Destroy when establishment or firm no longer exists or when no longer needed, whichever occurs first.
TITLE: Refused and Attempted TITLE: Invalid Complaints Inspection Files
DESCRIPTION: Records and other DESCRIPTION: Complaints which materials relating to proposed are not related to occupational inspections which did not occur safety and health or are not because entry was denied by the covered by OSHA. Includes establishment and a magistrate, appeals where the area office the Solicitor, or the agency made director determines the complaint a determination not to proceed. is invalid for redress and the Also includes proposed inspections complaint appeals the decision. which did not occur because a decision was made not to attempt EXCEPT: Successful appeals which are an inspection because the firm was filed elsewhere in this schedule. no longer in operation, the coourrence of a labor action, or a similar situation.
DISPOSITION: a. Record Copy. DISPOSITION: Destroy when 1 year
- Destroy when 3 years old. old.
- b. Other Copies. Destroy when 1 year
TITLE: Discrimination TITLE: Reserved
DESCRIPTION: Records dealing with DESCRIPTION: Reserved employer discrimination or retaliation (under Section 11(c) of the Act) against employees who report violations of the Act or cooperate with OSHA inspections. Consists of copies of materials sent to another office for investigation. Does not include investigative files.
DISPOSITION: Destroy when 1 year old. DISPOSITION:
TITLE: Compliance Index File |TITLE: Safety Inspections Closed
- | on or before September | 30, 1982 |
DESCRIPTION: This file consists of |DESCRIPTION: Includes all safety
card files (OSHA 47 or equivalent |inspection case files closed on or
including predecessor or successor | before September 30, 1982 forms)
or information maintained in | office automation equipment or in
|THIS ITEM HAS BEEN SUPERSEDE BY printout form as an alternative used
|SCHEDULE N1-100-90-1, ITEM 23. to provide reference and case tracking
|REFER TO OSHA INSTRUCTION capabilities for the inspection case |ADM
12-7.4 FOR ADDITIONAL files.
DISPOSITION: Destroy when no longer |DISPOSITION: a. Record Copy. need for reference but not later than | Transfer to FRC if 40 years after case is closed or 12 | 3 years of years after State assumes inspection | retention period duties. | remains. Destroy | 10 years after | case is closed. | | b. Other Copies. | Destroy material | not placed in the | record copy when | file is | consolidated.
TITLE: Health Inspections Closed on or before September 30, 1982
DESCRIPTION: Includes all industrial hygiene inspection case files and combined safety and industrial hygiene inspection case files closed on or before September 30, 1982.
DISPOSITION: a. Record Copy.
- Transfer to FRC if 3 years of the retention period remains.
Destroy 40 years after case is closed.
- b. Other Copies. Destroy material not placed in the
record copy when file is consolidated.